Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Lol, you have been pro-Israel from day one. Israel's days are numbered , why, because they are economically crippled and 2 million short in occupiers who fled abroad back to their countries of origin. In fact Israel is now more dependent on US and UK financial and military handouts, courtesy of gullible and controlled tax payers and from indirectly controlled countries in NATO. If you believe that death and distruction defines victory then you must be one of those who bowed to the German Nazis and claim they were victorious. But I can understand where you are coming from because you believe like a true non-believer and surrender is the best course of action in your mind. That's your basic fallacy that of foolish Zions and their backers . The number of Muslims who will volunteer to fight and bring down the Nazi Israelis is countless and the Euro Nazis who have hollow moral values won't be able to able to persuade their populace to fight a futile and unjust war, no matter how much brainwashing they do through their media.

Militarily the US and UK with their Western allies have a limit to the support they can provide to Israel before they start risking their own security and a collapse in other precarious theaters such as Taiwan, south Korea, Ukraine etc. The US and British people aren't stupid they aren't going to give up their kids to die in unjust wars and contribute in a genocide. The world isn't foolish either , today it is Palestine tomorrow it could be them. The most concerning part is that the so called "Civilised World" has adopted and adapted Nazi ideology and they have nuclear weapons. The goal of the world should now be to defang the nukes from these new Nazis else we are at the eve of destruction of the human race.

Back to Israel, israel's fate is sealed no matter how much slaughter and evil crimes they commit. In fact the more crimes they commit the quicker their demise will be,
I have been pro-fact from Day 1, I honestly don't care about either side. And I am not blinded by Religion and emotion, the thing is, facts not going your way, you saw that as pro-Israel.

I don't see Israel is going down in this because that's what I see, there are no way they are going to lose this war then, and 1 year on (well, give or take 2 weeks) the situation is still the same, the people who can stop Israel is the West, and from the last 340 or so days, it demonstrate quite clearly, they don't care.

And if you think their economic is crippled, and 2 million fled, then sure, why not, but what does that even mean? It all mean shit if they still have a way to prosecute this war, and the fact is, they still have a way to prosecute this war, otherwise it will be ended a long time ago, that mean you will have to ask yourself, just what is the end game here?

Again, you are free to think what you want to think, because A.) You, me and all of us here don't really matter in the grand scheme of thing. B.) Everyone has their own free will.
This forum is full of people who have been advocating a full fledged Hezbollah attack on Israel from Day One; I have held my opinion that the ongoing War of Attrition is the best course forward. Hezbollah is going to target deeper into Israel but they have so far not lost sight of the strategic calculations: Bleed Israel in such a way so as to not drag a reluctant America into it.
Unfortunately, until November 6, Netanyahu has the free hand to push for a regional war to try to drag the Americans in. He keeps slapping Iran and the Resistance on their faces to provoke that. There is no question in my and many Western pro Palestinian analysts mind about Netanyahu's strategy.
All I will say is if Hezbollah is willing to launch a full fledged attack, they would have launched it November last year, because at least what it could do is try to stop the Israel war in Gaza by pulling their troop North.

They didn't do it then, there are no incentive to do it now. Either that or that's their (Hezbollah) plan to have Gaza destroy all along.......
what would you do?
If this was me, I will try to find out how deep the leak is. That's number 1.

You need to do a few (probably about 100s if they are 100,000 strong lik you said), how far this goes, and how deep the compromise is, because if they have a mole in it to receive those pager, they can do a lot, like a lot with any other infrastructure, depends on how insulated the organisation is. I mean if someone high up trusted that guy to receive a bunch of modified pager without knowing, that guy(or guys) probably had another bunch of people trust him to do a whole bunch of other things.

So that's primal, you need to know what the connection is, and how deep it run, otherwise it's not going to work because if that guy (or guys) are still in play, they can just switch it to something else, you need that leak to be out of the picture first.

Then, you start taking stock, and go thru all of what your leak had touched, and then radiated to potential contamination. Or if you have resource, you just replace everything.
All I will say is if Hezbollah is willing to launch a full fledged attack, they would have launched it November last year, because at least what it could do is try to stop the Israel war in Gaza by pulling their troop North.
They didn't do it then, there are no incentive to do it now. Either that or that's their (Hezbollah) plan to have Gaza destroy all along.......

Bolded part: What a non-sensical statement!
You really should stay away from this topic. It is out of your league, your much-touted-by-yourself 'military experience' is being shredded by yourself with such posts.
Okay, I will take the bait: So on October 8, 2023 Hezbollah starting to attack Israel in order to enable Israel to destroy Gaza?? Can you please see what you are saying here!!??
Second reaction to this, China is indirectly declaring itself against Israel. Interesting development; mostly a political move for the Global South to see.

Let’s see what He says at his UNGA speech.

