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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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valid question. the US is in practice an oligarchy due to the excessive influence of billionaires and the lobby class.

Correct- but isn't it manipulative and crazy that US govt always mentions the word "Oligarchy" when talking about Russia but US is the biggest Oligarchy on earth? Americans have a big war on their hands (against their govt), but they will have to choose when and how they fight that mandatory war- or else they accept permanent subjugation by their scam govt.


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Sep 10, 2016
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"Gains are very small" = Losses are very big.

I see what you did there Israel.


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Are those all the Arabs?
those are the ones that agreed to be camera agreeing to become friends with America and Israel, yes

Ashamed of what?
if you have to ask ...

you should be ashamed of the "Iran gate"! do you remember that saga..HaHa!
I'm talking about things that are happening now, you are talking about something from 40 years ago and is not comparable to this in the slightest

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Haaretz, on former Israeli army spokesman Peter Lerner:
Netanyahu’s government has led to a loss of international confidence in Israel


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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The end result of the incremental annexation of the West Bank is an expanded Israel that controls 90% of the West Bank with the remaining 10% comprised of Palestinian 'bantustans' (e.g. Hebron, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Tulkarm with a total population of only c. 1 million) surrounded by Jewish settlements annexed into Israel.

When this happens, the options will be:

(A) Pressure on Israel to end the apartheid and offer these remaining Palestinians Israeli citizenship (Jews will still be a minority as Gaza will still be a separate besieged enclave)
(B) Israel offers these remaining bantustans some form of autonomous power and they operate as secluded autonomous Palestinian enclaves with no connection with each other
(C) Israel completes the ethnic cleansing campaign by ramping up settler violence and making the lives of those remaining intolerable (continuation of status quo), so these areas can also be ethnically cleansed and displaced by Jewish settlers, to be annexed into Israel once the number of remaining Palestinians is tolerable for Israel to absorb into its Jewish supremacist state.

Curious for your thoughts on this @Falcon29 @Unknowntruth @Hassan Al-Somal
As long as the PA is in power and working with the Zionist state, option B is more likely. Israel uses the PA to take the heat off itself and blame the PA for the conditions of the West Bank. I think not only should “security cooperation” be stopped but also PA completely disbanded. With no functioning government in West Bank and no PA to help police the West Bank Israel will have to spend more resources and need more manpower to keep the stranglehold on the West Bank. This will cause Israel to overextend itself with extra troops and having to now also maintain security, food, etc for the Palestinian population. This will also expose it for the apartheid state it already is with no PA to blame for the conditions in the West Bank.

Right now, Israel uses the PA to police the West Bank and basically to keep a lid on any resistance. With no PA, Israel will have to do all the work which costs manpower and money. They will stretch themselves out too thin and resistance will gain a bigger foothold and start doing daily hit and run tactics. Israel will start losing soldiers which the Zionist entity can’t take because their people will stroke out when their relatives come back in body bags. They want occupation with no costs. With no PA to spy, gather intel, and send the intel to the Zionist state, Israel will find itself in a much harder situation to recruit traitors making it blind.
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Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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As long as the PA is in power and working with the Zionist state, option B is more likely. Israel uses the PA to take the heat off itself and blame the PA for the conditions of the West Bank. I think not only should “security cooperation” be stopped but also PA completely disbanded. With no functioning government in West Bank and no PA to help police the West Bank Israel will have to spend more resources and need more manpower to keep the stranglehold on the West Bank. This will cause Israel to overextend itself with extra troops and having to now also maintain security, food, etc for the Palestinian population. This will also expose it for the apartheid state it already is with no PA to blame for the conditions in the West Bank.
with what end goal?


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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with what end goal?
End goal would be Israel exposed for the apartheid state it is with no PA to blame and use to cover up their crimes. This will lead to pressure on Israel and world wide condemnation with boycotts like what happened to South Africa. With their soldiers being sent home in body bags, more manpower to control West Bank, economy taking a nose dive, etc these rats will flee back to whatever hole they crawled out of.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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End goal would be Israel exposed for the apartheid state it is with no PA to blame and use to cover up their crimes. This will lead to pressure on Israel and world wide condemnation with boycotts like what happened to South Africa. With their soldiers being sent home in body bags, more manpower to control West Bank, economy taking a nose dive, etc these rats will flee back to whatever hole they crawled out of.
to me it sounds like the end goal of this scenario would be (A) --> quasi one state solution without Gaza

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