Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Lol, this is not true. They're not low on men or materials. It's just orders from the top not to engage Israel. But if Israel is forcing a war. Then you may as well use your weapons to make them never wanna go through such a war again. Since war is coming either way without total capitulation to Israeli demands. Then make them regret the war. Sitting back, letting weapons rot, never having them deployed while Israeli takes over entire initiative is a moronic.

Absolutely makes no sense not to target the settler entity now with 150K Hezbollah rockets/missiles.

Hezbollah won't be shooting off the weapons like anti-tank missiles and heavy mortars it needs to target massed Zionist terrorists on the border and so should aim for strategic destruction in Northern Occupied Palestine - it needs to start off with Zionist infrastructure such as gas platforms and then daring the terrorists to escalate.

It is Hezbollah meekness that has now got Lebanon to this stage.
Absolutely makes no sense not to target the settler entity now with 150K Hezbollah rockets/missiles.

Hezbollah won't be shooting off the weapons like anti-tank missiles and heavy mortars it needs to target massed Zionist terrorists on the border and so should aim for strategic destruction in Northern Occupied Palestine - it needs to start off with Zionist infrastructure such as gas platforms and then daring the terrorists to escalate.

It is Hezbollah meekness that has now got Lebanon to this stage.

As much as I would like to see that it’s not going to happen

Hezbollah will not engage in a war with israel right no chance zero chance

Even Iran is backing down

This has gone out of control after 12 months the resistance needs time to rebuild

This is a attrition war live and fight another day that is the name of the game

Very easy for us sitting at home calling for wars but reality on the ground in a war zone is way different

Hezbollah will be stepping down and out very soon

That is it
Canada imposes sanctions on illegal Israeli settlers in Palestine

View attachment 66110


Sanction should be on Israel
>account freeze of any Israeli gov or person connected to military​

Settler won't have connection to Canadian nation nor money kept in

Israel distributes them assault rifles bought with uncle sam money
Lol, this is not true. They're not low on men or materials. It's just orders from the top not to engage Israel. But if Israel is forcing a war. Then you may as well use your weapons to make them never wanna go through such a war again. Since war is coming either way without total capitulation to Israeli demands. Then make them regret the war. Sitting back, letting weapons rot, never having them deployed while Israeli takes over entire initiative is a moronic.

Definitely not going to happen

As much as I would like to see otherwise

If Hamas had reached a agreement with Israel on the hostages say 6 months ago then the resistance could claim the victory

As for now seems a distant memory
As much as I would like to see that it’s not going to happen

Hezbollah will not engage in a war with israel right no chance zero chance

Even Iran is backing down

This has gone out of control after 12 months the resistance needs time to rebuild

This is a attrition war live and fight another day that is the name of the game
It is not a attrition war, lol. Only for Lebanon it is. Hezbollah cannot wage a attrition war against another country. It started off as solidarity strikes for Gaza and there never was a operational plan to fight a multi front war against Israel. Just scam rhetoric for domestic consumption.
Very easy for us sitting at home calling for wars but reality on the ground in a war zone is way different

Hezbollah will be stepping down and out very soon

That is it
I can see Hezbollah stepping down and out. But that should tell you whole resistance mantra was a farce and it's beyond embarrassing, especially after Hezbollah was pumped up as some father of all organizations type movement. You used to do it too. But it turned out only Hamas had serious operational plans to engage Israel.

Hamas agreed to ceasefire since beginning stages. Israel refuses. So maybe search for other excuse, lol.
I think the main factor here is the American elections. Netanyahu wants to start a regional war as soon as possible so that the next President, whoever it would be, would be already supporting Israel as something inherited. That's the bait the Iranians are not taking so far and neither is Hezbollah. Politically, it would be suicidal for the Democrats to appear to be putting much restraints on Netanyahu before the elections.
If there is no regional war by Nov 6 then a good chance the next President--who would not be burdened with the electoral politics-- would find more freedom to put his/her foot down and stop this. The reason for that is that Americans absolutely don't want a regional war.
I'd go as far to say this: Harris, as President, is going to stop it even before taking the office by being the defacto President. Israelis are rightly nervous about her in many, many Israeli Op Eds and users' comments. Trump is a wild card but he is likely to be even more supporting of Israel.

You can Bookmark this post if will! We can discuss after the US elections this post of mine!
Hezbollah is a resistance group not a nation which is free to manufacture weapons around the clock

even the shipments from Iran are being hit by Israeli Air Force in Syria

Hezbollah thought that the war would end in Gaza in early 2024 and were not prepared for this long war

Western nations have intelligence, surveillance , eavesdropping, communications , code breaking , jamming and whole array of other deceptive methods to hit their enemies

I mean look at Russia a few days ago the warehouse 900km from the Ukraine border went up with 30,000 tons of ammunition, real time surveillance provided by US + NATO

they can see and track containers from Iran to Astrakhan and trains from North Korea along the Siberian railway the Americans have Satellites all over the place

its hardly a fair war

I think honestly only China can take these guys for the rest its just a long slow defeat

You dont have to meet an enemy man for man, machine for machine, to win a conflict.

