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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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Not everything should be viewed through 'Zionist' lens. She is a French nationalist and against immigration to France. Especially non-European kind. You may call her a racist, if you want. But honestly, we visited Paris a few years back and it felt like a dump. During daytime, we would visit museums, palaces etc., and in the evening, there would be street fights between Arabs and Africans, sometimes involving knives. This is a message by a young woman in France who has to suffer daily indignities:


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Hezbollah rockets have 80% success rate, 2 IDF terrorists injured

Two IDF terrorists were lightly wounded by a rocket impact in the northern city of Kiryat Shmona earlier this evening, the Nazi military says.

Hezbollah launched a barrage of five rockets from Lebanon at Kiryat Shmona, some of which impacted the city and caused damage.

Damage was caused to a home in Kiryat Shmona by a direct rocket impact, local authorities say.

The Kiryat Shmona municipality says one of the five rockets launched from Lebanon was intercepted, while the other four hit the city, including one that struck a home.



Sep 19, 2010
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It's absolutely a realistic option but it requires continued resistance NOW

CRAP like the Abraham accords is defeat, it's accepting a enemy and their theft of your land and slaughter of your people, hell it even justifies the slaughter because the occupier achieved what they wanted, they got the land and they got acceptance and all the had to do was kill and oppress you

This is tough on the Palestinians, very tough but we cannot allow their sacrifice to go in vain

We MUST at all costs stop any deals with the muslim world, and any deals that do occur must be countered with outright hatred of the Jew at a basic population level

I've said this before, the Jew crossed a line that will cost them and haunt them

It is easy to pontificate like that sitting in the UK. That is all I can say about your enthusiasm.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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It is easy to pontificate like that sitting in the UK. That is all I can say about your enthusiasm.

The Palestinians suffer the most, they are the front line and we cannot allow their suffering and sacrifices to go in vain
Jan 29, 2024
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Because i live in a western country and am a proud citizen. Would expect our media to atleast be somewhat fair and balanced. It matters to me because muslims are constantly potrayed in negative light by some vested interests.
Proud Citizen. I would say you are too innocent.


Sep 19, 2010
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The Palestinians suffer the most, they are the front line and we cannot allow their suffering and sacrifices to go in vain

Well, right now the poor Palestinians seem to be catching the worst of it. What those sacrifices will achieve still remains to be seen.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Israel might use several neutron bombs to take out Hezbollah hideouts.
If Israel does that, then Houthis will likely follow through on their threat to bomb Dimona nuclear facility.
Any analysis on whether this will be a winning tactic?
Lol- Israel may win something, but it wont probably be its war against Hezbollah.
I'm >50 % we are going to see some nuclear escalation soon.
Hmm....if that nuclear escalation involves Iran, then we know the answer to the question about whether Iran has nuclear weapons or not.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Just no.

That will be the end of the entity as otherwise there will be all-out war.

Iran has already said that if there is a full scale war in Lebanon, then it would be fully involved and it will then be a "war of annihilation".
Good points.
Too many people think the Zionist entity will be able to get out of the hole it is in now - no as the noose will be slowly tightened around it till it eventually suffocates.
Iran will not allow the Zyunist entity to get out of the deeep hole it dug itself into,i am very confident of this,because this is the closest/best chance Iran has had since the Islamic revolution to actually collapse Israel,free Palestine and take control of Quds away from it.

Mahmoud Abbas is also likely to vanish or be taken out around the time the abusive entity's current life ends.

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