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Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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IMF wants increase in tax on salaried class​

Proposal aimed at doubling tax collection from business individuals, salaried persons

Shahbaz Rana
December 15, 2023


ISLAMABAD: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Pakistan to cut the number of tax slabs for the salaried and business class from the existing seven to four – a proposal, if accepted, will hurt the middle and upper middle-income groups.

The IMF took up the issue last week aimed at more than doubling tax collection from business individuals and salaried persons, government sources told The Express Tribune.

The proposal was floated by a technical mission of the IMF that completed its two-week review of Pakistan’s tax policies last week. The mission also recommended an increase in the existing reduced sales tax rates to the standard 18%, except for some essential goods, the sources added.

They said that the IMF had not yet given its recommendations in the shape of a report but the visiting mission did share its findings with the federal government before departing. The IMF is expected to soon share its draft report. Its recommendation is not binding so far. IMF Resident Representative Esther Perez did not respond to a query regarding the recommendation of the technical mission to reduce the number of personal income tax slabs.

There seems to be reluctance on the part of tax authorities to accept the IMF’s recommendation, as the salaried class is already buried under heavy taxation. The IMF has also said in the recent past to increase the tax contribution from agriculture and real estate sectors.

Sources said that the IMF recommended that the number of tax slabs should be reduced from seven to four. At present, the salaried class income tax rates range from the low of 2.5% to the high of 35%, depending on the annual income.

If the slabs are reduced from seven to four, the tax burden will increase for the people falling in the lower and middle slabs that will see a sharp increase in their tax rates.

There is no tax on the monthly income of up to Rs50,000. But on a monthly income of Rs100,000, there is a tax of 2.5%. On the monthly income of Rs200,000, the rate increases to 12.5%. For the income of Rs300,000, the tax rate is 22.5% and for Rs500,000, the rate jumps to 27.5%. For the highest slab of over Rs500,000 income, the rate is 35%.

In the last fiscal year, the FBR collected Rs264 billion in income tax from the salaried class.

FBR officials said that the maximum tax was collected from the people earning Rs200,000 to Rs300,000 a month. In case of deleting two to three tax slabs, the tax rates for the people earning from Rs200,000 to Rs300,000 would see a sharp increase, they added.

When contacted, FBR spokesman Afaque Qureshi said that the IMF’s technical mission studied tax laws and tax rates but “we have yet to receive their technical report”. There are 74 types of tax exemptions related to personal income and allowances cost, which cost Rs232 billion in the last fiscal year, according to the FBR’s Tax Expenditure Report.

For the next fiscal year, the IMF has recently projected a Rs11 trillion tax target, of which it wants collection of over Rs4.8 trillion through the direct mode of taxation. The FBR’s report showed that all institutions, foundations, societies, boards, trusts and funds got income tax exemptions of Rs22 billion in 2022. Collective investment schemes and REIT schemes that are distributing more than 90% of their incomes to certificate holders shareholders also availed Rs21 billion in exemptions.

Interestingly, agencies of foreign governments and foreign nationals working in Pakistan also got Rs30.2 billion in tax exemptions last year. Employees of the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank do not pay taxes on their income.

Two months ago, the World Bank had also recommended that the monthly salaried income of Rs50,000 should be taxed. But it later withdrew the proposal while acknowledging double-digit inflation in the country.

A significant tax base comprising unsalaried individuals and sole proprietors including retailers are out of the income tax net.
Sources said that the IMF also suggested that Pakistan should end the preferential sales tax rates being administered under the 8th Schedule of the Sales Tax Act. This will result in an increase in the sales tax rates on dozens of goods to the standard 18%.The IMF recommended that some of the sensitive goods, such as food products, may still be charged reduced rates, said the sources.

The FBR’s Expenditure Report showed that last year the country lost Rs130 billion due to the reduced sales tax rates.


Sep 20, 2008
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IMF wants increase in tax on salaried class​

Proposal aimed at doubling tax collection from business individuals, salaried persons

Shahbaz Rana
December 15, 2023


ISLAMABAD: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Pakistan to cut the number of tax slabs for the salaried and business class from the existing seven to four – a proposal, if accepted, will hurt the middle and upper middle-income groups.

The IMF took up the issue last week aimed at more than doubling tax collection from business individuals and salaried persons, government sources told The Express Tribune.

The proposal was floated by a technical mission of the IMF that completed its two-week review of Pakistan’s tax policies last week. The mission also recommended an increase in the existing reduced sales tax rates to the standard 18%, except for some essential goods, the sources added.

