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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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to me it sounds like the end goal of this scenario would be (A) --> quasi one state solution without Gaza
Yes but this will not happen until the PA is no more. It will include Gaza because the entire Zionist state will collapse and Gaza is and will always be Palestinian. I don’t think the Arabs are willing to sacrifice anything or go to war with Israel. They not only won’t make war with Israel but won’t even arm Palestinians to defend themselves. If Egypt and Arab states let weapons flow into Gaza, Palestinians would have already left them demoralized and beaten. Unfortunately Palestinians can only fight with whatever they can get their hands on while admirable lacks the firepower to completely dismantle this Zionist entity.

Palestinians do not need armies to come, only weapons to fight off this infestation.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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The Yemen are very well equipped, and they have very sophisticated equipment and weapons. I hope some of these weapons can be supplied to the mujahedin in Gaza.

Yemen has emerged from this war much more powerful and they’ve learned a lot of new tactics



Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Majority of U.S. people support Israel for various reasons.
View attachment 53519
Interesting, disappointing, but not surprising.

So the US govt does what is wrong (support Israel against Gaza) because the American people wrongly support Israel also? Conclusion - US as a nation will still face severe consequences for being unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and choosing wrong over right. Karma never misses.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Brilliant news as David Lammy has been named as the new UK Foreign Secretary.

He is on the left of the party and has already stated that the UK would honour arrest warrants issued for the Zionist war criminals Netanyahu and Gallant.
But will UK stop shipping weapons to Israel? the hold of the Zyunists on UK is not light or simple- dont fall for words about impractical or shallow things- UK will NEVER arrest Israel's leaders for ICC, instead, UK will tell Israel it will arrest its leaders if ICC warrants are issued, and will advise Israeli leaders not to visit UK.

New UK govt has ALOT to do to deviate considerably from Sunak's govt. Just like Trump- in some ways he will seem different from Biden, but in the grand scheme, Americans will get more or less the same thing from their govt!


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Yes but this will not happen until the PA is no more. It will include Gaza because the entire Zionist state will collapse and Gaza is and will always be Palestinian. I don’t think the Arabs are willing to sacrifice anything or go to war with Israel. They not only won’t make war with Israel but won’t even arm Palestinians to defend themselves. If Egypt and Arab states let weapons flow into Gaza, Palestinians would have already left them demoralized and beaten. Unfortunately Palestinians can only fight with whatever they can get their hands on while admirable lacks the firepower to completely dismantle this Zionist entity.

Palestinians do not need armies to come, only weapons to fight off this infestation.

The "Oslo Accords" never made any sense as the PA recognised the entity without the entity recognising Palestine in return.

Yes, you are right that the PA is now the major roadblock in the way of the eventual destruction of the apartheid Zionist entity.

It needs to be dissolved and may need the resistance in West Bank to take it out if that is possible without major bloodshed, as it just as much an enemy of Palestine as the occupier.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Interesting, disappointing, but not surprising.

So the US govt does what is wrong (support Israel against Gaza) because the American people wrongly support Israel also? Conclusion - US as a nation will still face severe consequences for being unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and choosing wrong over right. Karma never misses.

The U.S has been a dishonest peace broker and is the main reason for this conflict

The U.S is almost as culpable as Israel itself

I think the sheer circumstances would have forced Israel to be more reasonable and made peace

The U.S its funding, it's weapons supply, it diplomatic cover bought Israel, Palestine and the middle east to this situation

The cuck Arab regimes are to be blamed as well, but they needed U.S support and hence their behavior

The more the U.S can be sidelined in the world the better for humanity

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