Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

That's not possible

Remember Hezbollah have been firing since October, Israel will not simply agree a true now

Then they should hit Tel Aviv now and kill 500 civilians

It has to be equal
The UK backed ASSAD is not anti-Israel
Therefore USA-The UK allowed Russia to enter Syria to save ASSAD and Iran from FSA in 2015

USA-The UK is so happy with ASSAD who is not a sunni Muslim

Israel-USA-The UK dont want to see a sunni muslim government in Syria .... never

What are you talking about, Syria is the only Arab nation still at war with Israel due to Palestinian cause and Golan Heights. The western media is openly stating we funded and train Syrian rebels.

Yes Bashar Al Assad is not sunni and so what, he's a secular Arab Nationalist, he's not pro Shia, he's Arab nationalist. His baath movement is full of sunnis, they're all Arab nationalists.

Egyptian President Morsi calling for international community to impose no fly zone in Syria, what international community do you think he's talking about, it's no other than Nato, like how nato imposed no fly zone in Libya.

Please let's get back to topic.
In geopolitics there are wheels within wheels and gullibles are stuck at the outer wheel .. ..where is the inner wheel spinning ? .....inner wheel is spinning with the consensus of west and greater middle East .....and the objective is to settle the middle East issue for good ....truncated Palestinian state , recognition of Israel and complete destruction of Shia crescent ...... what's the hurry ? .....once middle East is peaceful US will deploy all her resources to Asia Pacific ..... not good for China .
What are you talking about, Syria is the only Arab nation still at war with Israel due to Palestinian cause and Golan Heights. The western media is openly stating we funded and train Syrian rebels.

Yes Bashar Al Assad is not sunni and so what, he's a secular Arab Nationalist, he's not pro Shia, he's Arab nationalist. His baath movement is full of sunnis, they're all Arab nationalists.

Egyptian President Morsi calling for international community to impose no fly zone in Syria, what international community do you think he's talking about, it's no other than Nato, like how nato imposed no fly zone in Libya.

Please let's get back to topic.

I'm frankly sick and tired of this Sunni and Shia bullshit from both sides; the enemies are ripping asses of both sects and these sister-fuckers and still debating useless theology that, honestly, isn't going to benefit either side.
In geopolitics there are wheels within wheels and gullibles are stuck at the outer wheel .. ..where is the inner wheel spinning ? .....inner wheel is spinning with the consensus of west and greater middle East .....and the objective is to settle the middle East issue for good ....truncated Palestinian state , recognition of Israel and complete destruction of Shia crescent ...... what's the hurry ? .....once middle East is peaceful US will deploy all her resources to Asia Pacific ..... not good for China .

Another issue is Israel wants all Arab states surrounding it to be weak and at its mercy, even if Israel is recognised, the wars, coups, rebellions will not stop as Israel wants to keep all the neighbours in check and obedient to its rule. Their aim is to be the ruling power of the world, it's highly possible they are already there as they control Usa.
I e
Another issue is Israel wants all Arab states surrounding it to be weak and at its mercy, even if Israel is recognised, the wars, coups, rebellions will not stop as Israel wants to keep all the neighbours in check and obedient to its rule. Their aim is to be the ruling power of the world, it's highly possible they are already there as they control Usa.
I wouldn't go that far .....I need far more powerful binoculars to see that far
NETANYAHU attacked GAZA because of HAMAS
NETANYAHU attacked Lebanon because of HEZBOLLAH

So NETANYAHU can not attack neighburing Countries like S.Arabia , Egypt , Turkiye

maybe the next will be Syria ... because of Iranian IRGC and Iran backed other groups

S.Arabia , Egypt , Turkiye will fight Israel and Iran will watch on TV and laugh

S.Arabia and Egypt are not stupid to fight USA-Europe backed Israel
Iran has started this war in the region therefore Iran should fight Israel


Palestine, Lebanon and Syria has been fighting a defensive war against Israel for decades. Israel annexed Golan Height only a decade ago. This is a ongoing enroachment on Levant, by an agressive colonial entity.

Now, Turkey simply was allowed to exist after WW2 because it completeley turned its back on its glorious Islamic history and westernized completely way until end of the 1990s' Recognizing Israel was one of the first things Turkey had to do to be accepted into western camp.

Turkey changed script from Arabic to Roman letters.
Banned Hijab
Banned arabic Quranic recitations.
Purged Muslim clergy.

Even today some turks (though not majority) vehemently oppose anything islamic and have a deep seated hate for arabs.

These are facts.
Palestine, Lebanon and Syria has been fighting a defensive war against Israel for decades. Israel annexed Golan Height only a decade ago. This is a ongoing enroachment on Levant, by an agressive colonial entity.

The Golan Heights was captured by Israel from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War after attacking by Egypt,Syria,Jordan,Iraq on Israel

And Israel unilaterally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 ( 43 years ago )

ASSAD Family never fought Israel ... The UK backed ASSAD is not threat to Israel
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Palestine, Lebanon and Syria has been fighting a defensive war against Israel for decades. Israel annexed Golan Height only a decade ago. This is a ongoing enroachment on Levant, by an agressive colonial entity.

Now, Turkey simply was allowed to exist after WW2 because it completeley turned its back on its glorious Islamic history and westernized completely way until end of the 1990s' Recognizing Israel was one of the first things Turkey had to do to be accepted into western camp.

Turkey changed script from Arabic to Roman letters.
Banned Hijab
Banned arabic Quranic recitations.
Purged Muslim clergy.

Even today some turks (though not majority) vehemently oppose anything islamic and have a deep seated hate for arabs.

These are facts.
Facts can be spined , Victor writes the the history....morality is the refuge of weak .

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