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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Respectfully disagree.

Biden is giving the entity all it wants anyway and in effect it would be better without the gaslighting to show US stands 100% with the entity, and no longer even pays lip service to rules of war that have been accepted by the rest of the world.

But Trump is such a wild card that even Israelis are not sure about Trump, per my reading of Israeli bloggers/comments section. Biden is an old school war mongering, career politician who has seen and precipitated many conflicts over his very long career. Biden is used to doing 'the same'. Psychologically speaking, Biden is 'used to' foreign wars and perhaps even likes them. Trump? Nah, he certainly doesn't have that kind of history and experience and so it remains to be seen what he would actually do once in office.

And what can Trump do more than what Biden has already done without totally inflaming the Middle East where America's vital interests are at stake? Nuke multiple capital cities after pulling out the American forces from Syria and Iraq and elsewhere in the regional seas? How will that help America's interests and Israel's own survival??

It is a lost cause for Israel and for America in case of a regional war. L.O.S.T C.A.U.S.E!


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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But Trump is such a wild card that even Israelis are not sure about Trump, per my reading of Israeli bloggers/comments section. Biden is an old school war mongering, career politician who has seen and precipitated many conflicts over his very long career. Biden is used to doing 'the same'. Psychologically speaking, Biden is 'used to' foreign wars and perhaps even likes them. Trump? Nah, he certainly doesn't have that kind of history and experience and so it remains to be seen what he would actually do once in office.

And what can Trump do more than what Biden has already done without totally inflaming the Middle East where America's vital interests are at stake? Nuke multiple capital cities after pulling out the American forces from Syria and Iraq and elsewhere in the regional seas? How will that help America's interests and Israel's own survival??

It is a lost cause for Israel and for America in case of a regional war. L.O.S.T C.A.U.S.E!

Trump may be a wild cannon but the Zionists have him by the balls!

He must obey the instructions of his Zionist masters to the letter and in typical Trump style will just tell it straight without lying or gas lighting like Biden and the Democrats.

Trump recognised the annexation of Golan Heights against the accepted UN world borders and also moved the US "embassy" to Jerusalem.

Zionists will get every penny back and more that they have invested in him come 2025 and his son is law Kushner is a fanatical Jewish Zionist who has already talked about investing in Gaza property developments.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Of course! We all would hold hands and sing kumbaya every morning under rainbow-filled the skies. Only if.

International geopolitics was exactly the same before USA existed, just as it does now, and will do so in the future long after USA is gone. The players might change, but the game remains exactly the same. Including for this present conflict. Please grow up!

Refute my 3 examples given if you can.

I know you cannot as you have neither the knowledge or analytical ability in areas like geopolitics.


Sep 19, 2010
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Refute my 3 examples given if you can.

I know you cannot as you have neither the knowledge or analytical ability in areas like geopolitics.

Refute what? Your tirade against USA is simply born of your prejudice, nothing more and nothing less. As I said, international geopolitics was exactly the same before USA existed, just as it does now, and will do so in the future long after USA is gone. The players might change, but the game remains exactly the same: including for this present conflict.

Please grow up, or otherwise continue with such childish rants as endlessly encouraged to no avail in those who manage this thread and forum, or not. That is not my problem.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Refute what? Your tirade against USA is simply born of your prejudice, nothing more and nothing less. As I said, international geopolitics was exactly the same before USA existed, just as it does now, and will do so in the future long after USA is gone. The players might change, but the game remains exactly the same: including for this present conflict.

Please grow up, or otherwise continue with such childish rants as endlessly encouraged to no avail in those who manage this thread and forum, or not. That is not my problem.

I did not expect you to engage in a sophisticated debate on geopolitics as you simply cannot and so resort to childish name calling to try to mask your inability.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Trump may be a wild cannon but the Zionists have him by the balls!

He must obey the instructions of his Zionist masters to the letter and in typical Trump style will just tell it straight without lying or gas lighting like Biden and the Democrats.

Trump recognised the annexation of Golan Heights against the accepted UN world borders and also moved the US "embassy" to Jerusalem.

Zionists will get every penny back and more that they have invested in him come 2025 and his son is law Kushner is a fanatical Jewish Zionist who has already talked about investing in Gaza property developments.

Time will tell.
My understanding is that while the Military Industrial Complex, the Christian Zionists, and the Israel Lobby have closely tied interests and work to promote those interests, I also think America's vital, long term interests would be greatly compromised in case of a regional war.

I am not making any 'prediction' but nor am I ruling out a Trump presidency would act to protect America's own interests. I am willing to give Trump the chance over Biden when it comes to the Middle East. As I said above: What more can Trump do for Israel which Biden hasn't already done?? If Biden has stopped short of a regional war then that's precisely because a regional war is NOT in America's own interests; it wasn't out of some pandering to the 'Progressives' in America or to some 'good nature' in Biden.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Does anyone know if Hezbollah members are using social media?

How are Israeli able to get to senior Hezbollah leaders?

We all know the X Twitter Facebook use meta, which are owned by Zionist regimes

Are they using mobile phones? Are they using landline

How exactly is Israel able to track Hezbollah leaders and target them in their vehicles

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