Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If u see the isreali flag, u see star of David flanked by two blue lines, one on each side of the star.
That star of David represents isreal n the two line, one on the top n one at the bottom, represent the river nile on one side n river euphrates on the other.
Those were the borders of kingdom of Solomon.
According the jews currently the masiah will only appear when the borders of isreal r as mentioned above.

So this current war that began with West Bank will only end once isreal has attained its objective.

Oh yah n accotding to a hadees before the destruction of the arabs come the destruction of the persians
I think we are all here to , hear , about Israel getting new gifts from Yamen or Lebnoon

The Magic Lamp worshipers , are not Devine

It is just about who takes the decision first

While Iran-Yamen-Lebanon front are all acting in limited fashion
Israel is using maximum Weight war heads

A rethink of approach is necessary , unless the warheads that Israel is using are not matched and that intensity is not matched there will be smaller gains

Of course Yamen and Palestinian people and Lebanon folks have already over achieved by hitting many targets in Israel, well beyond my expectations

Before this war , I kept hearing about all this fancy tech Israel has and invincibility , but in reality , they got their asses handed to them many times and that too with "smaller drones"

Iran has the same Bomb Israel used same war head size
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Every thing that Israel has shown

Turkey has it
Iran has it
Syria has it
Jordan has it
Egypt has it
Iraq has it
Pakistan has it
Saudi has it
Yamani has it

Iran need to pull the plastic wrapper of these good items and put them to use

1 Ton War Head

500 KG war head

250 kg
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Israel wants Hezbollah to move away from the borders, so will we see a ground operation or not is the key question. I believe they will wrap up Gaza operations in couple of months, no rocket fired from Gaza since August I believe anyways, let the winters pass and then turn North
Civilization go through periods of weakness or strength or they disappear

So incans, Aztecs dead and gone
Aborigines, native Americans just remnants

Muslims still control the vast majority of land they ever conquered or controlled.

In terms of population at 2 billion our population is larger then ever

Now it's VITAL that we fix the malaise in the Muslim world, get rid of the backwardness, enmity, inability to work together against common foes and for a shared benefit and identity

We have multiple states and multiple people's across the world and we need to bring those people together

What we have is stupid and worthless leaders
We have a organisation like the OIC which is useless, for no other reason the the leader makes it useless

Instead of using it as a forum to gather resources, provide finances to member states to grow.
To increase trade across the Muslim world
To have a joint military organisation that can provide support and backing to member states and fund military project's

AT the moment we are our own worst enemy and THAT is what our enemies like the Hindus or Jews are taking advantage of

At some point that will change and our enemies will truly SUFFER, but to get to that point we need to change and start making major changes to the Muslim world

The issue isn't about quantity but of quality. You then have a situation whereas the lions are led by sheeps, not sheeps led by lions.

Iran need to use the big war head

I been saying this for a while now. It seems like the resistance are using fireworks or firecrackers. The impacts are a joke as they hardly scratch the tarmac.
Iran's fordo underground nuclear facilities are at most a few dozen meters deep.
It is very doubtful that a bunker buster like GBU-28, which can shoot down to 30 meters below the ground even by itself, would be able to withstand dozens of such shots at the same target.
And can Hezbollah, with its limited land and funds, really build an underground facility that is more solid than fordo?
In the face of this reality, I think they could not escape anywhere, although it was, of course, a wrong choice in the end.

Hezbollah already have tunnels dug deep into the limestome mountains of southern Lebanon that stretch for many kms.

Nasrallah and his most senior leadership team should have retreated to there at the start from October 7th.

Limestone is a lot tougher than concrete and only a nuclear weapon would be able to target and destroy something like this, even if it is only a few dozens of metres under the surface of the mountain.
The Jordanian Foreign Minister lying to the Zionist Minister:

Here we are, 57 Arab and Islamic countries, all of whom now agree on one position (peace 🤝 versus the two-state solution).

Do not ask us about peace and normalization. Rather, ask Israel. It is creating this danger and crying to the West because it does not want to recognize the two-state solution.

Pathetic response from a puppet.

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