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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Time will tell.
My understanding is that while the Military Industrial Complex, the Christian Zionists, and the Israel Lobby have closely tied interests and work to promote those interests, I also think America's vital, long term interests would be greatly compromised in case of a regional war.

I am not making any 'prediction' but nor am I ruling out a Trump presidency would act to protect America's own interests. I am willing to give Trump the chance over Biden when it comes to the Middle East. As I said above: What more can Trump do for Israel which Biden hasn't already done?? If Biden has stopped short of a regional war then that's precisely because a regional war is NOT in America's own interests; it wasn't out of some pandering to the 'Progressives' in America or to some 'good nature' in Biden.

Yes I think we can agree that Trump won't make it any worse. In fact whatever he does will actually make it "better" for the Palestinians in the end.

The sweet talking snake(Biden and Democrats) are the worst kind of enemy one can have as they go to enormous lengths to try to hide their evil acts and intent.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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am not making any 'prediction' but nor am I ruling out a Trump presidency would act to protect America's own interests. I am willing to give Trump the chance over Biden when it comes to the Middle East. As I said above: What more can Trump do for Israel which Biden hasn't already done?? If Biden has stopped short of a regional war then that's precisely because a regional war is NOT in America's own interests; it wasn't out of some pandering to the 'Progressives' in America or to some 'good nature' in Biden.

@UKBengali and others: Seriously: What more can Trump do than what Biden hasn't already done?? This very question was asked in a Comment by an Israeli on an Israeli site in last 1-2 days; this guy was trying to put some brakes on the enthusiasm the Israelis feel about a Trump presidency.
As I see it, a regional war will lead to massive destruction in the Middle East along with the elimination of Israel as a nation and expulsion of America from the Middle East. A regional war in the Middle East would be a HUGE gift to China, which would step in and start infra projects, getting priority 'contracts' for rebuilding.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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@UKBengali and others: Seriously: What more can Trump do than what Biden hasn't already done?? This very question was asked in a Comment by an Israeli on an Israeli site in last 1-2 days; this guy was trying to put some brakes on the enthusiasm the Israelis feel about a Trump presidency.
As I see it, a regional war will lead to massive destruction in the Middle East along with the elimination of Israel as a nation and expulsion of America from the Middle East. A regional war in the Middle East would be a HUGE gift to China, which would step in and start infra projects, getting priority 'contracts' for rebuilding.
Trump is very unpredictable. One thing on the Palestine topic, Trump won't be any better or worse on Palestine, just look at all the other US presidents they all watched Israel slaughter civilians unabated and did nothing. This seat is tarnished until a real leader shows up, if they ever do.


Jul 1, 2024
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Trump is very unpredictable. One thing on the Palestine topic, Trump won't be any better or worse on Palestine, just look at all the other US presidents they all watched Israel slaughter civilians unabated and did nothing. This seat is tarnished until a real leader shows up, if they ever do.

Trump have big words and all that
but his track record shows hes less interested in wars and foreign expeditions than most presidnets since end of cold war.

Trump, as i interpret it, is not a neocon.

He is not a Madeleine Albright
Believe it or not, i think he actually have some moral brakes

That being said, the US presidents are owed by their donors and have to navigate a landscape where radical far right zionists seem to control all the alleys when it comes to Israel.

Atleast i think he will try his best to avoid another US military advendture like Iraq. Which means he wont like a full-fledged regional war. Maybe even detach himself from it even if a regionar war occured. But you never know…

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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1 IDF terrorist liquidated, 3 more "seriously wounded" in Shujaiya

An Israeli terrorist was liquidated during fighting in Gaza City's Shejaiya earlier today, the occupation military announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Cpt. Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, a team commander in the 7th Armored Brigade's 75th Battalion, from occupied Kiryat Shmona.

Three more terrorists of the 75th Battalion were seriously wounded in the same incident, the terrorist IDF says.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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1 IDF terrorist liquidated and another "seriously wounded" in stabbing attack

An off-duty IDF terrorist was killed in this morning's stabbing attack at a mall in the northern city of Karmiel, the military announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Sgt. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, 19, a truck driver in the 188th Armored Brigade's 71st Battalion, from Nahariya.

Another terrorist soldier of the 71st Battalion was seriously wounded in the attack.


Jul 1, 2024
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I have seen some American members here defending Israel, in different ways and different levels.

Im genuinly curious why Israel is such a important thing for America. I mean of course from a geopolitical point of view. What makes Israel so spescial that all US presidents and parliament members have to uncomditionally support Israel?