Look like he’s setting himself akin to Khrushchev trying to woo over the middle eastern leaders and publics.

I agree with your assessments except for the disengagement part. Post-The Oslo Accord clearly showed Israel will not accept boundaries established through negotiations. It was at the time PLO laid down arms and were practically rolled over the next day. The Palestinians are in a do or die situation, and there is no ramp provided if it is by design or not; that's another discussion.
That is not about agreement, that was what would I do if that was me. I will never fight a war that first, your enemy wanted, second, with one hand tied behind my back and one eye close, that is what I see where Hezbollah stand at the moment. But as I said, it's just me, you may think differently.

I get why you think backing off now is a bad idea, you were afraid if you give Israel one inch, and they will take a mile, and they are not going to go back, but as far as I see, what's the alternative?

Sure, if they attack and you fight now, you probably can kill some Israel for it, but it will damage your own capability to a point where it can take multiple decades to recover, what if IDF have all/most of your missile launch site, all/most of your storage, all/most of your C&C structure? You can lob missile, but face it, that damage is not going to be as deep as a combine air and missile strike. They touched your comm, that's probably the most annoying things there are, because if they can blow it up, you can bet your arse they can also listen into and intercept your message. They (Israeli) bark that loud is because they know enough to take you down, the only thing they are waiting on is the western support to do so, which is hesitant after what happened in Gaza, but if Hezbollah attack first, then all bets are off, you probably will see the American join in with the aircraft carrier, that 2 carrier added air power of another IDF air force.

There are 2 things you can never underestimate with the American government. That's how stupid the people are to vote these people in, and the resolve to keep Israel in play, if the American have the guts to back something, they won't back down until that something is done. If it was me, I will preserve my force and don't fall into the trap. But again, that's just me.
Bolded part: What a non-sensical statement!
You really should stay away from this topic. It is out of your league, your much-touted-by-yourself 'military experience' is being shredded by yourself with such posts.
Okay, I will take the bait: So on October 8, 2023 Hezbollah starting to attack Israel in order to enable Israel to destroy Gaza?? Can you please see what you are saying here!!??
That's why I said "Either that, or", you failed to see my point.

What I said was, if Hezbollah attack, they would have done so in November last year, that will at least draw majority of IDF off Gaza, which make room for Hamas to breathe. They DIDN'T and Gaza is effectively destroyed, so what good would it be to attack now?
That is not about agreement, that was what would I do if that was me. I will never fight a war that first, your enemy wanted, second, with one hand tied behind my back and one eye close, that is what I see where Hezbollah stand at the moment. But as I said, it's just me, you may think differently.

I get why you think backing off now is a bad idea, you were afraid if you give Israel one inch, and they will take a mile, and they are not going to go back, but as far as I see, what's the alternative?

Sure, if they attack and you fight now, you probably can kill some Israel for it, but it will damage your own capability to a point where it can take multiple decades to recover, what if IDF have all/most of your missile launch site, all/most of your storage, all/most of your C&C structure? You can lob missile, but face it, that damage is not going to be as deep as a combine air and missile strike. They touched your comm, that's probably the most annoying things there are, because if they can blow it up, you can bet your arse they can also listen into and intercept your message. They (Israeli) bark that loud is because they know enough to take you down, the only thing they are waiting on is the western support to do so, which is hesitant after what happened in Gaza, but if Hezbollah attack first, then all bets are off, you probably will see the American join in with the aircraft carrier, that 2 carrier added air power of another IDF air force.

There are 2 things you can never underestimate with the American government. That's how stupid the people are to vote these people in, and the resolve to keep Israel in play, if the American have the guts to back something, they won't back down until that something is done. If it was me, I will preserve my force and don't fall into the trap. But again, that's just me.
This war is imposed on the area. Gaza, Lebanon..either you fight or you submit yourself to the will of your enemy....
If this was me, I will try to find out how deep the leak is. That's number 1.

You need to do a few (probably about 100s if they are 100,000 strong lik you said), how far this goes, and how deep the compromise is, because if they have a mole in it to receive those pager, they can do a lot, like a lot with any other infrastructure, depends on how insulated the organisation is. I mean if someone high up trusted that guy to receive a bunch of modified pager without knowing, that guy(or guys) probably had another bunch of people trust him to do a whole bunch of other things.

So that's primal, you need to know what the connection is, and how deep it run, otherwise it's not going to work because if that guy (or guys) are still in play, they can just switch it to something else, you need that leak to be out of the picture first.

Then, you start taking stock, and go thru all of what your leak had touched, and then radiated to potential contamination. Or if you have resource, you just replace everything.
this is standard counterintelligence procedure which Hezbollah does as a matter of course

that's not a one and done thing, it's a constant ongoing battle vs your enemy

but what would you do vis-a-vis Israel?
This war is imposed on the area. Gaza, Lebanon..either you fight or you submit yourself to the will of your enemy....
At some point and sometime you need to realise there is a way to lose a battle but win a war. In fact, that had been done time and time again.