Just make the conflict evolve in such way that you ultimately come out as the relative winner.

its very sickening to watch tens of thousand of victims die in Gaza. But if only they could get atleast some help, this condlict could eventually ware out Israel.

Israel cannot afford a war going on for years. Its not only about funding dollars but also theres a limit to how many combatant Israel can throw in the wrench before they have a huge blow to the morale. How much Israel economy can tank before citizens flee back to greener and safer pastures.

America may not be spending so many foot soldiers but its political capital and energy is being spent, while it have a more urgent and daunting tasks elsewhere.

Keep the conflict at low to mid-intensity for some years and watch Israel crumble.
Hezbollah will be stepping down and out very soon

That is it
Also, you do not know that and may be wrong. Seems like you want that but Hezbollah leadership as of now is not preparing to step down. Especially because it's not about stepping down, and Israel is making up conditions to achieve long term strategic objectives, far over reaching.
Also, you do not know that and may be wrong. Seems like you want that but Hezbollah leadership as of now is not preparing to step down. Especially because it's not about stepping down, and Israel is making up conditions to achieve long term strategic objectives, far over reaching.

A little bit too much defeatest mentality here.

Yes we can advise Hezbollah to do this sitting at home far away or that but they have been too meek to the occupiers escalations over the past nearly one year.

If Hezbollah had retaliated in kind then it never would have got to the stage when the whole of Lebanon is now being terrorised.
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A little bit too much defeatest mentality here.

Yes we can advise Hezbollah to do this sitting at home far awyay or that but they have been too meek to the occupiers escalations over the past nearly one year.

If Hezbollah had retaliated in kind then it never would have got to the stage when the whole of Lebanon is now being terrorised.

The middle east is in a battle that won't be over quickly, just like the crusaders, it might take another 5,10,50 years

But Israel is a cancer that you can't ignore, so this battle regardless of how destructive has pushed freedom and independence for Palestine forward then any action in the last 30 years

Israel only has to lose once and it's over, it's facing economic problems, regional isolation, international law and pressure

Defeatism is not the Muslim way, we have faith and that is where we derive our strength

Palestine needs freedom, for all the suffering they have faced and they have the numbers and young population that can change their future, all is not lost and we all must support the effort
The middle east is in a battle that won't be over quickly, just like the crusaders, it might take another 5,10,50 years

But Israel is a cancer that you can't ignore, so this battle regardless of how destructive has pushed freedom and independence for Palestine forward then any action in the last 30 years

Israel only has to lose once and it's over, it's facing economic problems, regional isolation, international law and pressure

Defeatism is not the Muslim way, we have faith and that is where we derive our strength

Palestine needs freedom, for all the suffering they have faced and they have the numbers and young population that can change their future, all is not lost and we all must support the effort

I would be extremely surprised if the settler colony exists in 2048, when it would have been in existence for 100 years.

In essence it will go away as soon as the western colonialists themselves lose dominance as the Chinese rise to balance them out.

It needs to be kept under a constant stage of siege and never given any normal semblence of existence till it is finally extinguished.
A little bit too much defeatest mentality here.
Yes we can advise Hezbollah to do this sitting at home far away or that but they have been too meek to the occupiers escalations over the past nearly one year.
If Hezbollah had retaliated in kind then it never would have got to the stage when the whole of Lebanon is now being terrorised.

From almost Day One of this conflict, there is a tendency by many to suggest Hezbollah should have massively escalated early on. I differed with that then and differ now. What would that get, exactly? Put yourself back to October 8, 2023 where Israel starts attacking Gaza and Hezbollah starts targeting Tel Aviv. Then what? Do you think Israel and its backers--and mind you, Israel was seen as a 'victim' by a large part of the Non-Muslim world-- wouldn't completely had gone crazy with carpet bombing entire Lebanon?

No, the Resistance has played their hands wonderfully and if they can sustain the losses the will win this war. As @hussain0216 said above: This could take several years. Israel's formation itself is seeped in blood--Jewish blood--of which we mainly talk about the Holocaust but the global Jewry paid price in blood and displacements over centuries to come to 'Israel'. So why should be it quick for the Palestinians' freedom?? If you look at the odds stacked against them, they have absolutely no option but to continue a war of attrition. They have no China or Russia as Sugar Daddies: Those two countries may well ditch the Palestinians over Washington's concessions over Taiwan or Ukraine.

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