Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As @Meengla shared from a former American colonel, the Pentagon is opposed to Netanyahu, Ben Gavir, and other extremists' plan of launching a major war against Lebanon - a war they expect America to come to their aid.

So it is possible that U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wants the congress to take a stand since under the American constitution, it is the US Congress that has the constitutional mandate to declare war.
USA is against because it would be the God's chosen's downfall, but they surely assisted assuming it weaken Lebanon
The entity has messed up so badly.

These one act means that even the most stupidest cucks will now never trust them anymore with their very lives being on the line.

Crazy and irrational entity that is committing blunder and blunder.
You've seen their barbarism, they are literally the most hated group on earth right now, watch boycotts defunding and isolation become standard procedure. Their religion has been exposed. Once again their bloodlust literally destroyed the Israeli tech industry. Like a feral beast Israelis only have death and destruction on their minds.
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Whoever in the west who came up with this plan to install explosives in electronic goods, have done the west a huge disfavor. Idiotic short sighted policies.
People arent dumb.
Everyone being sceptical bout products made by western companies. Even me sitting in comfort here is wondering how much of our day to day products could be dangerous. Call me paranoid but thats a normal conclusion from the recent events.

Yes, and not only that, the Exploding Pagers is not going to achieve Israel much beyond massaging their pathetic, murdering egos. It is now one of those 'One Time' thing. Human beings are quite adaptable and the Resistance against Israel has already shown how greatly it has adapted since the 1973: Who can now deny that Israel's very survival hangs by a thread: The Israeli Lobby in Washington? The Resistance has seen the weakness in Israel and the world has seen the cowardice in the once-vaunted IDF. There is absolutely no going back from that.
Let's also clear something up

Hezbollah is a IRREGULAR FORCE, it's not a state, and it's not a fully fledged state military with a states resources
Sure it's gets support and funding from Iran, but that's always going to be limited to some extent

Now whilst iran and the resistance can supply Hezbollah with both missiles, rockets, ATGMs and even personnel from across the mid east
Hezbollah needs a built up arsenal so if war was to break out it can saturate bomb Israel

If Israel built up forces in the north they could be hit and destroyed

Hezbollah can't afford to overplay it's hand, prematurely ejaculate and waste its resources when the time isn't right

This is why Hezbollah is using the excess it has to keep northern Israel under fire and attack whilst never going so hard that it loses its deterrence

In any Israel -lebanon war, Israel will need to call reservists and build up forces in the north
THAT is when Hezbollah can go hard, hit Israeli major cities and targets and destroy Israeli military targets in the north

Seriously, these irregular forces of Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ, Ansarullah in Yemen, and the Afghan Taliban can fight far better than the so-called big armies we have in many countries. Our conventional armies can be easily overwhelmed while these irregular forces can go toe-to-toe with the nations of Kufr and drive them out of Arab and Muslim lands.
The entity has messed up so badly.

This one act means that even the most stupidest cucks will now never trust them anymore with their very lives being on the line.

Crazy and irrational entity that is committing blunder and blunder.

You would hope so, but I'm losing hope in the short sighted stupidity of the GCC and surrounding Arab states

Has Morocco received its satellite yet?
Seriously, these irregular forces of Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ, Ansarullah in Yemen, and the Afghan Taliban can fight far better than the so-called big armies we have in many countries. Our conventional armies can be easily overwhelmed while these irregular forces can go toe-to-toe with the nations of Kufr and drive them out of Arab and Muslim lands.

Not without major support, Pakistan for the Taliban and Iran for the resistance against Israel

Its all on the Arabs , if only the GCC Arabs grew a spine, I can't believe how the likes of Egypt are destroying their reputation

Can you imagine how Muslim history will see these people
As @Meengla shared from a former American colonel, the Pentagon is opposed to Netanyahu, Ben Gavir, and other extremists' plan of launching a major war against Lebanon - a war they expect America to come to their aid.

So it is possible that U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wants the congress to take a stand since under the American constitution, it is the US Congress that has the constitutional mandate to declare war.

USA is against because it would be the God's chosen's downfall, but they surely assisted assuming it weaken Lebanon

IF Col. Wilkerson was correct--and he has said it twice in last two days and I have high regard for him--then it is a game-changer that the Pentagon has taken over the conflict from Blinken. The Generals in the US know the cost of a regional war when already so much is depleted to Ukraine and Israel from America. Remember: They recently had an aircraft carrier moved away from the Middle East.
The politicians are definitely in the pockets of the AIPAC. But the US military is less so. They have to take orders from above but they are also aware of their own place in 'history' and in the limelight to bring a repeat of the Vietnam War and of the inglorious retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021.

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