Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

  • June 30, 1924 Dutch Jew Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated by Avraham Tehomi on the orders of Haganah leader Yitzhak Ben-Zvi[43] for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders.[44]
  • 1937–1939 During the later stages of the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Mandatory Palestine The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250. The group also killed a number of Jews it deemed guilty of "treason."[45][46]
  • July 15, 1938 A bomb left in the vegetable market in Jerusalem by the Irgun injured 28.[47]
  • July 25, 1938 The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[48]
  • November 6, 1944 Lehi assassinated British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo, Kingdom of Egypt. The action was condemned by the Yishuv at the time, but the bodies of the assassins were brought home from Egypt in 1975 to a state funeral and burial on Mount Herzl.[49]
  • 1944–1945 The killings of several suspected collaborators with the Haganah and the British mandate government during the Hunting Season.
  • 1946 Letter bombs sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernst Bevin, by Lehi.[50]
  • July 26, 1946 The bombing of British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel, killing 91 people — 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 others. Around 45 people were injured. In the literature about the practice and history of terrorism, it has been called one of the most lethal terrorist attacks of the 20th century.[51]
  • 1946 Railways and British military airfields were attacked several times.
  • October 31, 1946 The bombing by the Irgun of the British Embassy in Rome. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured.[52]
  • April 16, 1947 An Irgun bomb placed at the Colonial Office in London failed to detonate.[53] The woman arrested for planting the bomb, alias "Esther," was identified as a Jewess claiming French nationality by the Scotland Yard unit investigating Jewish terrorist activities. The attack was linked to the 1946 Rome embassy bombing.[54][55]
  • 14 June 1947 The Reuters office in Tel Aviv was raided by "Jewish terrorists."[56]
  • July 25, 1947 The Sergeants affair: When death sentences were passed on two Irgun members, the Irgun kidnapped Sgt. Clifford Martin and Sgt. Mervyn Paice and threatened to kill them in retaliation if the sentences were carried out. When the threat was ignored, the hostages were killed. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange grove and left hanging by the neck from trees. An improvised explosive device was set. This went off when one of the bodies was cut down, seriously wounding a British officer.[57]
  • December 1947 – March 1948 Numerous attacks on Palestinian Arabs in the context of civil war after the vote of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
  • 1947 Letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by Lehi.[58]
  • January 5–6, 1948 The Semiramis Hotel bombing, carried out by the Haganah (or, according to some sources, Irgun) resulted in the deaths of 24 to 26 people.
  • April 1948 The Deir Yassin massacre carried out by the Irgun and Lehi, killed between 107 and 120 Palestinian villagers,[59] the estimate generally accepted by scholars.[60][61]
  • September 17, 1948 Lehi assassination of the United Nations mediator Folke Bernadotte,[62][63] whom Lehi accused of a pro-Arab stance during the cease-fire negotiations.
Abu Shusha Massacre (May 1948)
Tantura Massacre (May 1948)
Lydda Massacre (July 1948)
Saliha Massacre (October 1948)
Al-Dawayima Massacre (October, 1948)
Qibya Massacre (October 1953)
Kafr Qasim Massacre (October 1956)
Khan Yunis Massacre (November 1956)
Sabra and Shatila Massacres (September 1982)
Al-Aqsa Massacre (October 1990)
The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre (February 1994)
Jenin Refugee Camp (April 2002)
2008-09: The Gaza Massacre

Is this specific enough for you?
You are wasting your time with this HasbaRAT!!!
Netanyahu and Jewish lobby in the US commanding America and American taxpayers to give substantial amounts of free weapons and ammunition to Israel to continue carpet bombing Gaza as they run out every week. Then some terrorist clown will claim Israel has its hands tied behind its back in Gaza. 🤡


Oh, I remember until some years ago, Israelis bragging about giving Hezbollah such a thrashing in 2006 that, per the Israelis, 'the northern border is quieter than ever before'. In their complicity and arrogance, they kept killing an odd Iranian shipment to Hezbollah while four out of five still made it to Hezbollah. So while the Israelis were satisfied that their deterrence was solid against all, including Hezbollah, the Resistance in the north kept taking it on the chin the Israeli assaults and assassinations. The Resistance showed the 'strategic patience' which many on this forum for years criticized.
But here we are now!! Americans and French are out to offer Hezbollah the Sheba Farms and probably suitcases of $$ bills--easy for the Americans to convert trees to $$ bills--to try to persuade Hezbollah to lay low while Israel can finish off Gaza. The Lebanese economy is probably in the bottom 3 economies of the world but Hezbollah won't allow the greedy politicians, if there are any willing to take the American lollypops, to sell the Lebanese soul and be known in history as the traitors who backstabbed the Palestinian/Muslim cause.

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