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Former CIA Officer Sarah: India is using taliban to attack citizens in Pakistan


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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It's not Taliban

The defeat of India, U.S, NATO and Afghan republic was a MAJOR VICTORY

20 years, that's two decades of U.S, Indian and Afghan planning was destroyed

It was a major major victory of Pakistani planning

Afghanistan is not Taliban, you have multiple groups, that's the problem

You have many humiliated afghans
Ex Afghan military

These guys are butt hurt, humiliated and saw the collapse of their country

The Indians saw 20 years of planning, plotting and billions in investment destroyed

It was inevitable that these two forces would link up

I always said the REASON, CHINA CAME ONTO THE LAC TO HUMILIATE INDIA, was to pin it down

Whilst Pakistan dealt with Afghanis fallout

This is a decade long project, to resolve the issues with Afghanistan, kick out the Afghan population and deal with the afghans in a more normal way states deal with each other

Once that is complete, we will go after the Hindus, Kashmir, khalistan, Indian Muslims everything will be up for grabs to push for multiple independence movements against a common hindutva enemy

It is time to go very hard at Hindutvatis for sure.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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It is time to go very hard at Hindutvatis for sure.

That's the plan, what we need is for afghans to see sense and not spread constant fassad

It's only been a couple of years since the fall of the republic

The hope was afghans would see sense, Afghanistan desperately needs support, open borders, port access, trade etc from Pakistan

So national need should trump anything else.
But the Afghans are a utter mess of a people, even if the core Taliban see some sense, other groups can cause chaos and the core Taliban are not in a position to go after them

Combine this with ethnocentrism in our own tribal areas and it's a headache, that will require repeated IBOs and a slamming of afghans and we have no choice in the matter

With china in the LAC, India is stuck in Kashmir and won't and can't do anything against two well entrenched forces

It's failure in Afghanistan was painful and this is it's back up policy to try and strike back

We now need to resolve this and go after the hindutva and use the hindutva to spread fassad inside india


Apr 14, 2024
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That's the plan, what we need is for afghans to see sense and not spread constant fassad

It's only been a couple of years since the fall of the republic

The hope was afghans would see sense, Afghanistan desperately needs support, open borders, port access, trade etc from Pakistan

So national need should trump anything else.
But the Afghans are a utter mess of a people, even if the core Taliban see some sense, other groups can cause chaos and the core Taliban are not in a position to go after them

Combine this with ethnocentrism in our own tribal areas and it's a headache, that will require repeated IBOs and a slamming of afghans and we have no choice in the matter
Delusions doesn't help. Afghanistan also has borders with Iran, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan so in no way it's solely dependent on Pakistan.

Anyways, whomsoever are the unknown gunmen, ultimate responsibilty for internal security lies with security establishment and they need to step up and protect their assets rather than blaming Afghans or Indians.


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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TTP ka bacha. You guys always use terrorism to justify your henious Hindutva acts. Now your Taliban brothers are going to pay the price. Afghans are snakes like the Indians. There is only more suffering for Afghan snakes. You will see soon enough.
kill Pakistan-based anti-India terrorists sounds very specific anti-terrorism operation rather than terrorism. Not much different than Bin Laden raid on Abbottabad, but at a lower cost and risk. You can't call Bin Laden raid terrorism, can you?


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Delusions doesn't help. Afghanistan also has borders with Iran, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan so in no way it's solely dependent on Pakistan.

Anyways, whomsoever are the unknown gunmen, ultimate responsibilty for internal security lies with security establishment and they need to step up and protect their assets rather than blaming Afghans or Indians.

Those countries don't give a crap about afghans, they don't have millions of namak haram Afghans running around causing chaos and they won't tolerate any bullshit from afghans.

It would be better if afghans trade using those routes, then constantly causing problems in Pakistan

Sure, it's the security establishments responsibility and initially they can be quite reasonable

But a tipping point is reached where if the Afghans continue to create fassad and deshatgardi then the response can no longer be reasonable and you need to deport the millions of Afghans make a hard border and start using the military to slaughter the enemy

I've said this before if afghanis were Hindus we would have mass murdered them decades ago, would never have helped them against USSR etc and never tolerated their presence in Pakistan

Afghanis rather then being great full have caused endless problems and now it's enough


Full Member
Mar 20, 2023
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TTP ka bacha. You guys always use terrorism to justify your henious Hindutva acts. Now your Taliban brothers are going to pay the price. Afghans are snakes like the Indians. There is only more suffering for Afghan snakes. You will see soon enough.
Do it. We exactly want you to fight with Taliban. They are giving you a run for the money. You invited this problem into your backyard. The former US state secratary Hillary Clinton warned you about growing snakes in your backyard.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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This woman is totally badass. Im not a fan of the Americans. Soviet era Indian boy that I am. But those guys can fight. Heard the same from my fauji batchmates. There is a steel fighter core in that nation that gets transplanted even into immigrants.

