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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The people you're posting from are really weird. It's like they want to say the situation in Gaza is okay and under control. And there isn't need for a wider military and political intervention on Gaza's behalf.

Gaza is not a superpower. Nor a regional power. It's enduring a genocide right now. Hamas has wide popular support in the region. That's it. We don't want people of Gaza to suffer a day longer. So I hope this isn't your motive, to play up Gaza to cover up your shortcomings.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Jewish terrorists, through their genocide, are trying to facilitate ethnic cleansing. We don't know the timing of when they actually try implementing these policies.

Let's be clear to Jewish terrorists. We won't allow it. And neither will South Americans. Not one Palestinian will be forcibly expelled from Gaza.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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An officer in Hezbollah's ground artillery unit: The resistance used "cement" platforms to launch Katyusha rockets in previous periods.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hezbollah does small parade(older footage). As part of pyschological warfare campaign between Israel and Hezbollah in the past weeks. And to deter Israel from declaring a war on Lebanon. Showcased in the march, are artillery pieces and rocket launchers for what appear to be:

-Extended range grad rockets
-Short, medium, and long range Burkan/Falaq rockets
-Long range Zelzal rockets


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Hezbollah does small parade(older footage). As part of pyschological warfare campaign between Israel and Hezbollah in the past weeks. And to deter Israel from declaring a war on Lebanon. Showcased in the march, are artillery pieces and rocket launchers for what appear to be:

-Extended range grad rockets
-Short, medium, and long range Burkan/Falaq rockets
-Long range Zelzal rockets

I didn't see Zelzal in that video

@Ali_Baba you were asking about artillery earlier, watch the video posted by Falcon


Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 20.00.44.png

these Hezbollah underground launch platforms are impossible to detect. totally covered in a random part of a forest

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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1 more IDF terrorist liquidated today in Shujaya, and another "seriously wounded"

An IDF terrorist was liquidated during fighting earlier today in Gaza City's Shejaiya, the Nazi Zionist military announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Staff Sgt. Eyal Mimran, 20, of the Paratroopers Brigade's 101st Battalion, from occupied Ness Ziona.

His liquidation brings Nazi Israel’s toll in the ground offensive against Palestinian women and children in Gaza to 325.

Separately, a reservist terrorist with the Alexandroni Brigade was seriously wounded in central Gaza, the terrorist IDF adds.


IDF has been taking consistent losses in Shujaya in recent days

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