Hezbollah air defenses force Israeli jets to turn tail

For the purposes of the discussion on this thread - we should keep the distinction between these two entities clear.

there is no distintion, and Israel is not going to do any distintion anyways.

60% os lebanese army are with hezbollah. Many people confused around here. There cannot be a lebanese army as such, because there is not unity in that country. This country is dinfunctional, and anarchy is even prefareble to some of the other parties.
You can't cheat the system and try to win. Hezzbollah is an armed faction like Hamas, it could never hold its own in a real conventional war as much as we would like to hope it could
You can't cheat the system and try to win. Hezzbollah is an armed faction like Hamas, it could never hold its own in a real conventional war as much as we would like to hope it could

Precisely. Hezbollah cannot ask countries for help, same as Hamas. That is why, both Hezbollah and Hamas will always, and eventually get ground down when time is not a problem. But Lebanon as a country can ask for military help. If Lebanon and the Lebanese Army formally asked Pakistan for weapons supplies to defend against Israel, would Pakistan say no or would it find a way to help, goverment to goverment ??? I think Pakistan will help, and it will be seen as helping a country, and not an entity classified as terrorist organisation.

No one other than Iran, can help Hezbollah. That is why I find the issue of the Lebanese Army so weird.
You can't cheat the system and try to win. Hezzbollah is an armed faction like Hamas, it could never hold its own in a real conventional war as much as we would like to hope it could
the opposite is true

a low grade conventional army could never hold its own against the Israelis, as all the Arab armies discovered

a guerilla force that blends into the environment and leverages asymmetric warfare has much more chance of success, as we saw in 2006
Precisely. Hezbollah cannot ask countries for help, same as Hamas. That is why, both Hezbollah and Hamas will always, and eventually get ground down when time is not a problem. But Lebanon as a country can ask for military help. If Lebanon and the Lebanese Army formally asked Pakistan for weapons supplies to defend against Israel, would Pakistan say no or would it find a way to help, goverment to goverment ??? I think Pakistan will help, and it will be seen as helping a country, and not an entity classified as terrorist organisation.

No one other than Iran, can help Hezbollah. That is why I find the issue of the Lebanese Army so weird.
One phone call from USA is all it will take put a stop to any help from Pakistan. Not even a visit from a junior minister - just a phone call!
One phone call from USA is all it will take put a stop to any help from Pakistan. Not even a visit from a junior minister - just a phone call!

The Pakistani generals will start quivering at the thought.

These sell out slaves must be removed by force.
not clear how many guided missiles they have, number is unlikely to be large (if we are talking about SRBMs like Fateh).

and Hezbollah showed ability to avoid Iron Dome with drones but not ability to evade Israeli ABM systems
Though their missiles cover all israel. All major cities and military bases.
You can't cheat the system and try to win. Hezzbollah is an armed faction like Hamas, it could never hold its own in a real conventional war as much as we would like to hope it could

Errr, that was not what happened in 2006 and the Zionists begged for a ceasefire as Hezbollah ambushed the Zionist "ambush" force.

30 Zionist terrorists were liquidated by Hezbollah and then the entity was begging for the ceasefire at UN.

Relatively Hezbollah is much better armed against the entity than it was back in 2006.
You think the entity has 100,000+ 1 tonne "dumb' bombs in stock?

Of course not.
a 500 kilogram or 1 ton iron bomb cost what ? 10000$
its practically a fuse and a shaped body and some explosive . a workshop can produce tens of them in a day

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Errr, that was not what happened in 2006 and the Zionists begged for a ceasefire as Hezbollah ambushed the Zionist "ambush" force.

30 Zionist terrorists were liquidated by Hezbollah and then the entity was begging for the ceasefire at UN.

Relatively Hezbollah is much better armed against the entity than it was back in 2006.
Hezbollah - Israel War in 2006 was halted by other countries through UN.

"The low-level conflict between Israel and Hezbollah flared into an all-out war in 2006 after a Hezbollah cross-border kidnapping operation. The war left over 100 Israelis and around 500 Hezbollah fighters dead, as well as devastated Lebanon. Hezbollah likely did not anticipate its operation would spark an all-out war, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah later announced that he would not have conducted the operation if he had known a war would occur.[5] Although Hezbollah suffered far more dead, some Israelis saw the war as a disaster due to the large number of Israelis killed, and the IDF’s battlefield performance was widely criticized.[6]

The 2006 war ended with UNSCR 1701, which created a zone between the Blue Line and the Litani River along the borders of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. According to UNSCR 1701, the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River should be free from any armed personnel, assets, and weapons except for those of the government of Lebanon and UNIFIL.[7]"

International pressure will build once again. France is already talking about diffusing tensions between Israel and Lebanon. France is on good terms with Lebanon.
You can't cheat the system and try to win. Hezzbollah is an armed faction like Hamas, it could never hold its own in a real conventional war as much as we would like to hope it could

i dont think you know how this works

the whole point in asymmetric warfare is to take away the enemies advantage

here the advantage is airpower always has been

Hezbollah has done almost a text book strategy and how to go toe to toe with one of the most lethal militaries in the World which also has backing by numerous Global Superpowers

its hardly a fair fight

yet Hezbollah has shown that it can make a Superpower bleed heavily
more like 1000 pound.
well always the question is what will happen after initial attack ?
and don't forget the launcher can be as much as 70km away . Almas won't be of use in that case

yes but that is why

Lancet 1 has range of 30km
Lancet 2 has range of 40km
and latest Lancet 3 has range of 70km

thats when we started seeing Patriot 3 and Abrams tanks which were held deep behind enemy lines being hit as soon as Lancet 3 came into the scene

in return for the Shaheed 136 if Russia provides Iran with Lancet 3 then its passed on to Hezbollah you can image the nightmare Israel will have

Lancet 3 is guided , slow and low, Iron Dome is for unguided, fast and high rockets

this is why Iron Dome cannot take down Almas ATGM

I think Lancet 3 would be top of the agenda for Hezbollah
This is absolutely brilliant that Hezbollah has Iranian Sayyad 2 SAM.

Now Lebanon has both a defensive and also offensive capablity against the entity when it comes to stopping and deterring air attacks.

There's nothing hezbo or Lebanon can do to stop Israeli air force attacks those Iranian SAMs will meet the same fate of Syrian IADS when it decides to track an IDF fighter... they will go boom.

Israeli air force is second to US in SEAD/DEAD capability the moment it turns on its radar it's pretty much telling IDF I'm right here hit me.

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