Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hezbollah statement: The Islamic Resistance targeted the Ramat David base and airport on Sunday 9/22/2024 with dozens of Fadi 1 and Fadi 2 missiles, in response to the repeated Israeli attacks that targeted various Lebanese regions and led to the fall of many civilian martyrs.


military target for civilian martyrs? this is not the equation Hezbollah initially set.

nonetheless, by targeting Haifa and using heavier rockets Iranian (Fajr-5) Hezbollah increased its position on the escalation ladder.
Right now hezbollah can’t stop to their waves until they have inflicted real damage the interceptors are going to run out quickly at this point but next 24 hours if neither side believes they have reached equilibrium invasion to Lebanon or to Israel
Your mother barks like a dog, ok.
I could call your mother many things but I’m not going to stoop to your level.

Erdogan barks like a dog but he’s a little kitten.

Truth hurts, huh?

Funny you like to bash the resistance yet what is your country doing?

Keep supplying that oil like a good puppy.
Your mother barks like a dog, ok.
F u and train pkk as u did and as u trained asala and I fought for my cou6, where are you now?
I am fed up of this kind of primitivism, if you don't agree, stop barking ok?
Ok now, you helped the enemies of Turkey and Azerbaijan with arms and training, ok?
What the f you want now?
What exactly?

lol look at you go full psycho. I can’t understand you brother, type better English.

You were the ones that originally betrayed the Kurds.

Now, I don’t get between Turkey problems with the Kurds, I don’t condone killing on either sides.
You slimy little man, didn't you say that I bark.

I was referring to Erdogan not you.
What exactly I did to provoce such reaction? I tried to make some points , you can agree or disagree

Look above.
Didn't Atatutk 1917 wrote to the Command of Ottoman A6" It is pretty noticeable that Arabs are preparing nice clothes to relieve British "?
I am by the way a Bosnian and my grandfather was in German army and his brother died in 3rd battle of Gsza.
What the F , you ever did for my country or Turkey or Azerbaijan, apar from being hostile? Tell me , I want to know?
What does this have to do with the war on Gaza and Turkey helping supply oil to Israeli terrorist state?

FYI my great grandfather fought for the Ottomans and died in Yemen. He didn’t come back or any news on him after the war so it’s believed he died there.

What exactly we owe you?
You owe me nothing like I don’t owe you anything.

By the way , once upon time Waquf of my family was I. Gaza
I said before, I don't want to go to certain things but if someone pushes me , I will
Also half of my family died in war. So ? Maybe in your culture, someone can say that they bark like a dog, maybe in your culture you can cures and throw a tantrum for every single thing which you deem appropriate.
Not with me
I never said it about you, I referred to Erdogan constant barking while he supplies oil among other things to Israel.
Where are the Israelis getting their intelligence from? every country needs to start looking into the methods if Israeli intelligence gathering.

Epstein squad is definitely gettinig intel from Super Goy aka the custodian "judeo-christian" values
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*reflections from seeing lots of Hezbollah rockets landing near Haifa and other critical locations like the David Ramon airbase*

Well, Hezbollah has received all the required "licenses" to give Israel all it has in store for Israel.

But Hezbollah will not strike with its most potent tools or irrationally just yet- it will still give calibrated responses, and it has and seems to have calibrated responses to most of Israel's heinous attacks, but that doesn't mean they won't be unbearable or painful for Israel. Israel bombing 400 Hezb sites doesn't mean much to me because Hezbollah knows Israeli Air force will be devastating in a war with them and thats why they use tunnels, etc, so no, that was a good amount of visible damage, but its cheap equipment that Hezbollah is probably replacing as we speak now- like they said - launchers, and the missiles are replaceable, probably from an underground bunker- Israel has not achieved much in this expanded Gaza war thats experiencing the active Lebanon phase now.
U guys need to stop living in delusion. Israel has inflicted so much damage to hezbollah and Lebanon this week and hezbollah response was merely scratching surface. If hezbollah response was to launch some rockets that barely hit anything I'm sure Israel would be very happy with the trade off.

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