For a foreigner like me, it really stands out. This spectacle seems like a mystery to me.


Sep 19, 2010
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so resort to childish name calling

Please do not slander. I have NOT called you, or anyone else, any names. I have merely described the level of intellectual maturity of the thoughts you have expressed. However, let me indulge you for the last time here:

Please note that is not an example of anything but rather a mere hypothetical situation born of wishful prejudice:

In the ME we would have an end to the fake countries created by the west during WW1 and instead have more organic countries that would soon settle down and become peaceful. Ukraine war would never have happened and in the Far East we would have peace under overall Chinese dominance.


USA was not even a major player in the aftermath of WW1. It was the collapse of the Ottoman Empire led by the Britain, France and Russia (imagine that!) that led to some the countries getting their borders.

There is nothing to support the claim that "organic" countries would "settle down", however one may define being organic or settled.

The Ukraine war would not have happened if Russia (oh look, here it is again) did not invade it, pure and simple.

China, if dominant, would behave exactly like any other dominant superpower of its time, nothing more and nothing less, as has happened throughout human history, is happening now, and will likely continue far into the future given the constant nature of the basics of international geopolitics.

The rest of your diatribe is similarly demonstrably utterly devoid of any substantive argument, and nothing more than ranting and raving similar to what exemplifies this thread.

Now, in order to attempt to keep this thread on topic, I will end by observing that IF Iran had not instigated the present conflict by triggering the October 7th attack, this present conflict would not have happened in its present form and all the carnage and suffering could have been avoided.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Syrians and Turks aren't going to get along. We saw a very good glimpse of how deep the animosity runs.
But let Turkey and Syria learn to not get along directly, by keeping external parties out of their relationship and its dynamics. Turkey is a NATO proxy and "henchman" state, so that must've interfered in the situation in Syria involving Turkey and Syria.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Political strategist Glenn Druery having ‘informal conversations’ with Muslim groups and Fatima Payman​

The so-called preference whisperer approached by Muslim groups to discuss next election following rising anger about Labor’s stance on Palestine and Gaza conflict

Australian political strategist and so-called preference whisperer Glenn Druery has confirmed he’s talking to Muslim community groups and to suspended Labor senator Fatima Payman about the next election.

Prime minister Anthony Albanese told ABC’s 7.30 program it was “not acceptable” for the senator to be talking to groups working against Labor politicians and appeared to claim Payman had been in touch with those campaigners before she was indefinitely suspended from the partyroom.

Labor MPs are facing campaigns from the Greens and grassroots Muslim groups targeting the party’s refusal to immediately recognise Palestine as a state and take a stronger stand against Israel’s military action in Gaza.

As the Labor caucus met on Tuesday to endorse the indefinite suspension of Western Australian senator Payman for crossing the floor to vote for a Greens motion in the Australian Senate to recognise Palestine, the Greens declared the party would campaign in marginal Labor seats for MPs to join Payman when parliament resumes in August.
The leader of the Greens, Adam Bandt, said Labor’s decision was “shameful” because the government had “put more sanctions on Senator Payman for speaking out about Gaza than they have on Benjamin Netanyahu for conducting an invasion of Gaza”.

The Greens have decided to target Peter Khalil and Ged Kearney’s respective seats of Wills and Cooper in north Melbourne, Patrick Gorman’s seat of Perth, Graham Perrett’s seat of Moreton in south Brisbane, and Justine Elliot’s northern New South Wales coastal seat of Richmond.

Labor is also facing a campaign from new community groups the Muslim Vote and Muslim Votes Matter.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Trump is very unpredictable. One thing on the Palestine topic, Trump won't be any better or worse on Palestine, just look at all the other US presidents they all watched Israel slaughter civilians unabated and did nothing. This seat is tarnished until a real leader shows up, if they ever do.

Trump can even be better.

That's because his entire campaign and persona is tied around him being in charge and not taking orders. If Netanyahu thumbs his nose at him, he will take it personally and make sure everyone knows who is boss.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2024
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I have seen some American members here defending Israel, in different ways and different levels.

Im genuinly curious why Israel is such a important thing for America. I mean of course from a geopolitical point of view. What makes Israel so spescial that all US presidents and parliament members have to uncomditionally support Israel?

For a foreigner like me, it really stands out. This spectacle seems like a mystery to me.
It's because most of them are good Goyims. Brainwashed retards. Free prostitutes. Use this the next time you see them:


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