The other thing that is shocking to me are the numbers she is talking about when it comes to the Al Qaeda and the Taliban these (especially the Taliban) are proper armies. No wonder the Pakistan Army is stretched on its western border and internally.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Indian media has taken up that as well

- Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) targeting officer and author Sarah Adams has said that the Indian government or the intelligence agencies are providing money to the Taliban and employing their networks to kill Pakistan-based anti-India terrorists who have been waging jihad in Kashmir. India has allegedly targeted leaders of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and Al Badr Mujahideen.

Sarah Adams was speaking on Shawn Ryan Show, the video of which was uploaded on 10th June on YouTube. She claimed that India has given the Taliban $10 million and has been taking care of the personal security of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada (the supreme leader of the Taliban). She claimed that India could also be behind the killings of the pro-Khalsitan elements.

She stated, β€œSo I was trying to find the US money but then there’s all these other pots of money right and so then you’re kind of like okay what’s happening with them? India does this thing where they give a little bit of money. I told you how there’s Mullah Yaqoob, Mullah Omar’s son, he has another brother Daud. India kind of works with him and they give him money. It’s just kind of like the little things they do with the Baloch like the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan). It’s like the things they do to poke Pakistan. They have that going on which I knew about. Then I heard they gave $10 million to Mullah Yaqoob. They went up a step and it’s like well what’s this 10 million for and what are they doing with it? The 10 million went to fund the Gecko base. I’ve never worked in the Gecko base. So it is now the location of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada’s personal security.”

Sarah Adams mentioned, β€œIt’s like the Indian government or you know probably Intel service is funding his personal security. This makes no sense and it’s not even tons of money compared to what we’re putting in so I have all these questions. What is India getting and also really what’s the Taliban getting because they don’t give a damn about $10 million? This is going to sound like the craziest thing ever but what the Indians and the Taliban are doing, I kid you not, India is using the Taliban’s network to assassinate Kashmiri militants in Pakistan.”

The ex-CIA officer revealed, β€œThey’re using the Taliban networks and then they’re doing these assassinations. They’re happening all over Pakistan like in Lahore, Karachi and other parts. This is really risky for the Taliban if people find out. It seems like it could rock the boat. They are using their networks and are the Taliban networks that good to take out senior Kashmiri people? Maybe and maybe they’re not. The interesting part and my theory is that India gains what they’re gaining. These are terrorists and some of these guys they wanted for 30 years. I went through a list of 18 of them. I don’t know if they’re all dead. Pakistan could have heard India had come to kill them and put some of them in a safe house. So there are 18 targeted. I went through all 18 to make sure I knew who they were because I’ve worked on Kashmir forever and to see what group they were. I went through all of them and they were the groups you can imagine, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and the last one was Al Badr Mujahideen.”

Sarah Adams is an award-winning targeting officer and global threat advisor with a wealth of domestic and international experience, according to Wolf Global. In addition to supporting risk reduction and crisis management initiatives, she concentrates her practice on intelligence and investigations. She has previously worked with the US Government’s intelligence operations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. She has also held positions in the government and nonprofit sectors.

well try decoding it all .. n the nutshell she is saying that ISI is trying to make a smoke screen as if its R&AW thats using Taliban for killing anty Indian elements related in past in Punjab and Kashmir insurgency .... but infact thats the job done by ISI under its cleaning the backyard policy ...... and they are fooling no one but gulliblle internet worriors of LAND OF THE PURE ;) :p

download (2).jpg


Sep 14, 2006
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Indian media has taken up that as well

- Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) targeting officer and author Sarah Adams has said that the Indian government or the intelligence agencies are providing money to the Taliban and employing their networks to kill Pakistan-based anti-India terrorists who have been waging jihad in Kashmir. India has allegedly targeted leaders of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and Al Badr Mujahideen.

Sarah Adams was speaking on Shawn Ryan Show, the video of which was uploaded on 10th June on YouTube. She claimed that India has given the Taliban $10 million and has been taking care of the personal security of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada (the supreme leader of the Taliban). She claimed that India could also be behind the killings of the pro-Khalsitan elements.

