Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As this keeps going, and Israelis think they will be able to carry out such a war, expelling Palestinians from all of Palestine, thinking they can prevent escalation such that the region isn’t drawn in, because the Israelis think American forces have increased presence in the region and will deter others from getting involved.

What would happen if the Imam of Al-Aqsa declared this officially a “Jihad” and/or All the Arab nations that have recognized Israel officially unrecognize Israel. What would that declaration by the imam of Al-Aqsa mean for the legitimacy of the Arab leaders?

Israel is using a boiling frog tactic; defeat in detail, to genocide the Palestinians and look to be planning to genocide the people of southern Lebanon.

What remains the point of Arab states still recognizing Israel?

If the Arab world wants to end this war, the ball really is in their hands to use what non-military leverage they can, diplomatic, economic, and industrial, on the west, that is supporting this war.

The Arab world isn’t as weak and impotent as it claims to be. They don’t have the excuse.

Btw, it took the Soviets threatening to Nuke Israel on behalf of the Arab nations to end at least end one of the Arab-Israeli wars. The Arab world should be increasing funding to Pakistan to ramp up H-Bomb Production, should it become necessary for Pakistan to be. Nuclear umbrella for the Arab world.

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...For years, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah repeatedly claimed that "Israel is weaker than a spider's web." This message was woven throughout his speeches and echoed in Hamas propaganda. The entire Iran-backed alliance believed it. The goal wasn't just psychological; it had an operational purpose. It was meant to motivate the organization's operatives, especially the Radwan Force, to train even more vigorously for the conquest of the Galilee, seen as the first step in Israel's total destruction.

To be honest, albeit regrettably, some Israeli actions reinforced this message in the narrative of the "resistance axis" and Hezbollah itself, rather than undermining it. The refusal to eliminate armed Hezbollah operatives approaching the border, instead chasing them away; the months-long reluctance to destroy two tents Hezbollah erected on Mount Dov beyond the international border line as a challenge to Israeli sovereignty and a sign of its weakness; along with Israel's internal weakness displayed in the year before the war – all these strengthened Nasrallah's belief that Israel was indeed a paper tiger that would immediately collapse once the Radwan Force invaded northern settlements and conquered the Galilee.

The 500 casualties Hezbollah has suffered since deciding to attack Israel on Oct. 8, 2023, and the enormous losses Hamas endured in the Gaza Strip following its terror attacks against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, began to change the picture, both within Hezbollah and among the Lebanese public.

Many in Lebanon, even if not among Hezbollah supporters, who witnessed the increasing power of Israeli Air Force strikes in Lebanon and the massive destruction in Gaza, began to express public opposition to the war. This is an unprecedented phenomenon in Lebanon.

The situation took another dramatic turn last week following the pager and radio communication device attack on Hezbollah operatives and senior officials, which took thousands of them out of the fight within seconds. It intensified further with the surprising and, from Nasrallah's perspective, shocking elimination of the Radwan Force leadership in the heart of Dahieh.

Although Nasrallah claimed in his speech responding to these events that they didn't affect the organization's operational capabilities, no one in Lebanon believes him anymore. Hezbollah is perceived as weak, and there's a prevailing understanding that in this conflict, Israel undoubtedly has the upper hand – technologically, militarily, and in terms of intelligence.

The Israeli Air Force bombings in southern Lebanon and the Beqaa Valley over the past two days, which hit hundreds of important Hezbollah assets built over many years, and Israeli awareness efforts directed at Lebanese public opinion, aimed at evacuating civilian populations from villages turned by Hezbollah into weapons depots and launch sites for cruise missiles, rockets, and drones, make it clear to every Lebanese and every member of the Iran-backed alliance that Israel is a real tiger. Everyone now understands that underestimating it was a very costly mistake.

Even in interviews with Lebanese commentators on the country's TV networks, it's explicitly stated: "We thought we could destroy Israel and liberate Palestine. We were gravely mistaken."

The dangers of joining in beliefs propagated by mass propaganda are clear to Lebanese - now. Will they have to become clear to Pakistanis in a similar, awful way or are there Pakistanis here willing to publicly resist such a fate? Who is willing to buck the trend and counter the mass-madness tide of Israel- and Jew-hatred?

Your grandparents couldn't do it in 1971 and millions of Pakistanis - almost all Easterners - died then. Because of the hate.
Stop threatening Pakistan you sob.....if things get to that level Pakistan will face massive destruction but will survive ....on the other hand not a single Israeli will stay alive ..that will be the end of the rascals .

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