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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Gaza is the Muslim world's stalingrad, so waht are they doing like to liberate it?


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Axios and Walla Hebrew website correspondent, “Barak Ravid”:

President Biden told Netanyahu in his phone call that “it is time to make the deal” to release the hostages and reach a ceasefire in Gaza, a White House official said

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Shuja'iya was demolished and razed to the ground, but it is still a thorn in the occupation's operations.

Army brigade commanders talk about their fight against ghosts, and Army Radio says that its forces face a major challenge in Shujaiya!


Occupation Army Radio:

The army is facing difficulty in moving tanks and personnel carriers, and even on foot, due to the rubble and destruction left behind in the first phase of the ground operation.

The homes that the army entered in the first phase need to be entered again and combed again.

The gunmen come out to the soldiers from among the rubble and from inside the tunnels.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Today's photo is from Rafah confirms the presence of Indian mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Israeli army


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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An unprecedented conflict at this level in the entity.

Ronen Bergman exposes Netanyahu's efforts "to thwart the deal and the anger in the security apparatus."

Bergman is one of the most famous investigative journalists in the entity, and he writes for the New York Times and a number of major international newspapers. From what he said in his report in Yedioth today:

“A new front in the intense conflict between the Israeli army and the intelligence community on the one hand, and Netanyahu’s office on the other hand...

Senior officials in the security apparatus, from various organizations and units, expressed their extreme anger yesterday (Wednesday) due to the intention to thwart any possibility of a hostage deal. They expressed additional anger over a leaked statement from the Prime Minister’s Office attributed to a “security source” strongly attacking Hamas’ response to Israel’s offer, even though all security sources concerned with negotiations about the potential deal said they were not aware of the statement, let alone agreed to it.

“Behind the scenes, there was drama. In the evening, when they received Hamas’ response, senior officials in the security apparatus said the opposite of what the Prime Minister’s Office statement had tried to attribute to them a few hours earlier. They said that Hamas’ response was a good blueprint with which to launch negotiations leading to a deal.” “The drama began the day before yesterday: Officials claimed that the Prime Minister’s Office and extremist members of the Council of Ministers cooperated together,” before Hamas responded “to close the door on any opportunity to release Israelis from the Gaza Strip in the near future.” After Bergman provided details A “security source” was quoted as saying: “The seriousness of the situation cannot be exaggerated: the hostages may be sacrificed because Netanyahu wants to buy time until the end of the session and speech in Congress.” (quotes end).

The most important thing in the report is its emphasis on the raging dispute between the military and security establishment, and between Netanyahu and his government, whether the latter was able to impose the deal on him, or whether he found a way to thwart it. An unprecedented dispute of this level in the history of the “entity,” and there is no doubt that the “flood” and the heroics and legendary steadfastness that followed were the reason for that.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sounds of clashes around Baghdad Street in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City

The clashes began tonight in Shuja'iya between the Qassams and the enemy army leadership in Shuja'iya, which have been underway for days at this time and have not been announced by the Qassams.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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This war demonstrated the fragility of the entity, a fabricated entity that could not stand on its feet after 70 years of endless support.. 9 months, and the professional army has relied on the West, even for simple ammunition, against those trapped in an unlivable environment. This war will have a great impact in destroying the morale of the Zionists.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Al-Qassam Brigades :

Scenes of launching "SAM 7" missiles towards enemy aircraft in conjunction with the Martyr Abdul Qader al-Husseini Brigades in Gaza City.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The New York Times revealed that Israel's top generals want to begin a ceasefire in Gaza, even if this leads to Hamas remaining in power for the time being.

On Tuesday, the American newspaper quoted Israeli officials as saying that keeping Hamas in power currently to recover the detainees seems to be the least option


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Destroying enemy forces penetrating into the Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Channel 13 Hebrew:

Sources in the Israeli negotiating team: From our side, an agreement can be reached, but everything depends on Netanyahu, and Hamas’ response includes a very major breakthrough.

We have before us a realistic deal. It is true that its terms are not easy, but not to the point of obstructing it.

- Negotiations of the exchange deal will be held in Doha.

- After the cabinet session, there will be further consultations between Netanyahu and the TFAW team

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Statement by the Qassam Brigades

The Qassam Mujahideen were able to ensnare a Zionist force into a tight ambush and clash with its members, leaving them dead and wounded in the Shuja'iya neighborhood in Gaza City. Our Mujahideen monitored the helicopter landing to evacuate them.

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