She stated, β€œSo I was trying to find the US money but then there’s all these other pots of money right and so then you’re kind of like okay what’s happening with them? India does this thing where they give a little bit of money. I told you how there’s Mullah Yaqoob, Mullah Omar’s son, he has another brother Daud. India kind of works with him and they give him money. It’s just kind of like the little things they do with the Baloch like the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan). It’s like the things they do to poke Pakistan. They have that going on which I knew about. Then I heard they gave $10 million to Mullah Yaqoob. They went up a step and it’s like well what’s this 10 million for and what are they doing with it? The 10 million went to fund the Gecko base. I’ve never worked in the Gecko base. So it is now the location of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada’s personal security.”

Sarah Adams mentioned, β€œIt’s like the Indian government or you know probably Intel service is funding his personal security. This makes no sense and it’s not even tons of money compared to what we’re putting in so I have all these questions. What is India getting and also really what’s the Taliban getting because they don’t give a damn about $10 million? This is going to sound like the craziest thing ever but what the Indians and the Taliban are doing, I kid you not, India is using the Taliban’s network to assassinate Kashmiri militants in Pakistan.”

The ex-CIA officer revealed, β€œThey’re using the Taliban networks and then they’re doing these assassinations. They’re happening all over Pakistan like in Lahore, Karachi and other parts. This is really risky for the Taliban if people find out. It seems like it could rock the boat. They are using their networks and are the Taliban networks that good to take out senior Kashmiri people? Maybe and maybe they’re not. The interesting part and my theory is that India gains what they’re gaining. These are terrorists and some of these guys they wanted for 30 years. I went through a list of 18 of them. I don’t know if they’re all dead. Pakistan could have heard India had come to kill them and put some of them in a safe house. So there are 18 targeted. I went through all 18 to make sure I knew who they were because I’ve worked on Kashmir forever and to see what group they were. I went through all of them and they were the groups you can imagine, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and the last one was Al Badr Mujahideen.”

Sarah Adams is an award-winning targeting officer and global threat advisor with a wealth of domestic and international experience, according to Wolf Global. In addition to supporting risk reduction and crisis management initiatives, she concentrates her practice on intelligence and investigations. She has previously worked with the US Government’s intelligence operations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. She has also held positions in the government and nonprofit sectors.

Much of this is BS.
So the Deobandi Taliban are going to kill Jaish-e-Mohammed who have the same Imams and Deobandi roots?
Wait it gets better. The Taliban are now siding with India, something which Islamic groups the world over told them can take them out of the fold of Islam. It resulted in many breaking ranks, and they have to go full PR mode and deny any links with India.
About the only thing that has truth in it is that India has hired assassins i.e. paid guns to kill people. Elements of the old Afghan army still also have links with India so there is that as well.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Much of this is BS.
So the Deobandi Taliban are going to kill Jaish-e-Mohammed who have the same Imams and Deobandi roots?
Wait it gets better. The Taliban are now siding with India, something which Islamic groups the world over told them can take them out of the fold of Islam. It resulted in many breaking ranks, and they have to go full PR mode and deny any links with India.
About the only thing that has truth in it is that India has hired assassins i.e. paid guns to kill people. Elements of the old Afghan army still also have links with India so there is that as well.
Funniest part is on Facebook page of Pakistan dfence there were jockers mocking socalled "ENDIANS " about how "ENDIYA KI TEEN BILLION DLOOARRS KI INVESTMENT AFGHANITAN ME AUGUST WALLE DIN DOOB GAYEE " and how estatic PTI was about so called ZEHNI AZAADI .... and remmeber your ISI chief having so called CUP OF TEA in Kabul "JUST after" USA left

so in short in Hassan Nisar words Pakistan's Afghan Policy to make Afghan as its FIFTH PROVINCE and use so called AFGHAN /GOOD TALIBAN as STRATEGICK ASSET in the end prooved again to be a disatrous tale of

  • Haha
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Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Funniest part is on Facebook page of Pakistan dfence there were jockers mocking socalled "ENDIANS " about how "ENDIYA KI TEEN BILLION DLOOARRS KI INVESTMENT AFGHANITAN ME AUGUST WALLE DIN DOOB GAYEE " and how estatic PTI was about so called ZEHNI AZAADI .... and remmeber your ISI chief having so called CUP OF TEA in Kabul "JUST after" USA left

so in short in Hassan Nisar words Pakistan's Afghan Policy to make Afghan as its FIFTH PROVINCE and use so called AFGHAN /GOOD TALIBAN as STRATEGICK ASSET in the end prooved again to be a disatrous tale of


The Afghan Republic, plus India, and U.S, NATO was a long term strategic threat to Pakistan and the region

It was dealt with, it was infact a incredible victory bringing down the Afghan Republic and kicking out the other enemies

The Taliban at the end of the day are still Afghans and their was always going to be a security threat, because Afghans will be Afghans