They said that the IMF had not yet given its recommendations in the shape of a report but the visiting mission did share its findings with the federal government before departing. The IMF is expected to soon share its draft report. Its recommendation is not binding so far. IMF Resident Representative Esther Perez did not respond to a query regarding the recommendation of the technical mission to reduce the number of personal income tax slabs.

There seems to be reluctance on the part of tax authorities to accept the IMF’s recommendation, as the salaried class is already buried under heavy taxation. The IMF has also said in the recent past to increase the tax contribution from agriculture and real estate sectors.

Sources said that the IMF recommended that the number of tax slabs should be reduced from seven to four. At present, the salaried class income tax rates range from the low of 2.5% to the high of 35%, depending on the annual income.

If the slabs are reduced from seven to four, the tax burden will increase for the people falling in the lower and middle slabs that will see a sharp increase in their tax rates.

There is no tax on the monthly income of up to Rs50,000. But on a monthly income of Rs100,000, there is a tax of 2.5%. On the monthly income of Rs200,000, the rate increases to 12.5%. For the income of Rs300,000, the tax rate is 22.5% and for Rs500,000, the rate jumps to 27.5%. For the highest slab of over Rs500,000 income, the rate is 35%.

In the last fiscal year, the FBR collected Rs264 billion in income tax from the salaried class.

FBR officials said that the maximum tax was collected from the people earning Rs200,000 to Rs300,000 a month. In case of deleting two to three tax slabs, the tax rates for the people earning from Rs200,000 to Rs300,000 would see a sharp increase, they added.

When contacted, FBR spokesman Afaque Qureshi said that the IMF’s technical mission studied tax laws and tax rates but “we have yet to receive their technical report”. There are 74 types of tax exemptions related to personal income and allowances cost, which cost Rs232 billion in the last fiscal year, according to the FBR’s Tax Expenditure Report.

For the next fiscal year, the IMF has recently projected a Rs11 trillion tax target, of which it wants collection of over Rs4.8 trillion through the direct mode of taxation. The FBR’s report showed that all institutions, foundations, societies, boards, trusts and funds got income tax exemptions of Rs22 billion in 2022. Collective investment schemes and REIT schemes that are distributing more than 90% of their incomes to certificate holders shareholders also availed Rs21 billion in exemptions.

Interestingly, agencies of foreign governments and foreign nationals working in Pakistan also got Rs30.2 billion in tax exemptions last year. Employees of the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank do not pay taxes on their income.

Two months ago, the World Bank had also recommended that the monthly salaried income of Rs50,000 should be taxed. But it later withdrew the proposal while acknowledging double-digit inflation in the country.

A significant tax base comprising unsalaried individuals and sole proprietors including retailers are out of the income tax net.
Sources said that the IMF also suggested that Pakistan should end the preferential sales tax rates being administered under the 8th Schedule of the Sales Tax Act. This will result in an increase in the sales tax rates on dozens of goods to the standard 18%.The IMF recommended that some of the sensitive goods, such as food products, may still be charged reduced rates, said the sources.

The FBR’s Expenditure Report showed that last year the country lost Rs130 billion due to the reduced sales tax rates.
Tax what? Average take home is less than 25k... Those above 50k threshold are mostly working in call centers and try supporting a family on 50k or if both of you work and draw similar salaries say household income of 100k, 100k is nothing in the present economic environment.

Despite the minimum wage now being 35k most are still on 25k or less with employers using disgusting methods of including things such as mobile allowance, tea allowance, kitty etc and claiming that the total salary is 35k. Average income for teachers in Pakistan is 33k, average income for student doctors is 31k... Who exactly are they going to tax?

The self-employed use accountants to abuse the reporting and filing methods used to monitor income by the FBR, the only ones that will be impacted by this will be the middle class earners who are already struggling.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Interestingly, agencies of foreign governments and foreign nationals working in Pakistan also got Rs30.2 billion in tax exemptions last year. Employees of the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank do not pay taxes on their income.

Two months ago, the World Bank had also recommended that the monthly salaried income of Rs50,000 should be taxed. But it later withdrew the proposal while acknowledging double-digit inflation in the country.


Sep 19, 2010
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IMF wants increase in tax on salaried class​

Proposal aimed at doubling tax collection from business individuals, salaried persons

Shahbaz Rana
December 15, 2023

Not true:

IMF denies intentions of asking Pakistan to raise taxes on salaries​

"There are no plans at this time," says IMF's Resident Representative in Pakistan Esther Perez Ruiz

KARACHI: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has denied media reports that the lending body is planning to ask Pakistan to increase taxes on salaries and business income, and increase the maximum threshold for petroleum levy.

