Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Add walkie talkies to the list above
Anything with batteries and remote communications could be used in the same way.

Smartphones, tablets, cars...

Modern cars are plenty of technology and connection to internet through bluetooth link to a smartphone.
You talk big. The balance of power is shifting, Israel is powerful because of US and western countries supporting it. Israelis are provided latest technology, mossad is allowed to use Western passports /aliases to enter Arab countries etc Once the world is multipolar in 10-15 yrs Israelis will no longer feel emboldened. Plus cheap drones and missiles will now mean Israelis will be in constant threat and fear. Their only option is to stop illegal occupation of West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, and golan heights and accept a Palestinian state. The sooner they accept the better for them.
These kind of speeches are made since 1967.
Israel remains there and kick the a** of every ennemy.
cheap drones and missiles? OK. Iron dome missiles are cheaper and cheaper. Next will be more cheaper laser.
Israel had, has and will have the technological edge. They simply are best.
These kind of speeches are made since 1967.
Israel remains there and kick the a** of every ennemy.
cheap drones and missiles? OK. Iron dome missiles are cheaper and cheaper. Next will be more cheaper laser.
Israel had, has and will have the technological edge. They simply are best.
lol crusaders lasted 100 yrs but were then expelled by salauddin nuruddin and others. The French brutally murdered and committed genocide in Algeria Vietnam etc. however the honourable Vietnamese and Algerian people kicked the invaders out. Israel is strong because of US support. Once that is gone they will crumble. The day of US as the sole superpower is coming to an end fast. You honestly think Israelis can fight if US stop giving tgem
F-35s, iron dome missiles etc. As for iron domes and lasers, yes let’s see how they do against 1000s of cheap explosive drones.
These kind of speeches are made since 1967.
Israel remains there and kick the a** of every ennemy.
cheap drones and missiles? OK. Iron dome missiles are cheaper and cheaper. Next will be more cheaper laser.
Israel had, has and will have the technological edge. They simply are best.
Are a Hindu larping as a French jew?
lol crusaders lasted 100 yrs but were then expelled by salauddin nuruddin and others. The French brutally murdered and committed genocide in Algeria Vietnam etc. however the honourable Vietnamese and Algerian people kicked the invaders out. Israel is strong because of US support. Once that is gone they will crumble. The day of US as the sole superpower is coming to an end fast. You honestly think Israelis can fight if US stop giving tgem
F-35s, iron dome missiles etc. As for iron domes and lasers, yes let’s see how they do against 1000s of cheap explosive drones.
Once again, despite the french in Algeria or Cambodia, the english in India etc....
This land is a jude one. They are on their historical land. Maybe not from the sea to the river, but a part of it sure.

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