Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel continues to be stubborn, relying on the global Jewish community in Western nations to secure diplomatic immunity and uninterrupted free access to unlimited supplies of weapons, even at expense of Ukraine, trying to genocide it's way into exterminating a whole nation of Palestinians.

We are not going to allow this extreme genocide to play out on our watch. Americans do not support this. It's the American-Jewish terrorist community that has implemented this policy of advancing Jewish terrorist Supremacism and bankrolled it's genocide. The world also opposes this. The Jewish scumbags are tarnishing America's reputation, disgusting psychotic terrorist filth driving our country into the ground and embarrassing us, making us seem like monsters, with their dirty terrorist monopoly on the government, law, and media. I'm sick and tired of this disgusting devil terrorist entity known as the Jewish people that are full of misery and evil and hate and trying to crush people's humanity with their demonic obsession with control and manipulation of society. It's a shame Muslims don't check this terrorist devil group and teach them a lesson. Like they did in the past.

Don't trust Jewish people. Approach them as enemies. Because that's why they are. They declared war on humanity, not the other way around. Everyone in Europe and Middle East knew this very well. You guys don't understand how kind Europeans and Arabs have been to the Jews. Germans took care of them and Jews decided to destroy German society and turn Germans into wage slaves for the Jews. That's why Germans lost it and revolted against the Jews in WW2. Palestinians welcomed them into Palestine thinking they were like any normal people and this is the result we see today. These are evil and cursed people that God warned us about. They will destroy you if you open your arms for them. Any Muslim or Arab idiot that says normalize with these people or considers Jews as friends with 'Abrahamic Accords' Dajjal one world religion needs to be killed. If you're sitting in the UAE and you don't destroy anything associated with or called 'Abrahamic Accords' then you're complying with this Jew run Dajjal one world religion which is submitting to the Jews and rejecting God.

They destroyed Mexico with the cartel drug trade. And then destroyed Mexican women with the entertainment industry, turning them into whores. And reduced Mexicans to be wage slaves for America by assembling American cars for them. Why don't people understand Jewish devils get into entertainment industry to manipulate society and lifestyle to help ease their way into controlling the society. They're doing this in the UAE and Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Morocco. Corrupt the women through entertainment industry. Men end up changing to impress women. Jews then chokehold you using the US with US threats of sanctions and US offers of protection (military bases). You need to wrestle yourself out of their control. Starting with destroying and crushing the Jewish satanic regime in occupied Palestine. Then you have to make the kill hit against global Jewry. Otherwise they will regroup and try to restore Jewish supremacy.

They destroyed Mexico with the cartel drug trade. And then destroyed Mexican women with the entertainment industry, turning them into whores. And reduced Mexicans to be wage slaves for America by assembling American cars for them. Why don't people understand Jewish devils get into entertainment industry to manipulate society and lifestyle to help ease their way into controlling the society. They're doing this in the UAE and Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Morocco. Corrupt the women through entertainment industry. Men end up changing to impress women. Jews then chokehold you using the US with US threats of sanctions and US offers of protection (military bases). You need to wrestle yourself out of their control. Starting with destroying and crushing the Jewish satanic regime in occupied Palestine. Then you have to make the kill hit against global Jewry. Otherwise they will regroup and try to restore Jewish supremacy.

I hate to shame anyone based on their looks, not just because it's the wrong thing to do but it's not like we're Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt and we don't even have much to work with in the first place anyway, so who the hell are we to diss anyone's looks, right? But gaaadddaaaang look at that face oooofff! If the devil came in a female form????

BTW, Shaytanyahu has already lost this war. Completely!
- He's lost it militarily Hamas hasn't been defeated
- He's lost the hostages
- He's lost majority of his own people's support
- He's entirely lost world public opinion
- He's been accused of war crimes
- And he's certainly losing his PM-ship

Talk about humiliation. That is it on the grandest scale.
I hate to shame anyone based on their looks, not just because it's the wrong thing to do but it's not like we're Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt and we don't even have much to work with in the first place anyway, so who the hell are we to diss anyone's looks, right? But gaaadddaaaang look at that face oooofff! If the devil came in a female form????

