Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Since the pager operation hezbo has launched hundreds maybe even thousands of rockets.... what exactly has it accomplished strategically? Have they been able to hit airbases and slow down IDF sorties? Have they managed to destroy sitting fighters?

See where I'm going? It hasn't accomplished a thing while IDF air force has already leveled a whole town where rockets were stored. Since pager operation Israel has taken out many high ranking hezbo commanders. Is it really that hard to hit an Israeli airbase or military facility rending it inoperative? 🤔

yous ain't goin no where with it. Furiously paddling but you ain't moving.

Ramat David was hit and damaged. Dozens of Israeli cities and settlements hit and damaged. Thousands of IDF soldiers killed and injured since last year. All IDF intelligence outposts destroyed along the border. 2 million Israeli's displaced. A million have long fled and the Israeli economy in tatters, and Hezb hasn't even fully started yet.

Stop watching CNN and BBC. Believing severely exaggerated state propaganda all day and getting excited?

Iran can keep on doing this all day, 24/7.......365. Lets see who got the oomphh to still stay standing.

'Our forces are strong and our position resolute'

Joe Biden, on the eve of the US pullout from Afghanistan.
According to Israel : Nasrallah is hiding under the Iranian embassy in Beirut
Why don't they hit him if they know his location? Do you think they are scared to hit the Iranian embassy in Beirut, when they have already hit the embassy in Damascus? Are they afraid of Iran's response? Didn't they claim they shot down 99% of the missiles Iran launched in retaliation the last time? What is holding them back?
If I’m Nasrallah, this is what I want them to do. Air power is restricted when your own ground forces are elbow to elbow with the enemy; thus offering respite from constant IAF attacks.

How how to quicken their invasion plans? Attacking Tel Aviv and other previously untouched Israeli cities is one way. Conducting your own offensive into North Israel is another. The point is if that’s the policy Hezbollah is utilizing, then logically and rationally it makes sense to eat the heavy bombings
If I was Nasrallah and I was certain they're going to do a ground invasion. I'd do everything in my power to overwhelm the iron Dome and use a lot of offensive firepower to kill thousands of Israelis before they do a ground invasion.

It's not going to get better with a ground invasion. Israel will tell civilians they have 12 hours to leave half of Lebanon and begin massacring tens of thousands of civilians. They know they can't face off well in ground combat so they won't do it. Like in Gaza, they were afraid of ground combat with Hamas.
This war will go on for 10 years and they will go after all surrounding Countries,
they will also go after Iran.
No they won't, they don't have the resources

Seriously have people not been looking at what's been happening

Any idiot can drop a bomb from a jet without a air force or air defences harassing them, THATS what Israel has been doing, it's taken them a year to try and shoot fish in a barrel and even that they haven't been able to achieve

Anything beyond that or instigating actual states around Israel is our if the question, Israel simply does not have the manpower or resources
Since the pager operation hezbo has launched hundreds maybe even thousands of rockets.... what exactly has it accomplished strategically? Have they been able to hit airbases and slow down IDF sorties? Have they managed to destroy sitting fighters?

See where I'm going? It hasn't accomplished a thing while IDF air force has already leveled a whole town where rockets were stored. Since pager operation Israel has taken out many high ranking hezbo commanders. Is it really that hard to hit an Israeli airbase or military facility rending it inoperative? 🤔

Dude have you not been listening, Hezbollah is a resistance organisation, it's role is to harass and harm the enemy and wear it down

The resistance isn't just Hezbollah, it's multiple groups set up by Iran to constantly keep Israel in a state of war

Israel can murder and slaughter, but all that does is create more anger and hatred and stop any path to peace, making Israel a pariah both regionally and internationally
Since the pager operation hezbo has launched hundreds maybe even thousands of rockets.... what exactly has it accomplished strategically? Have they been able to hit airbases and slow down IDF sorties? Have they managed to destroy sitting fighters?

See where I'm going? It hasn't accomplished a thing while IDF air force has already leveled a whole town where rockets were stored. Since pager operation Israel has taken out many high ranking hezbo commanders. Is it really that hard to hit an Israeli airbase or military facility rending it inoperative? 🤔

You live in your own bubble. The "Israelis" are already begging for a "diplomatic solution".

Since the pager operation hezbo has launched hundreds maybe even thousands of rockets.... what exactly has it accomplished strategically? Have they been able to hit airbases and slow down IDF sorties? Have they managed to destroy sitting fighters?
They're not trying to overwhelm Israeli defenses at the moment. Why? Idk. It's their current approach to the current hostilities and assessment based on multiple factors like Lebanon's infrastructure and Gaza ceasefire.

Hamas would fire more, near 500 rockets a day in rapid succession. On October 7, Hamas did overwhelm their defenses and intended to do so. Hamas fired 2,000 rockets in 30 minutes according to Israel. When Hezbollah does the same then they are actually trying to overwhelm defenses and cause casualties. Hezbollah appears to be still trying to assess Israeli intentions. Because Israel is announcing it's steps in phases and not a outright declared war. But I would say that's a mistake by Hezbollah as I believe Israel intended and is waging a all out war on Lebanon. With deliberate short pauses/significant decrease in intensity of 1-2 days. To limit blowback/get out with least damage.
Dude have you not been listening, Hezbollah is a resistance organisation, it's role is to harass and harm the enemy and wear it down

The resistance isn't just Hezbollah, it's multiple groups set up by Iran to constantly keep Israel in a state of war

Israel can murder and slaughter, but all that does is create more anger and hatred and stop any path to peace, making Israel a pariah both regionally and internationally
He just doesn't understand that Israel is doomed. Refuses to see the massive elephant sitting in his room.

How in the hell can only 7 million Israeli's fight 200 million Shia's? .......How?

He must be joking....... :p

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