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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Yemeni cartoonist extraordinaire Kamal Sharaf captures the moment PERFECTLY. You can cover up Zio-Imperialist filth with the Noahide rainbow flag but it is still... At the end of the day... Zio-Imperialist FILTH.



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
I will go one step further and try to liberate two holi masjid from Munafiqeen entity. They have no moral rights to be custodian of those two Masjids.

The allies removed the true Khilafat (ottomans) and replaced the Holy lands with their agents in charge, Al Sauds and Al Sheikh families were given Makkah and Madina control, and they prevent the Muslim Unity, they harm the Muslims via many conspiracies, like how they spent 100B funding to spread extremism around the world, any country that has terrorism or extremism, read its history, where the funding came from, who built the maddrassas. Schools, the tv channels, the aim was to cause civil wars in Muslim nations, to stop them from developing, spread new sects to divide Muslims. The UAE on the other funds extremism to destroy nations but themselves stay away from it and fund moderists. They also stop the Muslim Unity via not allowing any other blocks to emerge except OIC which is toothless and Saudia controlled.

What you mentioned is the truth, when you have agents standing in front of your front doors, how can we talk of unity, sincerity and helping the oppressed. At first the Muslims need to remove these agents from power, bring in sincere leadership and then sign defence treaties. Which sincere leadership would not call for unity and treaties, look at what happened to Libya Syria Yemen Iraq Afghanistan somalia etc. Libya was like dubai.


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Dec 27, 2023
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This is a complete failure by Muslims especially Arabs.

They only line up to kill fellow Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, etc

Where are those Arab armies?
How many countries gathered forces to kill the people of Yemen? Where are those forces? They are only there to kill Muslims.

Arab countries are not only silent but help Israel bypass the blockade.

Might as well go send troops to Gaza and start killing Palestinians while you are at it.

I can clearly see that they view Palestinian blood as cheap. Palestinians were always used to drum up support by dictators. Now that they want to normalize for economic gain, they throw the people of Palestine under a bus. This betrayal by the Arabs will never be forgotten.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Hezbollah drone strike in occupied Golan Heights injures 9 IDF terrorists, including 3 "seriously"

Hezbollah Almas ATGM strikes against parked Mervaka and Namer APC

Hamas shows footage of ongoing domestic light weapon production from inside Gaza

Violence in Jerusalem between ultra Orthodox Jews and police


Sep 19, 2010
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With the level of bombardment in Gaza I have to say Netanyahu has no desire for a 2 state solution. They are ethnic cleansing and trying to remove every Palestinian in the region.
I saw a horrific video today of a Palestinian child burnt to death. Eyes still open staring into the camera. In peace - dead - looking straight at the camera. It takes a special sort of soldier to be sitting next to this corpse - smiling at the cameramen.
VC - do you see that this will leave a legacy of people burning inside looking for revenge.
Tough times ahead…..

Personally, speaking for myself, I do not let my emotions prevent me from thinking through serious problems logically and methodically to seek out improvements and solutions. I have done this for a living for over 35 years. Also, I understand that personal concepts like emotions (shock, grief, horror, anger, hatred, betrayal, loyalty, love, happiness, friendship etc.), religion, morality and righteousness simply do not apply to international geopolitics, where only the relentless pursuit of national interests is the applicable principle.

I do agree with you that there are tough times ahead indeed.
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Sep 19, 2010
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So what happens now? That's really the million-dollar question and impossible to answer if you're looking for a satisfactory resolution to both parties. That means the worst, it's one or the other. Sad reality, but THE reality nonetheless.

The reality, as it exists as of now, is that both are still present and engaged in conflict. So, thus far, it is clear that it is not a "one or the other" situation just yet, and likely not for the foreseeable future yet. I still maintain my thoughts and stance on the matter as previously stated.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Big Day for the resistance, the Warriors of God

Burkan missile attack on Israel, military base

Also two Almas Anti tank missile hit two Israeli vehicles behind a 30ft foot wall

Also, Yemen hit a ship in the sea with 2 tons of explosives so drone ship

And also, there was a drone in the northern Galilee

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