Greece offers Mirages 2000/9 to India breaking news

We need to understand the condition of these Mirages as well as the amt of flight ours completed by them before showing any kind of excitement

Mirage 2000 has a maximum rated airframe life of 12000 hrs
The French Mirages which we bought in 2021 had completed between 10000-11000 flight hours
Hence it was not worth it to upgrade all those airframe and use them for combat
So only 4 of the 24 aircrafts, which had atleast 2000 flight hours left in them were put into active service and rest were canibalised for spares.

Though most report point to Greek airframes being in a far better shape and also having only about 7000-8000 flight hours
Mainly becoz the Greeks only flew them for like 200 hrs a year due to budgetary issues

So theoretically we could put all of them into active service , but the cost of upgrading them to Dash 5 standards will be prohibitively expensive
And our struggle for spares will increase
So it would be better to just use 2-3 Twin seater mirage2000 which Greece will sell , as part of active fleet and use the rest of 15 airframes as Spares
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