Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They said suspicion and concern "among Israeli leaders and a great media silence about the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah". Basically something is odd about the fate of this mass murderer. They did not claim the assassination to be confirmed. So at this point, nothing is certain.
Oh I agree it’s definitely quiet most of the others have disappeared from view I don’t doubt that a hit order has commenced and whoever may attempt to commit it won’t be some 70 year old Israeli or some kind criminal group I don’t think Bibi will be leaving and doing photo ops for a very long time. Let’s see if Hezbollah can sneak covertly into Israel and wait their time.
Yeah I don’t know if your actually Muslim or from Afghanistan but I may not always agree with @hussain0216 but yeah regardless Shia Sunni or etc I’m for all Arabs regardless should be defending their brethren Muslims Christians Arabs and Iranians have all been killed and these champions of the Arab and Muslim people have either just sat and watched on the sidelines or gave just pathetic condemnation. The least these countries could do is cut off all ties and the most they could do is defend them with a surprise attack neither seems like it’s coming. I think if iran doesn’t do something I the spectacular zone soon as well they will have lost a lot of credibility attack Israel hard from all front they have attacked civilian areas they need to do something soon sorry Hamas wasn’t their asset Hezbollah is they let them down it will cost them a lot in the long run
Hamas is decapitated. Hezbollah is wiped out. IRGC has been decisively defeated in Lebanon. Next, Assad will fall and Syria will be taken, followed by Iraq.

Iran must negotiate peace or else it has no chance. ( Russians are pinned down by Ukraine, Chinese won't intervene and no Muslim country will ever send a single soldier to save Iran )
LOL, your wish. Go to Lebanon/Gaza then, why wasting time on internet ?.
LOL- sorry Afghanistan leaders like Ashraf Ghani and Hamid Karzai have disappeared, for being so worthless (and traitorous), and they wont return to power for people like you. Cheers.
I'm neither hurt nor saddened; I'm just pointing out the reality of things on the ground. As things currently stand, the group has lost its seasoned top command, as shown in the photo above from @The SC. They've not been able to project force either; Hezbollah's dragging ass has cost it precious lives and equipment, and possibly more if the ground invasion happens.
Dont forget US's eventual loss in the Iraq war started with a "shock and awe " campaign that dismembered Saddam's army and similarly "took out many Baathist leaders", but US never expected the insurgency that was born from its invasion to essentially kick it out of Iraq. You all should not be this naive to this war in the Levant is over.
How does the so called "limited" ground invasion of Lebanon look like by the IDF?
A threat that Israel has been making us think it will do since almost a year ago but is actually afraid to do because its a dead end plan that will kill IDF soldiers and demoralize them irreversibly, especially given their bad performance in the ongoing Gaza war.
Will Lebanese army step in at anytime or will they collaborate with IDF to take out Hezbollah?
Well, with Israel blockading the entire Lebanon now, Lebanese army should be preparing to fight and actually fight Israel soon, unless US bought it out with a few $100M dollars to sell their country to Israel and its interests. Israel uniting Lebanon against it will turn out to be a big and detrimental mistake.
A threat that Israel has been making us think it will do since almost a year ago but is actually afraid to do because its a dead end plan that will kill IDF soldiers and demoralize them irreversibly, especially given their bad performance in the ongoing Gaza war.

Well, with Israel blockading the entire Lebanon now, Lebanese army should be preparing to fight and actually fight Israel soon, unless US bought it out with a few $100M dollars to sell their country to Israel and its interests. Israel uniting Lebanon against it will turn out to be a big and detrimental mistake.
LOL, Lebanese Army (if it really exists) should really seize this opportunity and kick out any remaining Hezbollah and IRGC from Lebanon.

Iran and Hezbollah has brought nothing except destruction to Lebanon. This is NOT Lebanon's war.

Let Iran-Israel fight and sort it out.
This is the international pressure people power can out on companies to abandon Israel

It's just not worth it, just to operate in a tiny Israel to piss off the rest of the world

I have never put much faith in ICJ, ICC, UNSC, Boycott Divestment, PR, Image, Diplomacy, Street Protests when this conflict started last October. And you didn't see me much dwelling on those tools.
They might have their tiny places but Israel is literally fighting for its existence and there is nothing, except some hard-slap from the Americans OR hard-slap from the Axis of Resistance that can make Israel do course correction.

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