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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Sep 14, 2022
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Face of the IDF. Pyscho mafia thug terrorist group.

I’m going to say it looks like really bad photoshop again not saying there haven’t been zionists coming from America to fight in this war just saying looks like photoshop I could be wrong I don’t think I am thought the arm cradling the weapon looks awfully weird


Jul 1, 2024
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What Biden said about reaching Phase 2:

"Now, I’ll be straight with you. There are a number of details to negotiate to move from phase one to phase two. Israel will want to make sure its interests are protected.

But the proposal says if the negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will still continue as long as negotiations continue.

And the United States, Egypt, and Qatar would work to ensure negotiations keep going — all agreements — all agreements — until all the agreements are reached and phase two is able to begin."


the devil is in the details...

1) Israel's "interests" will likely include total exclusion of Hamas from governance in Gaza, and the right to assassinate Hamas members in Gaza...

2) the Phase 1 'ceasefire' will only continue "as long as negotiations continue". so if negotiations fail (because of Israel's unrealistic demands), the ceasefire will end and the war will continue

3) the US will "work to ensure negotiations keep going". this is barely a commitment, and doesn't impose much of an obligation on the US to ensure negotiations continue

Hamas is disputing points 2 and 3 to ensure the US is committed to ensuring Israel cannot end the ceasefire and resume the war. in short, Hamas wants practical guarantees of a permanent ceasefire from the outset, while Israel is strongly resisting this and will not offer this. the middle ground is asking the US to commit to ensuring phase 2 negotiations succeed or last as long as needed, but this is a weak compromise and doesn't guarantee anything. I doubt Hamas will accept this but we will see.

At this point the US administration is nothing more than a protective enabler of a violent bully gone on rampage

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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At this point the US administration is nothing more than a protective enabler of a violent bully gone on rampage
the US doesn't want to use the leverage it has over Israel so instead it walks on eggshells to try to pressure Israel to accept diplomacy while ensuring their interests will be protected at all costs... the consequences for a US president to use its leverage over Israel is currently too high to make it worthwhile, even at the cost of complicity in a genocide.


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Apr 1, 2024
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Ah yes, of course. After all, we have achieved unity among our own ranks already, so the next step would be to divide the enemy.
What bipolar character this "man" is.

One day he's a superior westerner educating the illiterate savages, then the next day he's suddenly one of us... one of us. 😂

But notice how he defends US hegemony and zionism in both modes.

Could also be him just changing up strategies after noticing that most people here don't respect his western chauvinism and "better than thou" attitude.


Jul 1, 2024
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the US doesn't want to use the leverage it has over Israel so instead it walks on eggshells to try to pressure Israel to accept diplomacy while ensuring their interests will be protected at all costs... the consequences for a US president to use its leverage over Israel is currently too high to make it worthwhile, even at the cost of complicity in a genocide.

Can a country still be a democracy if a tiny minority and a handfull of rich individuals controlls its apex institutions, including the Commander in Chief. I think Americans themselves should ponder on it.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Can a country still be a democracy when a tiny minority and a handfull of rich individuals vontrolls its apex unstitutions, including the Commander in Chief. I think Americans themselves should ponder on it.
valid question. the US is in practice an oligarchy due to the excessive influence of billionaires and the lobby class.



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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And just what do you think the other side is doing as well? The results suggest they just might be doing it better.

That's why you can't give up

Palestinians and Muslims have a demographic advantage

So to make a deal whilst we are weak is stupid, our people have already suffered enough

So we need freedom, not to be pushed and coerced into eternal subjugation alongside the Zionists in a deal made when we were weak

Now is the time to push for the sake of sacrifice made by the martyrs and for the sake of the future of Palestine

The Jews simply cannot remain in the middle east and they must go, they are a insidious people and the Europeans and Americans can deal with them
Jan 29, 2024
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Not a single article in any western MSM.
Can you imagine if the perpetrator was palestinian or muslim.
Why do you care about Western main stream media at all. What difference it makes what someone says. Seems to me it is inferiority complex. The only factor is the power. Muslims need to be powerful and you do not need to rely on anyone else.


Sep 19, 2010
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That's why you can't give up

Palestinians and Muslims have a demographic advantage

So to make a deal whilst we are weak is stupid, our people have already suffered enough

So we need freedom, not to be pushed and coerced into eternal subjugation alongside the Zionists in a deal made when we were weak

Now is the time to push for the sake of sacrifice made by the martyrs and for the sake of the future of Palestine

The Jews simply cannot remain in the middle east and they must go, they are a insidious people and the Europeans and Americans can deal with them

Giving up is not an option, clearly, and I agree. But fighting smarter indeed is an option, which thus far seems to be choice we are not making.

Obviously, the point that I was making earlier eluded the simpletons, which is that the advice given by you earlier cannot be applied before this so called "Muslim World" is united itself, which clearly it is NOT.

While it is good that you are adamant for the jews to leave, it is smply not a realistic option.
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Jul 1, 2024
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Why do you care about Western main stream media at all. What difference it makes what someone says. Seems to me it is inferiority complex. The only factor is the power. Muslims need to be powerful and you do not need to rely on anyone else.

Because i live in a western country and am a proud citizen. Would expect our media to atleast be somewhat fair and balanced. It matters to me because muslims are constantly potrayed in negative light by some vested interests.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Giving up is not an option, clearly, and I agree. But fighting smarter indeed is an option, which thus far seems to be choice we are not making.

Obviously, the point that I was making earlier eluded the simpletons, which is that the advice given by you earlier cannot be applied before this so called "Mulsim World" is united itself, which clearly it is NOT.

While it is good that you are adamant for the jews to leave, it is smply not a realistic option.
It's absolutely a realistic option but it requires continued resistance NOW

CRAP like the Abraham accords is defeat, it's accepting a enemy and their theft of your land and slaughter of your people, hell it even justifies the slaughter because the occupier achieved what they wanted, they got the land and they got acceptance and all the had to do was kill and oppress you

This is tough on the Palestinians, very tough but we cannot allow their sacrifice to go in vain

We MUST at all costs stop any deals with the muslim world, and any deals that do occur must be countered with outright hatred of the Jew at a basic population level

I've said this before, the Jew crossed a line that will cost them and haunt them


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2023
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That's why you can't give up

Palestinians and Muslims have a demographic advantage

So to make a deal whilst we are weak is stupid, our people have already suffered enough

So we need freedom, not to be pushed and coerced into eternal subjugation alongside the Zionists in a deal made when we were weak

Now is the time to push for the sake of sacrifice made by the martyrs and for the sake of the future of Palestine

The Jews simply cannot remain in the middle east and they must go, they are a insidious people and the Europeans and Americans can deal with them
I agree the Zionists are foreigners. But what about Two state Solution?

The Palestinians lost a war to the Zionists in 1948?

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