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General Asif Nawaz: Allegations of a Political Assassination by Nawaz Sharif And army


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Mota Nawaja tried to buy out Gen Asif Nawaz with a
brand new BMW but Asif Nawaz gave it back to him.

Most Generals would of took the Car and Dollar payments
but this guy did not sell out, so he was poisoned.

And you think some general is not blowing your head off. How hard is it to use same poison method or technique on Nawaz Sharif ?


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2017
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And you think some general is not blowing your head off. How hard is it to use same poison method or technique on Nawaz Sharif ?

You think it was Nawaz who knocked off Gen Janjua? No it was the Generals
who sold out to Mota Nawaja.

Nawaja/Shahbaz and Zardari will try to buy out as many people as they can,
this is how they remained in power for so long. They have their own people in
every instiitution. This is just 1 example of Shabaz Sharif calling Justice Qayyum
and telling him what punishment to give to the next man. lol


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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You think it was Nawaz who knocked off Gen Janjua? No it was the Generals
who sold out to Mota Nawaja.

Nawaja/Shahbaz and Zardari will try to buy out as many people as they can,
this is how they remained in power for so long. They have their own people in
every instiitution. This is just 1 example of Shabaz Sharif calling Justice Qayyum
and telling him what punishment to give to the next man. lol

General on General violence is not good. But why blame politicians for that ?


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2017
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General on General violence is not good. But why blame politicians for that ?

These politicians are the people who dangle carrots to the Generals.
Nawaz Sharif appointed his own Army Chief whilst Musharraf was in Sri
Lanka. This led to the military coup in 1999.


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Asif Nawaz belonged to 5th and 7th Punjab Regiment. He was an outstanding officer. My father was 2IC and CO of the aforementioned units. We knew him very well. His younger brother Shuja Nawaz has written a brilliant book on the Pakistan Army called Crossed Swords and numerous articles for the Atlantic and the Foreign Policy. Org.
He belongs the my district jhelum. Tehsil is darapur. Asif nawaz family are big level zamindars of that area. In May 2016 when some big political personality of that area died I went to darapur to attend the funeral. I also visited the grave of late General Asif Nawaz.


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Why would anyone assassinate Pakistani army chief and risk the wrath of his successor ? Whatever I think of the Pakistani army they are too disciplined to engage in internal fighting.

@Waz can we put an end to this conspiracy theory nonsense ?
It's an open secret who killed Gen Zia. Did his successor has shown his wrath?
Dude you sound like a 14 year old.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2008
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People die naturally of heart attack. There is no conspiracy theory in it. I was watching this interesting video of Lt Gen Retired Javed Ashraf Qazi where he compares various Army Chiefs during his tenure.

He mentions that when Asif Nawaz died, his wife alleged that he may have been poisoned. We invited international experts and they investigated his body confirming there were no traces of any poison.

The investigation concluded that he died naturally but his wife refused to believe.

I think we must support the science and not someone’s mere assumptions

the detailed story of the cover up is given in the book "crossed swords" by shuja nawaz.

Cash gk

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2015
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Every one knows who killed General Sarfraz Ali

Cash gk

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2015
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People die naturally of heart attack. There is no conspiracy theory in it. I was watching this interesting video of Lt Gen Retired Javed Ashraf Qazi where he compares various Army Chiefs during his tenure.

He mentions that when Asif Nawaz died, his wife alleged that he may have been poisoned. We invited international experts and they investigated his body confirming there were no traces of any poison.

The investigation concluded that he died naturally but his wife refused to believe.

I think we must support the science and not someone’s mere assumptions

there were many bureaucrats died recently with heart attacks who were investigating shrif family crimes

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