Here Are Seven Steps That Union Government Must Take To Secure The ‘Chicken’s Neck’ Corridor

Assam Government is already taking some steps

What ever is necessary will be done

National Security is more important

Human Rights are not important

We cannot do anything if they are successfully able to block the Chicken Neck

So it is better to prevent this from happening
When the medicine is more poisonous than the diseases, change the doctor

The hard nosed approach doesnt work, all it does is push people to be hostiles, its not like the government has not faced similar problems elsewhere

After a long chequered hsitory of fighting terrorists in naxal and kashmir areas, a policy of winning hearts and minds(WHAM) was instituted. It showcased a remarkable decrease in hostility among the local populace towards governmental forces resulting in decreased hostilities overall leading to more participation in the democratic process

What assam does is rabble rouse people into believing thy neighbors is the problem while the source of the problems exists within
Those Security Agencies who are on the Ground and present in that area will decide the Sequence of events

If people have to be evicted , then so be it

If a security agent comes up to you, says on my personal authority, you have been deemed a threat, get out of your house, all your documents are invalid cuz i say so

What will you do?
What assam does is rabble rouse people into believing thy neighbors is the problem while the source of the problems exists within

Politically correct statements don't change Ground reality

We have the example of Manipur where Demographic changes , slowly over a point of time lead to civil war

So unless we learn the right lessons and start pro active steps , we will have a bigger problem in future

If a security agent comes up to you, says on my personal authority, you have been deemed a threat, get out of your house, all your documents are invalid cuz i say so

What will you do?

I don't live in that area

We know exactly which group of people will create problems in that area , in future
I don't live in that area

We know exactly which group of people will create problems in that area , in future
Thats not the nature of the problem im highlighting, disregard the geographic aspect

If an intelligence officer says on his authority, you are to be kicked out of your house and your documents are invalid, what is it you do?
Thats not the nature of the problem im highlighting, disregard the geographic aspect

If an intelligence officer says on his authority, you are to be kicked out of your house and your documents are invalid, what is it you do?

You are not making any sense here

Let us stick to the Topic

There are 1.4 billion people in this country and Only ONE Chicken Neck

This article is about Chicken Neck and the Threat to it from WITHIN

If you are so agitated go and talk to Assam government
You are not making any sense here

Let us stick to the Topic

There are 1.4 billion people in this country and Only ONE Chicken Neck

This article is about Chicken Neck and the Threat to it from WITHIN

If you are so agitated go and talk to Assam government
Very well, ill rephrase

For an india citizen residing in the chicken neck or adjoining areas if an intelligence officer comes up and says on his authority that he has deemed them illegal and all their documentation is invalid, what are they to do?

You're placing the execution of such an exercise on people you're not willing to trust, you see the problem?

And this is an immigration problem, how does it affect the security of the siliguri corridor, which would be within military domain?
Very well, ill rephrase

For an india citizen residing in the chicken neck or adjoining areas if an intelligence officer comes up and says on his authority that he has deemed them illegal and all their documentation is invalid, what are they to do?

You're placing the execution of such an exercise on people you're not willing to trust, you see the problem?

And this is an immigration problem, how does it affect the security of the siliguri corridor, which would be within military domain?

As I said we will need an Integrated and Comprehensive approach

More than that A Pro Active Approach

Impose Limits on the number of people residing in that area

We already have a system of Inner Line Permit in North East

Extend it to siliguri corridor
And evict the others

Those Security Agencies who work on the Ground and Civil
Authorities will take a decision

If Thousands of Slum dwellers ,Village dwellers and Forest Dwellers can be evicted, for various purposes all These people can also be evicted

You want to put the lives of 50 million NE people in jeopardy because you could not evict some thousands in time

Nip the problem in the bud
Politically correct statements don't change Ground reality

We have the example of Manipur where Demographic changes , slowly over a point of time lead to civil war

So unless we learn the right lessons and start pro active steps , we will have a bigger problem in future
So the solution is to brutalise people before such an incident comes to pass?

We are better served with policies that address root causes instead of short term quick wins
As I said we will need an Integrated and Comprehensive approach

More than that A Pro Active Approach

Impose Limits on the number of people residing in that area

We already have a system of Inner Line Permit in North East

Extend it to siliguri corridor
And evict the others

Those Security Agencies who work on the Ground and Civil
Authorities will take a decision

If Thousands of Slum dwellers ,Village dwellers and Forest Dwellers can be evicted, for various purposes all These people can also be evicted

You want to put the lives of 50 million NE people in jeopardy because you could not evict some thousands in time

Nip the problem in the bud
Ok, let us approach the solution in a bit more detail

Im not debating the solution, what im highlighting is that there exists low faith among the actual executioners of such policies

That fact that your unable/unwilling to answer a simple question highlights that point

In the name of being pro active , if the government end s up doing more harm than what the illegals would have end up doing then we are on the path of a self fulfilling prophecy

Our approach should be slow, deliverate and aiming at creating socio eco nomic conditions for th3 population residing there to align their well being with the well being of the state, but that requires time and doesnt win elections

We proclaim to be a democracy, those living in slums, have the right to readdressal in courts and disregarding that in favour of allowing local intelligrnce agents and admin is an erosion of the democratic system, one that should be safeguarded against

No power to the babus without accountability, especially when peoples lives are on stake
So the solution is to brutalise people before such an incident comes to pass?

We are better served with policies that address root causes instead of short term quick wins

As I said , Take your protestations , opposition, And above all your Bleeding Heart to the Supreme Court

Hire Kapil Sibal , file a PIL

I know Indian Security is in good hands
Ok, let us approach the solution in a bit more detail

Im not debating the solution, what im highlighting is that there exists low faith among the actual executioners of such policies

That fact that your unable/unwilling to answer a simple question highlights that point

In the name of being pro active , if the government end s up doing more harm than what the illegals would have end up doing then we are on the path of a self fulfilling prophecy

Our approach should be slow, deliverate and aiming at creating socio eco nomic conditions for th3 population residing there to align their well being with the well being of the state, but that requires time and doesnt win elections

As I said , Take your protestations , opposition, And above all your Bleeding Heart to the Supreme Court

Hire Kapil Sibal , file a PIL

I know Indian Security is in good hands
Dear sir,

Your faith in the Indian security is such that even in a hypothetical scenario wherein an intelligence agent is misusing his power to disrupt the natural rights of a citizen, you're unable to provided a readdressal for such a case. Thats going to be the reality for millions. You have no answer for such a plausible situation.

The courts exist for a reason, we profess to be a democracy for a reason, quick wins are not permanent solutions.

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