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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Washington, D.C. | www.mpac.org | February 26, 2024 — United States Air Force active duty member Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, has died of his injuries. The twenty-five-year-old live streamed the self-immolation on Sunday, stating that he will “no longer be complicit in genocide.” Bushnell’s last words were, “Free Palestine.”

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Dec 16, 2023
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These are second rated Christians. LOL It is funny how the US and Western Christian sources always cry persecution. Here Palestinian Christians are being massacred and these American/Western Christians aren't batting an eye lid. Not even a mention how the Zionists are massacring their Christian brothers. Mind you, proper authentic Christians from the Holy land.
They only people more despicable than "zionist Christians" are "Zionist Muslims"!!!

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, Head of the Revolutionary Committee in Yemen:

The Yemeni people are keen to share with the Palestinian people their jihad and bravery in facing the zionist aggression.

We are looking forward to this great battle and we love to participate in it with the sons of the Palestinian people. We promise them significant surprises, which have happened and still are happening. There are many surprises from the people of faith and wisdom.

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree during a speech today, May 13th, 2024:

Gaza is a red line for us, a red line. Our causes, holy sites, and our Islam are red lines, and we will not compromise on them.

You heard Sayyed [Al-Houthi] in his last speech say there are no red lines for the Yemeni people, no red lines. If you have red lines, for us there are no red lines.

We target things that the enemy hasn't thought of and can't imagine, things that neither the Yemeni people nor the people of the [Arab and Islamic] nation can imagine.

And we will reach a stage, by Allah's will and strength, to the fifth and sixth stages, if the enemy continues its aggression on Gaza, where there will be actions that even Yemenis themselves can't imagine, nor can the Americans.

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