Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hezbollah could've ended this conflict on day 1, but instead chose to die the slow death of a coward.

Pakistan should not make the same mistake against Afghanistan.
so in your mind:
Afghanistan = israel
Pakistan = Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has been fighting since the second day this conflict began.

Cowards are Pakistanis getting drones and accepting money for the deaths. Israel can easily wipe the floor with the south Asian armies. I guarantee Hezbollahs infantry can take on whatever the colonial army in Pakistan throws at it with its mismatch 1980s weapons and 1960s tactics
so in your mind:
Afghanistan = israel
Pakistan = Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has been fighting since the second day this conflict began.

Cowards are Pakistanis getting drones and accepting money for the deaths. Israel can easily wipe the floor with the south Asian armies. I guarantee Hezbollahs infantry can take on whatever the colonial army in Pakistan throws at it with its mismatch 1980s weapons and 1960s tactics
Calm down bro, we all hate what the institution has become but it's a heavy hitting fighting machine.
Even that general trump toasted in his leaked recording is talking about how iran has no history for the past 900 years because of the Turks.

Persians have a deep hatred of Turks and Sunni Muslims. And trust when it came to shia Azerbaijan they rather support the christian Russians and Armenians against them.
you are speaking rubbish. you should also change your flags.

Persians have no hatred for Turks or Sunni Muslims, you are utterly clueless.

Iran supports Azerabaijan sovereignty over Nagorno Karabagh while Shia Azerbaijan is the biggest exporter of oil to Israel and the biggest importer of weapons from Israel.
One other thing ill say about Iran, in the past 100 years nearly every single one of its governments has been put in place by the west. Even the current regime its leader was living in france being paid by the french state.

You guys ever wonder what that may mean?

have you ever thought that the spreading of shia terrorism/fanaticism in the region is something the west wants? In the same way they spread wahhabism across the region? Divide and conquer, get everyone killing each other. No one can come together.
first Turkey should do something about NATO using its territory as useful place to park their weapons and then beg EU to let them in a bit more before speaking your rubbish sectarian drivel against Iran
Hezbollah could've ended this conflict on day 1, but instead chose to die the slow death of a coward.
Can you explain how they could've done this?
Pakistan should not make the same mistake against Afghanistan.
Ok, please say more so i can understand the context of this comment.
If HZ ever depletes, Iraqi, Yemeni, Afghan and Syrian militants can replenish another 1 million soldiers for them.

Let’s not talk about their chemical and (nuclear) capabilities.
One other thing ill say about Iran, in the past 100 years nearly every single one of its governments has been put in place by the west. Even the current regime its leader was living in france being paid by the french state.

You guys ever wonder what that may mean?

have you ever thought that the spreading of shia terrorism/fanaticism in the region is something the west wants? In the same way they spread wahhabism across the region? Divide and conquer, get everyone killing each other. No one can come together.
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Only nation who lost from the appearance of Isis was Turkey. Naturally the Syrian opposition who wanted freedom from the assadist tyrant also lost. But everyone else won.

Isis came about and it completely delegitimised the syrian opposition, this meant iran, russia, assad, america and isreal all won. Because it ended the revolution from succeeding.

It allowed the PKK to be promoted as heroes.

The western media started talking about assad and iran being allies in this fight.
Isreal loved it because it made the nation destroy itself, instead of the muslim brotherhood coming in and being united with Turkey, like morsi of egypt.

It allowed Russia to exterminate whoever they wanted, no different then what Isreal is doing in gaza by excusing everyone of being an isis terrorist.

Then after Iraq and Syria Turkey experienced the most Isis terrorist attacks, not Iran. Including having to deploy their army against them and take their capital.

So Iranians stop playing these foolish games and stop stealing Turkish history. We know what you are and we see what you are today.
you are really obsessed with Iran I see

but this thread is about Hezbollah-Israel not your therapy session, stay on topic
One other thing ill say about Iran, in the past 100 years nearly every single one of its governments has been put in place by the west. Even the current regime its leader was living in france being paid by the french state.

You guys ever wonder what that may mean?

have you ever thought that the spreading of shia terrorism/fanaticism in the region is something the west wants? In the same way they spread wahhabism across the region? Divide and conquer, get everyone killing each other. No one can come together.

I partly agree with you.
Its geopolitics after all. And there are historical reasons to believe it as various European states cooperated with Safavid against Ottomans in order to check Ottoman advance in Europe.

But thts a whole another topic for another thread.
Only nation who lost from the appearance of Isis was Turkey. Naturally the Syrian opposition who wanted freedom from the assadist tyrant also lost. But everyone else won.

Isis came about and it completely delegitimised the syrian opposition, this meant iran, russia, assad, america and isreal all won. Because it ended the revolution from succeeding.

It allowed the PKK to be promoted as heroes.

The western media started talking about assad and iran being allies in this fight.
Isreal loved it because it made the nation destroy itself, instead of the muslim brotherhood coming in and being united with Turkey, like morsi of egypt.

It allowed Russia to exterminate whoever they wanted, no different then what Isreal is doing in gaza by excusing everyone of being an isis terrorist.

Then it was used by america, europe, russia and shia's to completely delegitimise Turkish actions in Syria, the only real nation with any history in being able to defeat western powers. Just like the Isrealis general once said, Iran can be contained Turkey is the real challange.

