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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Putin: We know that Qatar is making tremendous efforts to reach a settlement in Gaza, a ceasefire, and an exchange of detainees.



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Israeli University President Boaz Ganor: “Hamas is a tactical threat, Hezbollah is a strategic threat, and Iran is an existential threat.”

He warned that Israel had fallen into Iran’s trap, spending nine months fighting a player of minimal importance and wasting large amounts of goodwill globally, while Tehran has mostly gotten to sit back and watch.

Further, he said Iran is playing long-term chess, with Israel playing short-term poker.

A great and concise summary of what's happening.
And related to that: For years some PDF members were mocking Iran for keep taking the punches from Israel in Syria, Iraq and even in Iran (such as nuclear scientists assassinated). Iran was called coward and whatnot. But I knew that Iran was building up for the actual long war should it come and for that Iran needed as many proxies with as much weaponry and in as close proximity to Israel as possible, given the long distance from Iran. So even when one out of five Iranian supply truck was bombed, four made it to Syria and Lebanon. And here we are!


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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So if you read this article and you don’t have to be read between the lines they say something has occurred but they can not report it at that moment because military censorship will not allow them at the time of them reporting


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I have seen some American members here defending Israel, in different ways and different levels.
Im genuinly curious why Israel is such a important thing for America. I mean of course from a geopolitical point of view. What makes Israel so spescial that all US presidents and parliament members have to uncomditionally support Israel?
For a foreigner like me, it really stands out. This spectacle seems like a mystery to me.

There are a few reasons but none of them are based on some 'American guilt' over the Holocaust: The Holocaust is on the Europeans (and not just Hitler!) and Americans didn't have any particular love for Jews and even now they don't have that. Even the Christian Evangelicals are pro Israel because of some stupid Biblical fantasy of Rapture and not because of love for Jews.
There are many reasons but THE most predominant is that Israelis have hijacked the American political system and its media through the Israeli lobbies and very rich Jewish Americans. Add in the money laundering schemes and the Military Industrial Complex and the Christian Zionists, we are here. But it wasn't like that all the time. As recent as early 90s, an American President George H. W. Bush actually showed some spine against Israel. He was the last one!

BUT... this parasitic relationship can't last for long and won't last for long! You will see!


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
Israeli University President Boaz Ganor: “Hamas is a tactical threat, Hezbollah is a strategic threat, and Iran is an existential threat.”

He warned that Israel had fallen into Iran’s trap, spending nine months fighting a player of minimal importance and wasting large amounts of goodwill globally, while Tehran has mostly gotten to sit back and watch.

Further, he said Iran is playing long-term chess, with Israel playing short-term poker.

Israel should play checkers. Check itself out of the middle east and go back to Europe.

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