Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

UN support is pointless tbh. As long as US veto it (or any of the p5) it wouldn't make anything.

And also it wouldn't be anything at all if Israel does not respect that, you need Israel, the one of the 2 states to respect that 2 states solution. Otherwise again, it's pointless.

The US says it supports escalation to de-escalate! WTF!!! Gaslighting at an epic scale.
As I said, I am pro-fact. I said that many months ago, this is NOT AT ALL how I would be doing in a war like this. And I too am surprised that many countries literally don't care about it and let Israel go this far.

Important to note that is American equipment and intelligence. This is an American genocide.
Why do you or anyone else thinks Hezbollah has any other options left but to fight? You and others were advocating that they lay down the arms and fight another day. Do you really think after Hezbollah started shelling Israel on October 8, 2023, the Israelis are going to let Hezbollah even survive, let alone regroup and fight another day? In the first stage, Israel is going to want to push Hezbollah to as north from the border as possible. That will give Israel the time to 'wrap up' Gaza and the West Bank. Then Israel will take care of Hezbollah. Then Israel will punish Egypt for the 'treachery' of allowing the Philadelphi Corridor as supply route for the weaponry to Gaza. And then, maybe, totally neutralize Jordan because that country still poses a security risk due to the infiltration of warriors from Syria/Iraq and elsewhere.
In short, there is no going back to pre October 2023 for Israel or for the Resistance. They will try to settle per their goals. The only--possibly the only brakes-- is the new American administration in January 2025 stopping the regional war because those are catastrophic for America's own interests in the region.

But after so many Hezbollah rockets we haven’t seen any dead Israelis

We need to see 500 dead on their side

Even I would settle for 50

More symbolic firing of the rockets ?
Israel will only stop when scenes from the ones like Gaza are seen in Israel

We need to see what happened in Gaza in Tel Aviv

Until that doesn’t happen Israel won’t stop
Israel's water source desalination plant
Still feel strategically the desalination plant should be top Priority

But may be Resistance force of Palestine has alternative approach
Seems easy enough 3 targets

And Resistance has like 10,0000 Missiles
How long will a city like Tel Aviv fight with no Devine water

Credit Google
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But after so many Hezbollah rockets we haven’t seen any dead Israelis

We need to see 500 dead on their side

Even I would settle for 50

More symbolic firing of the rockets ?

I Read Hizbollah has tunnels. That cross the border into the northern part of Israel. Now there is a war, light infantry with various anti tank weapons should be popping up all over the place🤔. Fatah missiles & Drones? Not seen much of them either yet!
Important to note that is American equipment and intelligence. This is an American genocide.
I don't think much intelligence was put into this operation.

They literally walk in and broadsword the place, you aren't talking about a detail op that target individual and tracking down their movement and/or locate the hostage (That's what I would have done by the way). None of them are done, they literally went in and western the thing all gun blazing. You don't really need intelligence for that.
Israel's water source desalination plant -
Yo, Azad, you're still hanging around here?

You know better than most that everything said and written against Israel is a lie: you told everyone months ago that all they have is the narrative and their power to repeat it over and over again. Why should people do that rather than stick to objective truths?
I don't think much intelligence was put into this operation.

They literally walk in and broadsword the place, you aren't talking about a detail op that target individual and tracking down their movement and/or locate the hostage (That's what I would have done by the way). None of them are done, they literally went in and western the thing all gun blazing. You don't really need intelligence for that.

Mate , Washington and London have given their Zionist animals murderous all the help they requested to commit a genocide from Intel to hardware how they decided to use it is another thing completely . 200 flights by the RAF spy planes , each of 6 hours duration, out of RAF Akritiri, Cyprus over Gaza . All paid for by British taxpayers money without our consent. Sunak, who was PM at the time, should be investigated forthwith, tried and convicted like Biden.
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Mate , Washington and London have given their Zionist animals murderous all the help they requested to commit a genocide from Intel to hardware how they decided to use it is another thing completely . 200 flights by the RAF spy planes , each of 6 hours duration, out of RAF Akritiri, Cyprus over Gaza . All paid for by British taxpayers money without our consent. Sunak, who was PM at the time, should be investigated forthwith, tried and convicted like Biden.
Normally I will say you should take it up with your local politician and vote them out of the office. But then who are we kidding? Do you seriously think the US and UK will not be standing on Israel side regardless of who is the leader?? As I said before, 2 things you can never underestimate. The ability and stupidity of regular voter we depend on to vote their government, and the conviction to support the Israeli government.

That's why I said the entire thing is going to be a lost clause, I just didn't think they really do let them go as far as they did.

Both in faith and humanity.

The Jews are killing our women and children. They follow their values. It is sanctioned in their religion and their supporters are pleased with it. They deem civilian casualties a measure of success.

However, those are no our values. We will deem success differently, as per our own values.

And remember, this world is temporary. It is a testing ground for us.

Glory to the resistance
Glory to the shaheed

Are the Israelis who await an everlasting burning torment really victorious? Are the Palestinian shaheed really at a loss?
Israeli citizens will cheer a bit less with no drinking water
  • The israeli Tanks need water
  • The Israeli Jets need water
  • Pilots , Tank operators need water
  • The settlers killing Palestinians need water

Power transport lines should also be targeted across remote zones
because it matters not where you cut off the lines the effects are same (The Drone Force is sufficient) to carry out mass operation

War is War for a reason

While after a conquest , the Muslim General or forces have shown great restraint or Mercy , however if you are war with a Nation which believes in Genocide

"War is War"

If someone takes eye of a another person , Muslim Law is clear the victim will have right to take the eye of aggressor

If someone takes a life , the verdict against the aggressor is
"Loss of life"

Natenyahu has killed 40,000-190,000 in Gaza so he has to be prepared to take equal amount of casualties
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