Then after Iraq and Syria Turkey experienced the most Isis terrorist attacks, not Iran. Including having to deploy their army against them and take their capital.

So Iranians stop playing these foolish games and stop stealing Turkish history. We know what you are and we see what you are today. You were ruled by Turks for a thousand years as Turkish subjects, if your going to shit on Turks we might as well call a spade a spade.

I said it before, the last real hope for Palestine was the revolution in syria succeeding and morsi in egypt. This was would have aligned both nations in a military alliance with Turkey, Palestine could have been saved. But no the Isrealis got rid of morsi and the iranians, russians, americans, isrealis, gulf states all helped curtail the revolution in syria. Now palestine is finished, but you Iranians used them and forced them off the mountain top.
What your seeing is basically a process of destabilisation and balkanisation. Every country in the middle east not named Isreal has and is being subjected to it.

In the case of Turkey. Cyprus, Armenia and Kurds have all been supported against Turkey. The greeks and all their unilateral transgressions are supported by the west and at times russia too. Actually quite a few arab nations also support it. The recent transgressions has been over Turkeys maritime rights. Attempting to lock Turkey along her coast line.

The Libya intervention in which Turkey succeeded in stopping a united French/Russian/Greek/Gulf state takeover of Libya. Was enacted to break this plot.

The attempted illegal annexation of Cyprus in 1974 after a decade of greek instigated troubles was also part of this plot. Annex the island, murder the Turks and turn the entire island into a military base for the west. This would have rendered the entire southern cost of Turkey vulnerable and would have given the west including isreal incredible influence in the region. Turks went to war despite being threatened with war by the soviet union, france and england. Turks won. Today you see how cyprus is used against palestine, imagine if they had control of the entire island and they were completely free to do as they please. Arabs in general supported the greeks back then, how stupid. No Turks on that island and its used to completely control the trade in the east med on behalf of isreal and the eu.

Lets move to the armenians, their genocide agenda was about using it as a ploy to demand land in eastern Turkey. Despite being allies with Russia and Iran the west would always support them against Turkey. The recent Karabagh war in which enemies all become friends again fortunately was defeated. Another war in which Turks defeat European Christians. Not that Turks saw it as religious wars, but both the greeks and armenians sure did.

When we come to the Kurds its no secret that extreme left wing marxist terrorist organisation has been used against Turkey by all players not just western including, Russia, Iran, Assad, the gulf states. This is why primarily the Turkish military has intervened into both syria and iraq.

Now i could go on and on. But every single country is facing many plots against her sovereignty in order to destabilise and balkanise her into smaller more easily manageable sections.

When you play the game stupid, you lose completely like saddams iraq, or you lose like ghaddafis libya. This game is going to play out for another 100 years and it will be won or lost at an incremental level. The Palestinians have incrementally been making mistakes, each mistake cost them more and more. Potentially another few mistakes and its gone, finished.

If Turkey is to win in the long run she has to succeed in many places and it will may take up to a 100 years to change the situation in the region. If she fails she may be balkanised in the long run. This is the reality.

When i look at what's happening today in the middle east, to me its just getting started. If the outsider succeeds in the long run, what's happening in Palestine is coming to every Muslim in the region.
I don’t understand your position at all? You are a NATO member so what could you possibly have to say in all this? Other than US sponsored Kurdish terrorism?

Your position in the region is already questionable, because we know your compulsions no?

You are under NATO control. Let’s get real around here ‘goat milk’ no?
Only nation who lost from the appearance of Isis was Turkey. Naturally the Syrian opposition who wanted freedom from the assadist tyrant also lost. But everyone else won.

Isis came about and it completely delegitimised the syrian opposition, this meant iran, russia, assad, america and isreal all won. Because it ended the revolution from succeeding.

It allowed the PKK to be promoted as heroes.

The western media started talking about assad and iran being allies in this fight.
Isreal loved it because it made the nation destroy itself, instead of the muslim brotherhood coming in and being united with Turkey, like morsi of egypt.

It allowed Russia to exterminate whoever they wanted, no different then what Isreal is doing in gaza by excusing everyone of being an isis terrorist.

Then it was used by america, europe, russia and shia's to completely delegitimise Turkish actions in Syria, the only real nation with any history in being able to defeat western powers. Just like the Isrealis general once said, Iran can be contained Turkey is the real challange.

Then after Iraq and Syria Turkey experienced the most Isis terrorist attacks, not Iran. Including having to deploy their army against them and take their capital.

So Iranians stop playing these foolish games and stop stealing Turkish history. We know what you are and we see what you are today. You were ruled by Turks for a thousand years as Turkish subjects, if your going to shit on Turks we might as well call a spade a spade.

I said it before, the last real hope for Palestine was the revolution in syria succeeding and morsi in egypt. This was would have aligned both nations in a military alliance with Turkey, Palestine could have been saved. But no the Isrealis got rid of morsi and the iranians, russians, americans, isrealis, gulf states all helped curtail the revolution in syria. Now palestine is finished, but you Iranians used them and forced them off the mountain top.
Keep talking nonsense as you help supply Israel with oil.

You are not fit to kiss the feet of Iran. Now, run along while Erdogan barks like a dog but whimpers like a mouse.

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