BTW, Shaytanyahu has already lost this war. Completely!
- He's lost it militarily Hamas hasn't been defeated
- He's lost the hostages
- He's lost majority of his own people's support
- He's entirely lost world public opinion
- He's been accused of war crimes
- And he's certainly losing his PM-ship

Talk about humiliation. That is it on the grandest scale.
He destroyed Rafa and killed over 50k innocent ppl.
He never gave a shit about hostages this war was all about genocide and he achieved that and got away with it.
Look at the nonchalant way they exhibit their total inhumanity. It's almost as if they're so accustomed to having a strong safety net, that they would never be harmed or affected in any way to the point where they can offer such a descpicable, inhumane opinion and in this comfortable manner. Imagine if somehow the illegally occupied state of Palestine was to end somehow, the rude awakening these earth-wanderers would face?

Jews destoryed society with the entertainment industry. That's how they gain control. They start by corrupting the female. Spamming girls everywhere using women's bodies as tools to corrupt men. Men by average are better than women. They are more religious. Men can resist peer pressure a lot more than women do. Men don't seek constant validation. They just want a girl to settle down with and have a family. This is a man's nature to have a family and be a effective community leader.

When Jews corrupt women with entertainment industry. They turn man's value into how many women he can attract. Despite a man being much more than that. They made marriage difficult to attain, and made it so if you want a girlfriend you have to conform to the entertainment industry norms in order to be 'cool' so women can even consider you. Ofc those norms are all dumb shit like doing drugs, going to concerts, partying, drinking, making your whole life about money and bling and what not. Men by nature do not give a shit about these things. They could care less about this stuff. They care about securing a girlfriend. When they see they can't pull girls for shit anymore thanks to the Jew entertain industry, they cave in and start participating in this dumb shit to be 'cool' so you can potentially find a partner. Back then there was real romance. No dating apps. You meet someone, fall in love, ask her family for her hand. She just focuses on you and you get married. And you married more than one. It was not difficult.

Now thanks to the Jews men have reduced to this state where they have to change their whole personality or fake it to make it just to attract opposite sex. You can't blame them, but then what it does is reduced their whole life to trying to attract women. The way they carry themselves, dress, etc ... It's all revolves around women. So instead of being community leaders in Islamic society and not worrying 24/7 about girls, they're basically dedicating their whole life to feel validated by a woman and have no time or energy for anything else.

So these guys are having their nature violated and become like those that say why did Hamas challenge global Jewry don't do that just them have their way with everything !! Why'd you do that blah blab blah. And none of them will even bother to take it upon themselves to defend their religion, culture, belief system, and people. All because of this entertainment industry. Take out the Jew entertainment industry out of the picture, and encourage women back to their good traits, and you'll see men being much more productive than doing dumb shit like smoking pot all the time so girls think he's cool. Man today needs to make impression that he's living a celebrity lifestyle to be attractive and it's making men much less productive. And ofc they're scared to die and meet God. You can't blame them. Becaude they aren't in a state to do so.

This requires a broad and concentrated effort to remove Jew entertainment industry out of society and Jews don't care about women or anything else , that's for the goyim to keep them busy. Jews care about power, law , and money. And ability to control affairs to secure their interests for whatever reasons they are or think they are.
Look at the nonchalant way they exhibit their total inhumanity. It's almost as if they're so accustomed to having a strong safety net, that they would never be harmed or affected in any way to the point where they can offer such a descpicable, inhumane opinion and in this comfortable manner. Imagine if somehow the illegally occupied state of Palestine was to end somehow, the rude awakening these earth-wanderers would face?

Wow, they interviewed a diverse pool, a young female student, grandma, older aged male, and all of them are giving psychopathic answers devoid of humanity. Apparently it's cute to Western media. They're not brown and saying it so it's okay.

If Palestinians said wipe out Israel and flatten it it will be all over media and they'd be called a death cult and war loving people.

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