Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Al-Qassam_Brigades in #Resistant_South_Lebanon bombed the Zionist “300th Western Brigade Headquarters” in northern #occupied Palestine with a concentrated missile barrage
#Al-Aqsa Flood

Al-Qassam Brigades: At 17:15, we bombed from southern #Lebanon the “300th Western Brigade headquarters” of the enemy in “Khirbet Maar” in the Western Galilee, north of #occupied Palestine, with a concentrated missile salvo consisting of 30 missiles that targeted the brigade’s artillery positions, its maintenance center, and the concentration of enemy forces there.
To whom it may concern,

The Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank are being displaced and exterminated, and Al-Aqsa and the holy sites are being Judaized in the harshest battle known to mankind. This war will not end unless we enter history as the greatest victors, conquerors and liberators of the entire nation, even if we fight the entire world, even if half the people are martyred, even if we abandon all Arabs and Muslims.

And peace!


The day the Muslims defeated the Tatars..


From the spring of Goliath to the Al-Aqsa flood..

“The people of #Iraq stood and watched the Tatars sweep through Khorasan - #Iran and the countries of Central Asia - and kill millions of its people, and they did not move to support their Muslim brothers. They preferred safety and decided to follow the path of humiliating peace with the Tatars.

Only two years later, the Tatars came to them and killed more than a million people from #Baghdad, burned it with everyone in it, and used the sword against the people of Iraq.

However, the people of the Levant did not learn. They raised peace flags and established treaties and agreements with the Tatars, and they stood and watched Iraq burn and its people being slaughtered.

Months passed until the #Tatars came to them and occupied the Levant, destroyed #Damascus, killed the people of #Homs, and burned #Aleppo.

However, the people of #Egypt did not learn from it, and the #Mamluks, the rulers of Egypt, were inclined to accept the unfair terms and peace of the Tatars, had God not strengthened them with the victorious Sultan #Qutz, where he said his famous saying:

“I throw myself at the Tatars, O princes of the Muslims. You have been eating from the treasury for a long time, and you hate the invaders, and I am heading. Whoever chooses jihad will accompany me, and whoever does not choose that will return to his home. God is aware of it, and the sin of the Muslim harem is on the necks of those who are late to fight.” "

Then he addressed them and said:
“O Muslim leaders, who is for Islam if not us?”

The princes were affected by what he said, and in order for Qutuz to make sure that there was no chance for a truce, he ordered the execution of the Tatar messengers and their hanging at the gates of the city so that everyone would know that the state was mobilizing for jihad and block the way for everyone who wanted to make peace with the Tatars.

The day of Ain Jalut was a difficult day for the Muslims, the day of the great battle between the Muslims and the Tatars in Palestine. Qutuz was forced to go down to the battlefield himself after he was directing the battle, and he was almost killed by a Tatar arrow that missed and hit his horse, until things became intense, so he stood up and fought on foot. Rather, he added more, in order to stabilize his soldiers and raise their morale, so he threw his helmet on the ground as an expression of his longing for martyrdom and his lack of fear of death, and he uttered his famous cry: “Oh my God!” So the circle turned around for the Tatars until Ain Goliath became the site of their true annihilation, and in it God gave rest. The world was saved from their evil at the hands of people who believed God and He believed them, and they supported Him and He supported them and honored them with great honor and honor.

These are the Sunnahs that as long as people are ignorant of them, they will taste from the cup of their bitterness until the dungeon. There is no peace with invaders, and there is no safety for cowards who abandon their brothers. As for injustice, it lives by silence, breathes by submission, and strengthens by submission.

And between the spring of Goliath and the victory of the Al-Aqsa Flood, there is the decision of a leader, the determination of a soldier, boldness, courage, resolve, extreme force, and blood, blood, and blood until God decides a matter that was already in effect!

I am loving reading this. LOVING this!! Hahahaha!! So now the EU's chief Foreign Policy diplomat is also an Anti-semite!! Hahahahaha!!!

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz launched a scathing attack on European Union Foreign Minister Josep Borrell on Saturday night, accusing him of leading an “antisemitic campaign” against Israel. Katz’s remarks followed Borrell’s involvement in discussions concerning the establishment of a Palestinian state, which Katz believes aligns Borrell with Israel’s adversaries.

In his statement, Katz called Borrell “an antisemitic Israel-hater who leads a campaign against Israel like the greatest antisemites in history.” Katz added: “Instead of acting against the Iranian axis of evil, he joins forces with them.”

Katz further accused Borrell of harboring long-standing bias against Israel, regularly pushing for resolutions and sanctions within the European Union. However, according to Katz, these efforts have been blocked by most EU member states.
Important statements from Turki Al-Faisal 🇸🇦🚨:

- There will be no normalization with Israel without a Palestinian state, and this is a basic condition for the Saudis.

- The Netanyahu government says that it will not recognize a Palestinian state, so there is no recognition in the region of the existence of Israel and there will be no peace.

- Saudi Arabia is not ready to reconstruct Gaza. Reconstructing Gaza is a global responsibility, and the first responsible person is Israel and the United Nations. They are the ones who must pay money for the reconstruction of Gaza through an international fund, and we are working to pressure Israel to pay its bill.

- Biden considered us a pariah state, and at the end of his presidency he began looking for Saudi Arabia to work with!

- We do not care about Trump, Biden, or whoever, whoever the American people elect, we know how to deal with him.

The moment the heroes of the Jenin Brigade blew up a military jeep during the recent invasion of the camp.
Their abilities are simple, but their actions and results were powerful, unlike those who possess powerful weapons and achieve simple results out of fear


Listen to this. We killed enough Japenese and turned them into friends. We can do the same to Muslims and Hamas. Just kill as many Muslims and Hamas and only the friendlies will be left...

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