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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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As long as the PA is in power and working with the Zionist state, option B is more likely. Israel uses the PA to take the heat off itself and blame the PA for the conditions of the West Bank. I think not only should “security cooperation” be stopped but also PA completely disbanded. With no functioning government in West Bank and no PA to help police the West Bank Israel will have to spend more resources and need more manpower to keep the stranglehold on the West Bank. This will cause Israel to overextend itself with extra troops and having to now also maintain security, food, etc for the Palestinian population. This will also expose it for the apartheid state it already is with no PA to blame for the conditions in the West Bank.

Right now, Israel uses the PA to police the West Bank and basically to keep a lid on any resistance. With no PA, Israel will have to do all the work which costs manpower and money. They will stretch themselves out too thin and resistance will gain a bigger foothold and start doing daily hit and run tactics. Israel will start losing soldiers which the Zionist entity can’t take because their people will stroke out when their relatives come back in body bags. They want occupation with no costs. With no PA to spy, gather intel, and send the intel to the Zionist state, Israel will find itself in a much harder situation to recruit traitors making it blind.
Israel is playing on both sides..

Saudi Foreign Minister:

The Israeli government's policy is to continue enabling Hamas's control as a means of undermining the prospects for a two-state solution. This is quite clear.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The occupation army claims of the presence of resistance members in Al-Jaouni School, affiliated with UNRWA, where it carried out a heinous massacre today, claiming the lives of 16 martyrs and dozens of wounded, defenseless displaced civilians; It is pure lies and deception.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The last chance for the Israeli prisoners to return alive

Large demonstrations took place inside the Israeli entity in most cities, the largest of which was in Tel Aviv, and 1,500 demonstrators surrounded Netanyahu’s house, which was turned into a military barracks, demanding the overthrow of the government and the conclusion of an immediate deal..

Mother of the captured Israeli soldier in Gaza, Matan Angerst: I received a signal from him. He was screaming and saying: “Netanyahu, get me out of here.”


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The mother of the slain Israeli soldier, Alon Scagio, attacks the Israeli government: “Do any of the Israeli leaders care about the soldiers? They kill for nothing and are killed senselessly.”


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Your Merchandise is returned to you...

The resistance did not wait for the end of the war to recycle the unexploded Israeli shells and missiles to make new missiles and missiles to target the Israeli forces. Rather, it actually began to do so and targeted Netzarim.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Israel targets a school housing displaced people in Nuseirat.
Israel killed entire families of children and women.

An initial toll indicates 14 martyrs and the number is likely to increase.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Shortly before...
Ayalon Street in Tel Aviv, skirmishes between #Bin_Ghubir police and demonstrators against the Netanyahu government.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It is said that this anthem was sung by the women of the Ansar, their boys, and their children, as according to Al-Bayhaqi, from the hadith of Aisha, may God be pleased with her..

The full moon rose upon us from the folds of farewell
It is obligatory for us to give thanks when someone calls upon God

O envoy among us, you have come with the obedient order
You came to honor the city, welcome, best caller upon God

Happy new year on the occasion of the new Hijri year 1446 AH, and the anniversary of the noble Prophet’s \ God bless him and grant him peace, entry into Medina migrating from Mecca, his arrival to the Ansar, and his presence among them. May the best prayers and peace be upon them.
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Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The entitlement of these rats to harass people and block traffic while playing victim.

They're harassing people for simply existing. Apparently if you're a Palestinian you should cease to exist. She should be charged with a hate crime. You do not have the right to harass people for being Palestinian, supporting Palestine and Palestinians, or wearing Palestinian cultural attire.

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