But the vast majority of the Afghans will be stuck inside Afghanistan and the border will be sufficient to keep them their
Afghanistan will also require considerable support and trade and friendship in order to function, that gives a element of control

The TTP have attempted to create chaos but this far its under control, for a nation of 240 million Pakistan suffers maybe a few hundred deaths of terrorism

That's not that different to India itself, add up all the deaths from Manipur, naxals, Kashmir or hell even communalism and it will exceed what the TTP can do

Post afghan Republic management was always going to be something to resolve

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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The Afghan Republic, plus India, and U.S, NATO was a long term strategic threat to Pakistan and the region

It was dealt with, it was infact a incredible victory bringing down the Afghan Republic and kicking out the other enemies

The Taliban at the end of the day are still Afghans and their was always going to be a security threat, because Afghans will be Afghans

But the vast majority of the Afghans will be stuck inside Afghanistan and the border will be sufficient to keep them their
Afghanistan will also require considerable support and trade and friendship in order to function, that gives a element of control

The TTP have attempted to create chaos but this far its under control, for a nation of 240 million Pakistan suffers maybe a few hundred deaths of terrorism

That's not that different to India itself, add up all the deaths from Manipur, naxals, Kashmir or hell even communalism and it will exceed what the TTP can do

Post afghan Republic management was always going to be something to resolve
Fact is your nation came into bieng so as Soviets dont come down steam rolling Afghans from central Asia and and capture direct trade link to Arabaian Sea and a Sea Port is so called WARM WATERs ... yes it was British that planted that theory in your establishments minds ;) :p

Secondly Afghans were always a Nomadic Tribal society that was always in a fighting era since times of Mahabharta war between Kaurwar and Pandwas to recoreded history of Alexander the great to Kanishka the great to Mohmood Ghaznavi to Mohd.Ghauri to Ahmed Shah Abdaali till they were tamed by Mahraja Ranjeet Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa after which afghans started wearing womens dress of Slwar kameez to escape slaughter by sikhs ;) :p

anway ppoint is Pakistan wanted so called Strategic deapth and waned Afghanistan as its FIFTH Province for which Pakistani Establishment used mix of DEOBANDI ISLAM and Saudi brand of Wahabbi Islam funded by Saudies and weapons & demolition training by CIA experts for which even after 45+ years more than Afghanistan Pakistani nation is still paying the price ;) :p

isko kehtte hain MIYA KI JUTTI MIYA KE SIR ;) :p

Pakistan kept Afghan refugees cause since 1980s it got billions of dollars worth of AID in rations and money to keep those refugees from western europe , UK and USA but threw them out once money stopped coming from USA & west after USA left AF PAK region ;) :p

Pakistan destroyed every last shredd of its socio culturla and economic system in favour of getting easy western aid money which majority was shipowned to Dubai and Europe or UK/USA/Canda by its corrupt elite in its Jeducial or Cilvil or Militarry Beurocracy-elite while no development took place in pakistan rather the infrastructure that was left behind by British crumbelled under the wait of new stress

and now aster USA & NATO finally left and have no use for them Pakistanies and stopped giving money pakistnies to run there nation are desparate to get money from IMF which is now drying up deu to there wrong equations with India and west deu to there obsession with JIHAD and UMMAH KI THEKEDAARRI ;) :p

IN THE NUTSHELL Pakistan to fullfill its obsession to hate hindus made life hell for its own people and those of afghanistan and for that it beacme a mercenarry to fight for USA/NATO against USSR/RUSSIA/IRAN and used afghans & its people as cannon fodder in Afghanistan , Syriya , Jordan and Yemen and today be it Russian or be it Turks or be it Iranians or Afghans or be it Indians or its own homegrown militant organizations all hate it and it has no sympathies either from west or muslim world ;) :p


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Sep 14, 2006
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so in short in Hassan Nisar words Pakistan's Afghan Policy to make Afghan as its FIFTH PROVINCE and use so called AFGHAN /GOOD TALIBAN as STRATEGICK ASSET in the end prooved again to be a disatrous tale of

Yes I've read it and it's not reality.


Sep 14, 2006
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Secondly Afghans were always a Nomadic Tribal society that was always in a fighting era since times of Mahabharta war between Kaurwar and Pandwas to recoreded history of Alexander the great to Kanishka the great to Mohmood Ghaznavi to Mohd.Ghauri to Ahmed Shah Abdaali till they were tamed by Mahraja Ranjeet Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa after which afghans started wearing womens dress of Slwar kameez to escape slaughter by sikhs ;) :p

No Sikh army ever entered Afghanistan, where as Afghan armies went deep into India and certainly past Punjab. Please don't make up things.

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