Google Earth Images Reveal Larger, More Powerful Indian Nuclear Submarine showcasing it's Vertical Launch Tubes

We might not build another N Sub of Arihant size as production line will be used for developing SSNs and future S series SSBNs will be much bigger size i.e., double the size of S4.

There is no need to shift production line instead we have built newer, longer & wider bay for S series SSBNs, production of SSBN, SSN, SSK will go on parallel.

Do you have any credible source for your claim ?
my assumption is there would be an ssk based on improved arihant class (6000tonne is best displacement for ssk)
while the arihant class (s2,s3,s4) would become cruise missile submarines giving the s5 deterence duty while the arihant would be the sword
my assumption is there would be an ssk based on improved arihant class (6000tonne is best displacement for ssk)
while the arihant class (s2,s3,s4) would become cruise missile submarines giving the s5 deterence duty while the arihant would be the sword
SSK will be based on upgraded Scorpène-class submarine and
SSN will be based on improved Arihant Class
HE also commands to be prepared, Pakistan is tied up in its own internal rift and is controlled by west
I disagree, Pakistanis are cowards and they are without any spine.
This very hard for me to say, but on good note Pakistan can change if they want this. It will be difficult.
Or the easy option just blame everyone else but them self.
Living in the West and lecturing about the West is the pinnacle of PTI cult hypocrisy.
Living in the East consuming CCP propaganda vs living in the West with an actual idea of the ground realities - which is a better informed worldview?

And it’s possible to be geopolitically opposed to a country whilst agreeing with some of its internal governance.
I have a feeling you are overoptimistic about HIS plans for you guys....
“You guys” doesn’t necessarily mean the people within Pakistan as Pakistanis.
Their wont be any more Boomers after the 4 Arihant class subs, at least for another 20 years.

India will shift the production to SSNs capable of carrying 16-24 Brahmos
Indian navy had planned for a fleet of 6 SSN and 4 SSBNs , apart from a fleet of 18 SSKs

We only have 1 shipyard ie Ship Building Center Visakhapatnam which is capable of building Nuclear Subs .
Given the lead time it takes to build these, by the time we get the last SSN, it will be time to think about replacing the first of Arihant class subs

There is defnitely plan for 8000/8500 tonne vessels.
To the guy who shouted we need more evidence than Google earth y tube clip.

For a multi billion dollars nuclear submarine project prehaps the biggest most expensive project in India you expecting open all day sunny school trip with cameras

Grow up's top secret nuke submarine probably the 4th and biggest of Arihant class it's nuclear deterrent not a sports car

Be happy you got a sneaky preview
what VLS missiles will these boomers have ?
what VLS missiles will these boomers have ?
The K series missiles outpace, weigh less, and possess stealth capabilities superior to the Agni missile system. In response to ballistic missile defense systems, they execute intricate three-dimensional maneuvers.

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