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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Absolutely looking forward to Trump coming into power and seeing both it and the entity even more isolated than they already are.

Orange baboon would finish off what is left of the US(fair chance of civil war) and so that would benefit the Palestinians and the world at large as the US is fighting itself and not causing wars across the globe, either directly or indirectly.
58% of Gen Z and Millenial voters believe a civil war is likely, which is more than three times the beliefs of the Silent Generation with 19% of those voters seeing a civil war in the future. Gen X voters who see the likelihood of a civil war total at 46% and Baby Boomers are at 34%.
May 21, 2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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58% of Gen Z and Millenial voters believe a civil war is likely, which is more than three times the beliefs of the Silent Generation with 19% of those voters seeing a civil war in the future. Gen X voters who see the likelihood of a civil war total at 46% and Baby Boomers are at 34%.
May 21, 2024

It is interesting that the Orange baboon was anti-Zionist before he was seeking election and so that goes to show how he has literally prostrated himself to the Zionists in order to become president.

For what it is worth, my wish is that the US just becomes a normal and decent country peacefully but compared to what we have now, then the preference is for the US to have a civil war. If it is busy fighting itself then it is in no position to cause mischief around the world.

This idea that without the US there would be wars and instability is just wrong. In the ME we would have an end to the fake countries created by the west during WW1 and instead have more organic countries that would soon settle down and become peaceful. Ukraine war would never have happened and in the Far East we would have peace under overall Chinese dominance.

The US is now the primary cause of wars and instability around the war and this genocide on Gaza is all on the US.


Sep 19, 2010
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It is interesting that the Orange baboon was anti-Zionist before he was seeking election and so that goes to show how he has literally prostrated himself to the Zionists in order to become president.

For what it is worth, my wish is that the US just becomes a normal and decent country peacefully but compared to what we have now, then the preference is for the US to have a civil war. If it is busy fighting itself then it is in no position to cause mischief around the world.

This idea that without the US there would be wars and instability is just wrong. In the ME we would have an end to the fake countries created by the west during WW1 and instead have more organic countries that would soon settle down and become peaceful. Ukraine war would never have happened and in the Far East we would have peace under over Chinese dominance.

The US is now the primary cause of wars and instability around the war and this genocide on Gaza is all on the US.

Of course! We all would hold hands and sing kumbaya every morning under rainbow-filled the skies. Only if.

International geopolitics was exactly the same before USA existed, just as it does now, and will do so in the future long after USA is gone. The players might change, but the game remains exactly the same. Including for this present conflict. Please grow up!

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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The US is now the primary cause of wars and instability around the war and this genocide on Gaza is all on the US.

At work, we all watched George Bush Sr. on TV as he announced Operation Desert Storm. Everyone cheering on our military to save the babies from being thrown out of incubators, destroying weapons of mass destruction, and saving the world for democracy.

After the special announcement, I turned to my coworkers and told them we will not get out of the Middle East until America destroys itself.

No one discussed the Gulf War with me again.

Will like to add I noticed the toy section for Christmas, during Operation Desert Shield, was filled with GI Joe's and other toys glorifying war.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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At work, we all watched George Bush Sr. on TV as he announced Operation Desert Storm. Everyone cheering on our military to save the babies from being thrown out of incubators, destroying weapons of mass destruction, and saving the world for democracy.

After the special announcement, I turned to my coworkers and told them we will not get out of the Middle East until America destroys itself.

No one discussed the Gulf War with me again.

I may come across as anti-American and anti-west but that is only because of the sheer amount of destruction the US/west is still causing around the world.

Fully aware and appreciate that there are many decent white westerners that just want to mind their own business and do the best for themselves and their families.

Went to a London March for Palestine back in November 2023 and most of the protestors were white westerners and only a minority were Muslims of immigrant stock. The vile Zionist media in the UK is making it look like it is only us "brown" Muslims that care for Palestine and go on these marches.

It is a real shame as if different groups and cultures could just put our lust for money and power aside, we can work together for the mutual benefit of all. 99% of people gain nothing from these power plays and ultimately end up as the losers.
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Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Moments ago, the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces posted a short statement: "3 days."

Although the message is cryptic, developments in the field (and at sea) give us an idea regarding what this message may be about: Phase Five.

On May 3rd, 2024, the Yemeni Armed Forces announced the beginning of the fourth phase of their operations. Although the announcement that the range of targeting had expanded to the Mediterranean caught the most attention, the true qualitative shift in Phase 4's announcement was the move to target all ships of companies violating the ban on the ports of occupied Palestine. This, in addition to previous operations, led to the skyrocketing of insurance for ships from 1% of the ship's value to 70% and the bankruptcy of the "Eilat" port.

Companies such as MAERSK and others have paid the well-documented price for repeatedly violating the ban, as the punishment extended to their entire fleet, from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. The resistance shifted from targeting to sinking, from forcing a change of course to destruction.

So what is the meaning behind "3 days"?

Last week, Al-Akhbar reported that the Yemeni Armed Forces are preparing for the fifth phase of the battle, coinciding with the escalation of operations, including joint ones with the Iraqi Resistance. The operations have expanded in scope and pace, signaling the end of the current phase and the near transition to a new phase with new goals, different tactics, and more daring operations.

Colonel Mujib Shamsan told Al-Akhbar that the Yemeni Armed Forces possess strategic weapons that have not yet been used in the battle. He considered that the first three phases were warning phases, while the fourth shocked America, forcing it into a "battle of necessity" after the blows of Yemen.

Yemen not only carried out the first anti-ship ballistic missile attack in history, was engaged in the first ever interception in space, and commandeered a zionist ship and its crew; Al-Aqsa Flood has given also it ample opportunities to develop and use new weapons: The Palestine ballistic missile, the Hatem-2 hypersonic missile, and the effective Toofan-1 and Toofan Al-Mudammer drone boats. Drones and missiles reach as far as Haifa and the Indian Ocean, making direct hits.

The locally-made Toofan-1 alone imposed a new equation in the battle, but it is part of a series (Toofan-2 and Toofan-3) that have not yet entered the battle. The Yemeni Armed Forces also possess long-range cruise missiles that can reach the Strait of Hormuz.

The clock ticks down for these three days as the enemy bites its nails. Will this mark the start of the fifth phase, a new dawn of unprecedented military capabilities, or a decisive blow that reshapes the region? Bab Al-Mandeb, aptly named "The Gate of Tears," holds the world's breath, as the sea conceals what is greater than what came before it. New weapons may rise to the surface, new goals and targets. In 72 hours, the answer will surface, potentially altering the course of the war as we know it.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Netanyahu will reject for the 70th time.
Hamas has delivered its response and is agreeing with stopping the war immediately and is ready to do so, on the condition of withdrawing from the Netzarim and Philadelphia axes, and provided high flexibility in the deal. The post-war period is an internal Palestinian matter.

Will Netanyahu comply?


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