Media reports had been circulating stating that the IMF asked Pakistan to cut the number of tax slabs for the salaried and business class from the existing seven to four, increasing tax incidence on the middle and upper-middle income group. There have also been reports of an increase in the maximum petroleum development levy.

"There are no plans at this time," Esther Perez Ruiz, IMF's resident representative in Pakistan, told Reuters in an email.

The nation is operating under a caretaker government after an IMF loan programme, approved in July, helped avert a sovereign debt default.

Under the $3 billion standby arrangement (SBA), Pakistan received $1.2 billion from the IMF as the first tranche in July.

Pakistan was facing an acute balance of payment crisis, with its foreign exchange reserves diminished to barely three weeks of controlled imports, along with historically high inflation and an unprecedented currency devaluation.

Under the bailout deal, the IMF also got the country to raise $1.34 billion in new taxation to meet fiscal adjustments. The measures fuelled all time high inflation of 38% year-on-year in May, the highest in Asia, which still is hovering above 30%.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
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The Blood sucking is expected from IMF , because that is what they did in many of Central America or South American countries

Step 1: Loans for Useless Infrastructure projects

Step 2: Ask the nation Later to Devaluate the National Currency , Devaluation , doubles the loan automatically

Step 3 : The Citizen of Country are treated like salves , major chunk of their Salary is used to pay back the interest for IMF

Step 4: Prices of Food and Utilities are raised gradually , so Salves can't get out the loan

Step 5: The friends of IMF then come and buy Big corporations in Country and Natural Resources for Dirt Cheap rates

IMF and it's Beneficiaries , claim X5 TO X10 times the Money , from Loan they pay , the poor nation who takes loan from them pays 10 times the amount they borrowed

Eventually when a country cannot buy more loan , they agree to take more loan to just pay interest

IMF collects the money from Slaves and then it distributes the Money collected to it's partner Nations as profit
The rich countries get richer

The more Loans Pakistan will take from IMF the more Poorer people of Pakistan will become poor and after all Natural Resources are sold they will black mail Country for next 100 years with international courts


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
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Pakistan Shot ourselves on foot by Taking a Loan and then Toppling a stable government (talk about coincidence)

IMF on their side are also not innocent Entity they , knowingly give out these Loans to Nations already struggling with Financial crisis

To my knowledge only 1 Nation South Korea has ever managed to benefit from IMF loan anyone else who has taken this Loan has turned into a Addicted Loan Taker and eventually it's countrymen/women become slaves to this Entity


Sep 19, 2010
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IMF on their side are also not innocent Entity they , knowingly give out these Loans to Nations already struggling with Financial crisis

IMF is bound by its charter to help out its member states when asked to do so by the member state itself. It is a rescue lender that a member chooses to go to. What it prescribes is basic financial common sense to put a nations books in order, nothing more, and nothing less. Blaming it for anything is utterly dishonest.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Pakistan is like every other third world banana republic: the rich elite and private businesses don't pay tax, the salaried class get stiffed, and the poor get stiffed most of all through indirect taxation because the tax laws are written by the rich for the rich.

Imran Khan became a laughing stock when, after all the emotional drama and speeches about the starving children, he appointed the same old dinosaurs who increased indirect taxes on the poor and gave tax exemptions to the business class.

If Pakistan was serious about taxation, they can nab a thousand high income tax evaders a month, month after month, for years to come. But we all now who calls the shots in Pakistan.


Sep 19, 2010
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Pakistan is like every other third world banana republic: the rich elite and private businesses don't pay tax, the salaried class get stiffed, and the poor get stiffed most of all through indirect taxation because the tax laws are written by the rich for the rich.

Imran Khan became a laughing stock when, after all the emotional drama and speeches about the starving children, he appointed the same old dinosaurs who increased indirect taxes on the poor and gave tax exemptions to the business class.

If Pakistan was serious about taxation, they can nab a thousand high income tax evaders a month, month after month, for years to come. But we all now who calls the shots in Pakistan.

Blaming others is dishonest in the extreme, intended only to mislead the gullible at being upset at outsiders, when all the ills originate from within. The taxation structure in Pakistan is NOT the fault of the IMF. It is designed by Pakistanis to achieve the results that those in power desire.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
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If Army is addicted to taking loan , people of Pakistan should not be ones paying it??
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Senior Member
Apr 18, 2022
A decent number of salaried class get their salary in envelopes, which means its already part of informal economy. The remaining salaried class who pay income tax at source will have their backs broken if more tax is enacted.

Pakistan, if it wants to get its act together has a simple template to follow,

Tax agriculture above a certain threshold
Tax real estate
Reduce subsidies
Reduce budget deficit
Scrap Afghan Transit Trade

There is no other way.
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