Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Taiwan is another one that cannot be trusted. The sooner China moves in the better.
China got whooped by that womanizer Clinton in 96, that one impeached imbecile scared China so much it's been three decades since China dared threaten Taiwan straits ever since.
This is how they do it nowadays. After killing so many Palestinians the shame has completely disappeared. They are attacking at will and without any accountability and remorse. They have a few minions who enter these discussions to defend their actions. Let's move on to the next one and justify them all.

The Saudis and UAE are finding out how costly their Abraham Accords 🤝 is. Just like we predicted. The Zionists are going to widen their killing into other Arab nations.
cant wait for zioArabs to get butchered by their jewish cousins
What if a biological attack is disguised as a flu, like Covid? There is a good chance that Covid was a biological attack on China that backfired. It is a fact that there were US biological weapon labs in Ukraine.

Israel can kill anyone in any way they like and the Anglo-Zionist media will cheer them on. We’ve seen exploding pagers from Taiwan. Next it could be contaminated food from India. Every possibility needs to be looked at.

To say that Israel is too sensitive to international opinion to use biological weapons doesn’t seem right to me.

You are not far off , here in Western world, when initially Covid was spreading in China and people were dying , often you would see TV people in happy mood. They thought it was something only Chinese people are impacted with and other races will not get it

What they did not anticipate was their own Tourist bringing back the virus back home who flocked to airports to escape china

Things got real after it hit the airports and spread, and cases appeared in West

The only beneficiary from Covid have been the Big corporations over here who , already had technology constructed for Covid

All the Technology here was ready , waiting for Covid to happen so corporations could make big profits off that Tech

  • Cashier less stores
  • Paperless Free Transaction, only digital transaction allowed
  • Legislation approved for AI usage taking away human jobs
  • Forced Covid Jabs (mostly experimental drugs)
  • More robots for Labor job
  • More dependence on Delivery to home services
  • Making Nations dependent on their Drugs /Jabs from big pharma
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China got whooped by that womanizer Clinton in 96, that one impeached imbecile scared China so much it's been three decades since China dared threaten Taiwan straits ever since.
Go find a job mate.
And sending rockets in a near blind mode (killing 12 kids on a football field) is not terrorism ?
You reap what you SOW.
Babykillers just understand one language.
No doubt the Taiwanese knew about this one way or another. Even playing along willingly.

Just wait and watch taiwanese products now being scrutinized by lots and lots of people all over the worlds. Stupid Island dongs cut off their own nose to please zionist masters.
They said a European company manufactured it, hard to believe (because here electronic device industries are almost non-existant at all). "BAC Company".

The complete statement of "Golden Apollo" Company is as follows:

Golden Apollo Company has established a long-term OEM authorization and regional agency cooperation relationship with BAC Company. According to the cooperation agreement, our company authorizes BAC Company to use our company's brand trademark for product sales in specific areas. , but the design and manufacturing of the products are all handled by BAC.

Regarding the pager model AR-924 in this media report, our company clarifies that this model is a product produced and sold by BAC Company. Our company only provides brand trademark authorization and has nothing to do with the design and production of this product. Our company always follows relevant regulations and maintains a transparent and compliant cooperative relationship with our partners.
It's a fiendish trick but it's done

This will probably unite the Lebanese people
US expected to propose barring Chinese software in autonomous vehicles
They are scared haha

The Americans and European nations are fast losing a lot in the Global South.
Then why are children dead and innocent ladies had arms blown off? Is that targeting Hezbollah? Why are you attempting to be more Jewish that Jews? Any chance of an Indian on this thread looking at this objectively?
You're having pre conceived notions about the question based of my nationality. It was directed at a very specific question of being called a war crime. Calling every random act war crime is diluting the seriousness of it. You put a detonation device on a pager, which are exclusively used by a group numbering thousands. There will be collateral damages if you are going to detonate it. Is this act criminal? Yes, any action with civilian casualty is criminal in local laws and maybe avenged or whatever. Is this a war crime? Unlikely.
As for objectiveness treat "objectively" war crimes by Hamas against old people and children? You know what else is a war crime? Taking civilian hostages. I never saw any one of you calling it a war crime. Didn't Hezbollah rocket hit a playground killing some druze children? Hezbollah and Hamas both fire rockets and hit civilians. As for acting as a "Jew" I couldn't care any less about fight between semites. The fight is thousands of years old. My honest reaction to all this is a giant apathy. Find someone else to pick on, there are plenty of Jew and Hamas fanbois in the forum.
It is where we will never agree. This is also a jude land....

No its not, the Jews were not welcome, they formed a insignificant population in Palestine, to create a colonial apartheid state I'm the midst of hundreds of millions of people who did not welcome foreign Jews was the most stupid thing possible

What did they think was going to happen, that they would just act like native Americans or Hindus or something and just accept it??

We have to end the problem and get the Jews out

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