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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Celsus. Roman philosopher (c. 2nd century, A.D.)--the first ancient author of a whole book attacking Christianity.

Just as the charlatans of the cults [of Cybele, Mithras, etc.] take advantage of a simpleton's lack of education to lead him around by the nose, so too with the Christian teachers: they do not want to give or to receive reasons for what they believe. Their favorite expressions are "Do not ask questions, just believe!" and: "Your faith will save you!" "The wisdom of the world," they say, "is evil"; "to be simple is to be good."

And how can one overlook the fact that Christian teachers are only happy with stupid pupils--indeed scout about for the slow-witted. . . . And to the scum that constitutes their assemblies, they say "Make sure none of you ever obtains knowledge, for too much learning is a dangerous thing; knowledge is a disease for the soul, and the soul that acquires knowledge will perish."

Let's assume for the present that he [Christ] foretold his resurrection. Are you ignorant of the multitudes who have invented similar tales to lead simple-minded hearers astray? It is said that Zamolxis, Pythagoras' servant, convinced the Scythians that he had risen from the dead, having hidden himself away in a cave for several years; and what about Pythagoras himself in Italy! ---or Rhampsinitus in Egypt. . . . What about Orpheus among the Odrysians, Protesilaus in Thessaly, and above all Herakles and Theseus?

It is equally silly of these Christians to suppose that when their God applies the fire (like a common cook!) all the rest of mankind will be thoroughly roasted, and that they alone will escape unscorched--not just those alive at the time, mind you, but (they say) those long since dead will rise up from the earth possessing the same bodies as they did before. I ask you: Is this not the hope of worms?

It is clear to me that the writings of the Christians are a lie, and that your fables have not been well enough constructed to conceal this monstrous fiction. I have even heard that some of your interpreters, as if they had just come out of a tavern, are onto the inconsistencies and, pen in hand, alter the original writings three, four, and several more times over in order to be able to deny the contradictions in the face of criticism.
Most militaries use the same tactic:-""Do not ask questions, just believe!"


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Macron might be about to lose power, and the Lebanese could remind his Far Right French successors, that the last time a war kicked off in the region, millions of people started coming to Europe. Turkey will probably not stop them, and let them pass on through, so does France really want to back further destabilizing of the Middle East?

Let's see, from what I know, they are shipping these refugees to Eastern Slavic countries who, in turn, do their thing.

But also, in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big issue, unlike the black Africans that come. The Lebanese are still more accepted due to their liberal outlook.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Let's see, from what I know, they are shipping these refugees to Eastern Slavic countries who, in turn, do their thing.

But also, in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big issue, unlike the black Africans that come. The Lebanese are still more accepted due to their liberal outlook.
The French right wing don’t like to see more immigration. Also, it might be more likely that they would be accepting of Lebanese the most, especially Christian Lebanese and other Christian Arabs. But that also means a smaller percentage of Lebanon being Christian (and other non-Muslim faiths), and that is also something France doesn’t want to see.



Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Many people rightly say that Israel is the last of the [overt] Western colonial enterprises in the world.

However, Israel was not always as 'central' to the Western interests as it is now. The Brits resisted the formation of Israel to some extent despite the Balfour Declaration and the British soldiers were targeted and killed by the Zionists. The Americans were turning away Jewish refugees escaping Hitler. Anti-Semitism was widespread in Europe though Hitler/Germans are conveniently singled out. In the 1956 Suez Canal related war, Americans were not so much about helping Israel--on the contrary.

There have been many reasons and I believe in what John Mearsheimer said in 2006 in his 'The Israel Lobby' book: It is primarily the Israel Lobby in America now. John goes into great details about as to how Israel gained its primacy, especially after the 1967 War, through using its parasitic Lobby in America. It would be a long discussion if we go into that book. But what was concluded by him then and remains true: Israel no longer serves the American Strategic interests in the Middle East and on the contrary is now a liability to the American interests.

So, yes, a colonial enterprise for a long time but it is no longer the useful tool and is now, in fact, a liability. I tend to think there is paralysis in Washington when it comes to Israel. Officials are too resigned and are in some stagnation mode despite knowing the losing American interests in the Middle East. The consequences for any officials should they dare challenge Israel are almost always very harsh, so why bother? And history is going to judge Israel as the single most damaging entity which led to the expulsion of Americans from the MENA region, thus giving the advantage to China led block. It is already happening.
Depends on what you define as American interests. Jewish/Zion Americans yes, rest of the Americans no.
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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If it makes her feel better, her son is now in hell being served justice for his role in committing genocide and murdering children. 4th of July bbq for him for sure.

How can he have a name Ali and still commit the most heionous crimes in humany history? I hope the devil is burning him in the furnace right now.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Israel does not actually seek to have Hezbollah to 'move back behind Litani'. Until they declare a operation with such a stated aim, then they have no intention to fight even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah.

They'll only do a limited skirmish if Hezbollah fires on any major cities like Nahirriya, Tiberias, Haifa, and Tel Aviv with susitained barrages. Not a one off thing. If they keep firing restricted to furthest north, Israel will not launch a operation.

I do not see any serious signs of Israel preparing for even a limited skirmish with Hezbollah. And Hezbollah also does not seek a intense skirmish either. Otherwise it would regularly fire on Haifa which is close to Lebanon. Like what Ashkelon is to Gaza.
Oh well:-


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