I am not saying you need to back down, I am saying you pick your battle to fight, of course you can always dive head first into every battle, but again, as I said, they wanted this to happen, so that would make me think should I actually make it happen?
That's why I said "Either that, or", you failed to see my point.

What I said was, if Hezbollah attack, they would have done so in November last year, that will at least draw majority of IDF off Gaza, which make room for Hamas to breathe. They DIDN'T and Gaza is effectively destroyed, so what good would it be to attack now?

That 'or' was the bizarre 'or': So, due to their limitations, Hezbollah didn't launch a full-fledged attack on Israel on October 8, 2023 but how does that became an intention/desire by Hezbollah to destroy Gaza??
Even now Hezbollah doesn't want to escalate to the point where there are mass civilian casualties in Israel or such destruction that America jumps in. And I bet there is some kind of agreement between America and Iran about certain thresholds or redlines to not be crossed: Both countries don't want to have a direct war. It is Netanyahu who wants a regional war to drag the Americans in.
I have said those things so many times here. Sigh!!!
this is standard counterintelligence procedure which Hezbollah does as a matter of course

that's not a one and done thing, it's a constant ongoing battle vs your enemy

but what would you do vis-a-vis Israel?
First of all, you need to know I can't comment very deeply on what Hezbollah should and can do other than giving you a standard answer, I don't want FBI knocking at my door (even tho I now live in Australia) and arrest me saying I provide material support to terrorist.......

Secondly, as I said, this smell bad, they did all that with a very clear approach on drawing Hezbollah in. I mean you probably can smell that too and didn't you wonder why now, why not do the sabre rattling earlier? The only thing I would say is that probably have to do with 2 things. November Election, and they are winding down their operation in Gaza.

This is what I think, again, you may think differently.
That 'or' was the bizarre 'or': So, due to their limitations, Hezbollah didn't launch a full-fledged attack on Israel on October 8, 2023 but how does that became an intention/desire by Hezbollah to destroy Gaza??
Even now Hezbollah doesn't want to escalate to the point where there are mass civilian casualties in Israel or such destruction that America jumps in. And I bet there is some kind of agreement between America and Iran about certain thresholds or redlines to not be crossed: Both countries don't want to have a direct war. It is Netanyahu who wants a regional war to drag the Americans in.
I have said those things so many times here. Sigh!!!
So they didn't want to escalate then, and they want to escalate now?

Again, there are no benefit to escalate now, why would you want to do it now, when Gaza is already in ruin, and IDF can put their focus on Southern Lebanon.

I mean, if you want to escalated when majority of IDF is stuck in Gaza, sure, that I understand, but now? And yes, it's quite clearly the Israel want to draw the American in, I said it many time myself just the last couple of post too. But that didn't answer the question here. Why the wait, why wait until Gaza is in ruin before they want to escalate? The "or" part is after the fact.
First of all, you need to know I can't comment very deeply on what Hezbollah should and can do other than giving you a standard answer, I don't want FBI knocking at my door (even tho I now live in Australia) and arrest me saying I provide material support to terrorist.......

Secondly, as I said, this smell bad, they did all that with a very clear approach on drawing Hezbollah in. I mean you probably can smell that too and didn't you wonder why now, why not do the sabre rattling earlier? The only thing I would say is that probably have to do with 2 things. November Election, and they are winding down their operation in Gaza.

This is what I think, again, you may think differently.

You're a good guy, and you've done well to decamp to Australia. Unfortunately, the US is totally controlled by the Zionist Jews and needs to be liberated as much as Palestine. That's for Americans to do.

The Anglo-Zionists have been making non-stop war on the Islamic world for the last 30-40 years, wars that have killed 10+ million people and destroyed most of the Middle East. The televised genocide in Gaza is just the latest example and may be the last straw that broke the camel's back. The vast bulk of 2 billion Muslims of the world are fed up and want retribution. Whoever wins the current battle, the war won't stop until the extermination of the Zionist entity, something that is clearly stated in Islamic prophecies. They can kill millions more Muslims, but the Zionist entity will be gone at the end of it.
At some point and sometime you need to realise there is a way to lose a battle but win a war. In fact, that had been done time and time again.

I am not saying you need to back down, I am saying you pick your battle to fight, of course you can always dive head first into every battle, but again, as I said, they wanted this to happen, so that would make me think should I actually make it happen?
It is Hamas and Hezbollah who wanted this to happen.they attacked Israel on the 7th of October (Hamas) and 8th of October (Hezbollah)..The aim was the talk about the two state solution..Which is now a fact in the UN and supported heavily in the region and across the world..

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