Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

pure anti-zionist propaganda, this is Yaffa cough cough tel aviv today.


No different to east turkestan.
It is true , some conspire and plan but in end Allah has also planned
Open hearts of who he wishes

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euro origin people in all the brown mans conflicts have always played good cop, bad cop. It always works. Got to stop falling for their tricks.

If Russia cared about Muslims she would not have decimated the syrians indicrimanitly no different to the zionists in syria. go back and see what the Russians did to Syrians, bombing schools, hospitals and anything that moved. Just as evil as the zionists today in gaza.

The brown man has to stop looking for a white saviour, he doesn't exist and has never existed for the non-white man.
My post was to highlight that even in none Muslims there is Compassion and logic or reason

Here I meant Russia and Italy , of course other nations such as Spain or Ireland - South Africa have also shown great sense of leadership

The CULT ideologies , only exist in USA and Israel
Even in USA there are voices in favor of Palestine

But without doubt both Republican and Democrats are Controlled by CULT, Khawariji of Christianity

Only Satanist would agree to kill 40,000-200,000 people and then further reward of 7 billion to buy more weapons for killing
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My post was to highlight that even in none Muslims there is Compassion and logic or reason

Here I meant Russia and Italy , of course other nations such as Spain or Ireland - South Africa have also shown great sense of leadership

The CULT ideologies , only exist in USA and Israel
Even in USA there are voices in favor of Palestine

But without doubt both Republican and Democrats are Controlled by CULT, Khawariji of Christianity

Only Satanist would agree to kill 40,000-200,000 people and then further reward of 7 billion to buy more weapons for killing

Only yesterday Russia was talking about nuking Istanbul. Russia is worse then Isreal mate, wake up.

Just look what they did in the 90ties to their muslims, or the extermination of the Crimean Tatars. Isreal is nothing in criminality compared to russia.
It seems Russia-China are the good fellas in the world
Turkey trusts them as well

Turkish people are quite smart and intellectually very savvy

Russian values of Family , Religion , Life are inline with Muslim world
Same concept around family , respect for religion and home


It's only US who are war mongering around the globe

I even think many European Nations would not prefer to deal with US if they had an option
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It seems Russia-China are the good fellas in the world
Turkey trusts them as well

Turkish people are quite smart and intellectually very savvy

Russian values of Family , Religion , Life are inline with Muslim world
Same concept around family , respect for religion and home

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It's only US who are war mongering around the globe

Yes Turkey trusts Russia so much that she opposed her imperial ambitions in Karabagh, Syria, Libya and Ukraine.

Being ignorant is one thing, but once exposed to the facts to continue to parrot nonsense shows either an agenda or pure stupidity. My own experience is that this is how iranian aligned shia's behave. They behave as the enemy within the islamic world.

And remember Muslims hypocrites are the first in line to hell. Dont pretend you care for gaza but then turn a blind eye to the countless millions of Muslims the russians exterminated. The lands she usurped from them eclipses Palestine in the magnitudes.

Now if you side with that, try to justify it, then your a shaytan. Nothing more can be said. Truth be told this behaviour is probably why Muslims are being humilated globally and relentlessly by non Muslim powers.
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euro origin people in all the brown mans conflicts have always played good cop, bad cop. It always works. Got to stop falling for their tricks.

If Russia cared about Muslims she would not have decimated the syrians indicrimanitly no different to the zionists in syria. go back and see what the Russians did to Syrians, bombing schools, hospitals and anything that moved. Just as evil as the zionists today in gaza.

The brown man has to stop looking for a white saviour, he doesn't exist and has never existed for the non-white man.

It's why a couple of million dead white Christians in Ukraine on either side is good for us and the world and not a problem and why we should be all supporting Russia against the western world order

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