Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Israel usually does things which can be sanitized or even glorified by the Zionist media. Even when it kills hundreds of people, it dismisses them as collateral damage because military opponents were using them as human shields. The Zionist media dutifully promotes the Israel narrative. On rare cases when Israel's actions cannot be sanitized away, Holocaust documentaries and WW2 movies flood the media airwaves.

A biological attack is impossible to sanitize away.
Israel doesnt care about its reputation damage. Those who support Israel will continue to support them no matter what. The only way to deal with Israel is to beat them on the battlefield or boycott their products lol. They are basically giving a free pass to do whatever. All the empty talk from the Arab world don't mean a thing to Israelis.
Prove to us that grenades can't injure/kill bystanders. Onus is on you. Otherwise get your retarded dirty Hindu ass out of here. And go where dirty belongs. 😁
It was not greanade. Just a tiny spec of explosive which burnt only the one carrying the equipment. We can see the effect in cctv footages.
west and their puppet media is labeling this as attack on Hezbollah to dehumanise the event as Israels attack on terrorists but the 3000 odd injured are mostly civilians this is terrorism by jewish illegal entity but western media will make movies on it and praise is as some kind of genius insane israeli tactical attack on bad guys!

This is how they do it nowadays. After killing so many Palestinians the shame has completely disappeared. They are attacking at will and without any accountability and remorse. They have a few minions who enter these discussions to defend their actions. Let's move on to the next one and justify them all.

The Saudis and UAE are finding out how costly their Abraham Accords 🤝 is. Just like we predicted. The Zionists are going to widen their killing into other Arab nations.
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Chinese electronics will become more popular after this. China should capitalize on this lol now you know why Huawei is such a threat to the US. They can't backdoor it.
Very immature take.
Next time conspirators will intercept chinese shipment and plant explosive in those and target will be caught pants down for blindly trusting a chinese shipment.
Very immature take.
Next time conspirators will intercept chinese shipment and plant explosive in those and target will be caught pants down for blindly trusting a chinese shipment.
Lmao the world can never get rid of Chinese products no matter how hard they try. Countries are now aware of what the West are willing to do to achieve their objectives. Huawei telecommunications will become even more popular for sure from this.
Taiwan denied any involvement in Israeli terrorism.

They said the devices were polluted after sale.

Well this further proved Israel is a terrorist cancer. Every bad incident has a positive side too. Hezbollah has intensified bombing settlers.
Lmao the world can never get rid of Chinese products no matter how hard they try.
That doesn't explain why Hezbulla/Iranian handlers didn't order Chinese equipments.
That doesn't explain why Hezbulla/Iranian handlers didn't order Chinese equipments.
Cause they are dumb. Lol buying from Taiwan really did they really expect mossad not trying to needle in their shit.
In this case, I don't see Gold Apollo and Taiwan knowing about this, or being involved in any way. This will certainly hurt sales and impact the company negatively, so I doubt that the company is lying about it.

This attack has nothing to do with Taiwan. They only used their brand name. The pagers were assembled in a factory inside Lebanon. This factory has nothing to do with Taiwan.

The Gold Apollo has not assisted the crime. It was a victim also.
such gullible,

The company already changed the story, first said made in Europe, now it says made in Lebanon.

It is more expensive to assemble such devices elsewhere than do it in Taiwan or China.
There is no such device with a made in Europe(or Lebanne)label, that is a must by law., otherwise they will show it already.

Doesn't mean the company/boss knows the bomb plot, but the company is compromised.
Israel usually does things which can be sanitized or even glorified by the Zionist media. Even when it kills hundreds of people, it dismisses them as collateral damage because military opponents were using them as human shields. The Zionist media dutifully promotes the Israel narrative. On rare cases when Israel's actions cannot be sanitized away, Holocaust documentaries and WW2 movies flood the media airwaves.

A biological attack is impossible to sanitize away.

What if a biological attack is disguised as a flu, like Covid? There is a good chance that Covid was a biological attack on China that backfired. It is a fact that there were US biological weapon labs in Ukraine.

Israel can kill anyone in any way they like and the Anglo-Zionist media will cheer them on. We’ve seen exploding pagers from Taiwan. Next it could be contaminated food from India. Every possibility needs to be looked at.

To say that Israel is too sensitive to international opinion to use biological weapons doesn’t seem right to me.
Mossad owns the region unfortunately they have too many plants even inside Lebanon and Iran.
Cause they are dumb. Lol buying from Taiwan really did they really expect mossad not trying to needle in their shit.
But as per news reports it was not tampered in Taiwan. Means it can happen with any shipment.
But as per news reports it was not tampered in Taiwan. Means it can happen with any shipment.
The explosives were either be installed in Taiwan or Europe we don't know . But all I'm saying either they should import them directly from china instead.
What if a biological attack is disguised as a flu, like Covid? There is a good chance that Covid was a biological attack on China that backfired. It is a fact that there were US biological weapon labs in Ukraine.

Israel can kill anyone in any way they like and the Anglo-Zionist media will cheer them on. We’ve seen exploding pagers from Taiwan. Next it could be contaminated food from India. Every possibility needs to be looked at.

To say that Israel is too sensitive to international opinion to use biological weapons doesn’t seem right to me.

They might use it as a facet of the Samson option if they believe their existence is threatened. But before that, I don't know, maybe you are right.

It just doesn't seem the Israeli way: they usually do things they can brag about. Nobody can brag about using biological warfare. Even this pager thing is being celebrated as a brilliant tactic in the media.
It is a bomb disguise as a pager, only high explosives can do this.

These were mini explosives and not pagers. Certainly filled with materials that can badly injure and even kill.

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