Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Per A. Crooke, the terrain in southern Lebanon provides a lot of advantages. Hezbollah had already demonstrated using the terrain in 2006 and since then they have only entrenched themselves much more firmly. Per Crooke, there are missile sites as deep as 90 meters under ground with just enough opening to fire the rockets/missiles.
Unless Israel launches a ground assault and flushes out every inch of the vast area in S. Lebanon, the air-campaign won't stop Hezbollah. The only other option is using tactical nukes and starting a civil war in Lebanon by taking advantage of the divides in Lebanon.
Israel's prospects don't look good AT ALL!
Use of tactical nukes by Nazi israel is a huge danger to Pakistan, why? The Jews may calculate that there could be a retaliatory strike by Pakistan the only Nuclear armed Muslim country so that they may see it advantageous to do a preemptive strike on Pakistan first. Looking at how crazy these Nazity jews are it is something Pakistan should be prepared for. Rather there should be a triad nuclear umbrella of Russia, China and Pakistan of all for one and one for all. seems like the nuclear doomsday clock is seconds away from midnight.
Report: US agencies determined Israel blocked humanitarian aid to Gaza, Blinken reversed findings
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Washington DC (Quds News Network)- In a recent revelation, two prominent US government bodies responsible for humanitarian assistance concluded that Israel deliberately blocked aid deliveries to Gaza, as per internal documents obtained by ProPublica. These findings by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration challenged Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stance. Blinken later reversed these findings before Congress in order to allow the continued flow of arms to Israel.

According to ProPublica’s investigation, USAID submitted a detailed 17-page memo to Blinken in late April, proving that Israel is obstructing US-backed humanitarian aid, including food and medicine. The memo reported instances of Israeli interference, such as the bombing of ambulances, hospitals, and other vital facilities, along with the blocking of supply deliveries. Despite these warnings, Blinken told Congress on May 10, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” humanitarian assistance.

The implications of these findings are significant, as US law mandates cutting military aid to any country that hinders US-supported humanitarian efforts. Israel relies heavily on American military support, particularly in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The memo described a dire situation in Gaza, where lifesaving food and supplies sat less than 30 miles from the border. In one example, Israel blocked the transfer of flour meant to feed 1.5 million Palestinians, citing concerns about the recipient, the UN’s Palestinian branch, which Israel falsely accused of having ties with Hamas without providing evidence. USAID warned that Israel’s actions contributed to a looming famine in Gaza, with health workers reporting dozens of children dying of starvation.

Despite these warnings, Blinken and other top US officials dismissed the conclusions. Jack Lew, the US ambassador to Israel, reportedly sided with Israel’s war cabinet, recommending that military aid continue despite acknowledging Israeli interference with humanitarian deliveries. ProPublica noted that the internal debate within the Biden administration highlighted a deep rift, with some officials, including a senior civil military adviser, resigning in protest over the administration’s refusal to acknowledge Israel’s role in the crisis.

In March, emails obtained by ProPublica revealed that USAID officials warned Blinken that Israel’s actions violated the Foreign Assistance Act, which governs US military aid and assistance. The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration also echoed this concern, stating that almost $830 million in US taxpayer funds meant for Israeli military aid should be frozen due to Israel’s blockade of humanitarian aid. Despite these legal arguments, the US government has continued military support for Israel.

International humanitarian organizations have expressed alarm over the ongoing aid crisis in Gaza. The United Nations has declared a famine in parts of the territory, and Oxfam’s Scott Paul called the situation “a farce,” pointing to the emergence of diseases like polio as evidence of the aid blockages’ devastating impact.

What's Blinken's religion?
Most of the top Brass roles are only given to the selected who are deep sympathizer of Israel and ideological connection
  • Either they blindly believe in going to heaven for support of Israel (The cult which invented their Protestant religion cult in 1500 A.D , don't have ties to Rome or Catholics, this is why they now have LGBT and other f up ideals, because they invent stuff up )
  • Or they themselves are Jews
  • Or they are mix
All conversation / meetings / telephone calls by US president is logged , and Israeli/Jews maintain a close watch on those logs as they work inside the white house
  • This Biden guy was pressurized with his Son facing conviction in courts , in case he tried to stop Israel
  • The moment Biden guy said "No" to Israel he was quickly discarded as "Old Garbage can" - people advised him to step down from elections
  • Biden's son still ended up losing court case and faced prison unsure if he did go prison was not following his story it was pretty hush hush

Fews years back , it was a big thing that Hilary Clinton was using none government lines to communicate with certain people in government

Many Jews have now Occupied role as General or Head of intelligence in last 5-7 years in USA

There is a visible push in USA to have first Jewish President of United Settler states of America

The gradual transition of power from General Americans to hand of Jewish Sympathizers has taken place over decades , small steps every 10 years

  • This Bilken fella is no different , he was seen meeting Arabs making sad faces and then also going to Israel looking quite happy that Arabs took the bait

Muslims have to really open their eyes and understand

"They don't think Muslims are Human - or they should have human rights"

Their history of bombing shows , Muslim Civilians are seen as "Collateral"

To target 1 person they don't mind killing 10,000 civilians

  • The mind set existed when they fought against Viet Nam people in 70's
  • Millions were killed in Iraq war , because Saddam Hussain was feared as the Anti Christ who was danger to Israel, all of 1990's to Death of Saddam Hussain , American Media kept telling people , that Saddam Hussain is the Anti Christ and he must be killed in order for Israel to become Land of God , this why they lied in UN about WMD which were never found

To hide their crimes in Iraq they used tech to intercept videos / images from Iraq from being directly uploaded to places like YouTube. To soldiers who uploaded the images it appeared they were uploading their crime videos up to YouTube

However we all know eventually some video evidence did leak and became a scandal
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Erdogan's Speech in the UN, stating the obvious and more huff and puff but look at the hatred in the face of the Israeli representative for him:-:-

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Interesting points from EX-US army officer:-

Erdogan the Honorable , made a very emotional but real Plea to international community

Spoke for the Gaza People on ground suffering

And Challenged Israel's Immunity , to kill 40,000-200,000 Muslims at will

Great speech , I wish Pakistan was there also to deliver similar Intense Speech but Head Shabaz Sharif and our Defense Minister did not show up to United Nation must have stopped by Local Kabab House to eat food and go on trip to sea side as usual

Pakistan-Turkey should have given an Ultimatum of war

However Turkey is still quite logical hoping the world will stand up and demand answers against the Genocide and not be afraid of United state of Settlers Association (USA)
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Erdogan the Honorable , made a very emotional but real Plea to international community

Spoke for the Gaza People on ground suffering

And Challenged Israel's Immunity , to kill 40,000-200,000 Muslims at will

Great speech , I wish Pakistan was there also to deliver similar Intense Speech but Head Shabaz Sharif and our Defense Minister did not show up to United Nation must have stopped by Local Kabab House to eat food and go on trip to sea side as usual

Sadly, in our chaotic world, words have little weight. Either the Sultan puts up or shuts up, and the same is true for other heads of state.

I will not even comment on Pakistan because it is roadkill and has no utility; talking about it is a waste of words.

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