Germany, Spain Line Up Against EU Tariffs on China EVs


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Nov 4, 2011
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Germany, Spain Line Up Against EU Tariffs on China EVs​

September 12th, 2024, 8:29 AM GMT+0800
Germany is joining Spain in calling for the European Union to drop its plan to impose extra tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles. Minmin Low reports on Bloomberg Television. (Source: Bloomberg)


Germany Disappointed EU by Supporting China: Is EU Collapse Inevitable?​


Sánchez urges the EU to 'reconsider' tariffs on Chinese electric cars, exposing cracks​

China said its EV companies will not go to those EU countries that will be voting in favor of raising tariffs on import Chinese EVs to set up EV factories. So, good luck to the EU backstabbers on China but still want Chinese EV investments.
EU is never a united entity.
Good cop and bad cop game.
Illusion of freedom and democracy.
Corrupt leaders are a united entity from the guy who pay them the bribes.
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