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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The two state solution has been dead for a long time.

The end result of this incremental annexation of the West Bank is an expanded Israel that controls 80-90% of the West Bank with the remaining 10% comprised of remaining Palestinian 'bantustans' (e.g. Hebron, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Tulkarm with a total population of only c. 1 million) totally surrounded by Jewish settlements annexed into Israel.

When this happens, the options will be:
(A) Pressure on Israel to offer these remaining Palestinians Israeli citizenship
(B) Israel offers these remaining bantustans some form of autonomous power and they operate as secluded autonomous Palestinian enclaves with no connection between each other
(C) Israel completes the ethnic cleansing campaign by ramping up settler violence and making the lives of those remaining intolerable, so these areas can also be ethnically cleansed and displaced by Jewish settlers, to be annexed into Israel once the number of remaining Palestinians is tolerable for Israel to absorb into its Jewish supremacist state.
Well..Israel can plan what it wants..but God is the best of planners..an Arabs never give up..

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Lawyer Describes Israeli Torture Centre as Worse Than Abu Ghraib

“The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.”

This is how Khaled Mahajneh describes the Sde Teiman detention center as the first lawyer to visit the facility.

More than 4,000 Palestinians whom Israel arrested in Gaza [out of 21,000 total Palestinians held in Israeli torture camps] have been held at the military base in the Naqab/Negev since October 7; some of them have subsequently been released, but most remain in Israeli detention.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Growing rifts between Gallant and Netanyahu (two war criminals soon wanted by the ICC for prosecution)

Netanyahu's wife has accused the IDF of trying to conduct a coup to overthrow Netanyahu... And Bibi is entering a rift with the IDF, which increasingly supports a ceasefire in Gaza, which does not suit Netanyahu's agenda.

Last year Bibi fired Gallant for criticising Bibi's judicial 'reforms' and said hostile forces were penetrating the IDF, which should stay away from politics.

Liberal Jews vs far-right Jews
Secular Jews vs Messianic Settler Jews
Bibi/far-right vs IDF/Gallant
Centre-right vs right/far-right
Israeli Arabs vs Zionists within Israel

Lots of rifts are emerging with Israeli society...



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Growing rifts between Gallant and Netanyahu (two war criminals soon wanted by the ICC for prosecution)

Netanyahu's wife has accused the IDF of trying to conduct a coup to overthrow Netanyahu... And Bibi is entering a rift with the IDF, which increasingly supports a ceasefire in Gaza, which does not suit Netanyahu's agenda.

Last year Bibi fired Gallant for criticising Bibi's judicial 'reforms' and said hostile forces were penetrating the IDF, which should stay away from politics.

Liberal Jews vs far-right Jews
Secular Jews vs Messianic Settler Jews
Bibi/far-right vs IDF/Gallant
Centre-right vs right/far-right
Israeli Arabs vs Zionists within Israel

Lots of rifts are emerging with Israeli society...

Israel is a divided society and we need to divide it further

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Israel is a divided society and we need to divide it further
IDF Head of Military Intelligence: Israel’s qualitative military superiority and other traditional assets are being eroded

In operational terms, the war in Gaza is a wake-up call regarding the challenges of multi-front war, including simultaneous attacks on several fronts, disrupting trade and supply routes.

With Iran’s help, Israel’s enemies are increasing their ability to wage long wars of attrition. In the shadow of the war in Gaza, there has also been a normalization of firing missiles and drones into Israeli territory by Iran directly and by its various proxies across the region.

The proliferation of aerial threats, and the heightened ground threats on the borders, offset Israel’s qualitative and quantitative advantages. It is difficult for Israel to use crushing force to secure quick and decisive victory, highlighting gaps in its military structure and weaponry.

These external challenges for Israel are exacerbated by its internal divisions. The state faces an ongoing political crisis, paralysis of governance, and the weakening of the state with respect to legislation, policy planning and implementation, and law. These trends project weakness and undermine deterrence to our enemies. The damage to Israeli democracy also harms relations with Western allies. Above all, infighting undermines national resilience.

Israel faces an unequal sharing of the national burden, socioeconomic gaps, the deterioration of education in science and innovation, and the lack of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) integration into the labor market. These threaten to collapse Israel’s economy in the coming decades and to severely damage the remnants of the “people’s army”, welfare policy, and governance. Economic decline means less resources for defense and reduced soft power and international status.


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Israelis asked if Arab states, Palestinians, or Iran is biggest threat to Israel: 99% say Iran is the biggest threat
When asked why, most referred to Iran's nuclear program.

One said "because it [Iran] is a superpower" and "they are smarter than the Arabs, that's for sure".

Watch for yourself:

Why do all the Israelis in this video no longer view Arab states like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan etc as a threat, but instead view Iran as their biggest threat?

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