Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

The Muslims have enough budget in the billions in the U.S. if they get their ducks in order. But the desi mentality is only where you drag the individual down and not uplift him and those around you. They will stab you in the back and slander your name in the community.

Hate that desi nosey uncle aunty mentality. Its self defeating nonsense.
Ive seen Bengali uncles from older generation fight over desi politics while living 2/3 of their life in the west. Stupid idiots havent learned anything from living here it seems.

Jews imo have actually worked for their dominance, in both good and less good ways, but still worked for it. They are native to Europe as the middleastern gene is gone. Culturally most ashkenazie jews in effect practice a sycretic life where they are more «European» than native europeans, but have kept some of the superficial jewish traditions. Very few of them becomes Rabbi and such.

The jewish dominance was only possible after european nationalism (white nationalism/supremacism) finally died after WW2. If Europeans still were largely had christian dominance, there would be no AIPAC and so on.

Hindus are really just reaping the benefits of the work laid by Black and Jewish Americans who cooperated in ending the Apartheid and White supremacism in the United States. Hindus dont have any issue with taking orders while most muslims hate it. So hindus are favored in jobs that demand taking orders. Still its not to take away from the hard work of Hindus too.

Lets not also forget that hindus get huuge preference in visas, jobs etc in IT sector. Its a willed policy and part of mutual benefit agreement for India entering as US ally against China.

Finally, Islamic Civillization conqoured vast xtian terrories and was the main anatagonist for white europeans for almost 1200 years. Its coded in the european psyche. Aprils Fool day forexample originated in Spain as a celebration for fooling muslim Andalusians and the consequent victory over muslims. Hindus dont have that baggae for white europeans. Most europeans actually have very little clue about hindus and hinduism. Islam otoh is far more familiar, both historically and culturally.
Remember this isn't a era of surprises anymore. It's about overwhelming the Israeli defenses, which can be done. Which is why the US threatens to intervene with its military if that happens. The decision to overwhelm their defenses is a difficult one and hasn't been made yet. Hezbollah can do their own version of shock and awe. Will US actually intervene with their military ? We don't know . And if they do, how would rest of region react ?
Al Akhbar Newspaper:

The resistance views the field developments in a different way, and does not consider that the enemy has achieved any success except killing people, and that it has not said its word yet, and everything it has done is still within the framework of responses to military sites, and it has given notice to the enemy about the type of capabilities it intends to resort to in any stage of escalation.

So what is superior intellect combined with a declining political and military power looks like ?

When the Mongols conquered Persia in the thirteenth century, theywere themselves entirely uneducated andwere obliged to depend wholly on nativePersian officials to administer the countryand to collect the revenue. They retained aswazeer, or Prime Minister, one Rashid alDin, a historian of international repute.
the Prime Minister, when speaking to theMongol II Khan, was obliged to remainthroughout the interview on his knees. Atstate banquets, the Prime Minister stoodbehind the Khan’s seat to wait upon him. Ifthe Khan were in a good mood, heoccasionally passed his wazeer a piece offood over his shoulder.
So it doesn't matter if the West continues to print more nobel leaurate every year or how many top universities are located in the West. The moment their military and political power decline relative to their opponents, or even worse collapses. These intellectuals, just like the Persian intellectuals under the Mongols, will be to the use of the new conquering race (which are mostly backward).

So just how far has the West declines ?
The high point of the West should be considered the Belle Epoch

The Belle Epoque coincided with what people call the great divergence, the socioeconomic phenomena where the White race eclipsed everyone and anyone on earth including past mighty states (Ottomans, India, China).


This is the time where Europeans could just walk into Qing's capital city and divided the city into neighborhoods for whites.

or even put humans in zoo.

This is the high time of the Western civilizations.

But WW1 came .The result ? 3 mighty christian European empires cease to exist, in their place, small nation states (Russian empire, German and Austrian empire broken up to form the likes of Czechia, Ukraine, Poland etc.)

WW2 follows up, and Europe lose almost their entire sovereignty and a huge chunk of their people and industry in the process. Germany no longer a proud militaristic society, now divided into two, they're still and economic and intellectual power, but again they have lost the political and military power (reminds you of the Arabo-Persians in the 13th century).

Then what's left in Europe is the UK and France, and they only figured out they no longer pulls the string during the Suez crisis (1956). Where they fail to subdue newly independent Egypt. Other colonial power like the Netherlands caved to former colony Indonesia in the contest for Papua, while Portuguese lose Goa to India.

It would took another 40 years before Britain accepts the fate that they're no longer an empire with the handover of Hong Long to Communist China in 1999.


They try another war in the Middle East but even that they fail. Afghanistan falls back to taliban rule in 2021, while the war in the Middle East resulted in the return of Islamism, even though the Americans engineered war in these region to introduce liberal democracy.

If Suez in 1956 is humiliating enough for the French and the UK, for failing to perform against newly independent Egypt. Then 2024 saw the combined West failed to compel Houthis to open the Red Sea, and the Houthis aren't even a nation state, but an armed group hailing from the mountains of Yemen.

So we're already the relative decline in capacity of the West to impose their will using the political and military tools. It will continue to decline, I guess the upcoming war in the Pacific with China will be the main blow to the West's ability to shape the world to their whims.

So be patient. Soon enough, the host in which parasites like Israel land on will be subdued by time.

@Meengla @LeGenD
Thanks for tagging me. My response will be strictly neutral and not aimed to judge any party morally.

Western powers fought and destroyed each other.

The first blow to the British Empire came from the American Revolution in the (1763 - 1783) period. The British Empire also had enemies in Europe that sought to weaken it such as France and Germany and created war on a scale never seen before.

The US stem from American Revolution and wanted to expand its lands. The US destroyed the Mexican Empire in the (1846 - 1848) period, and delivered a major blow to the Spanish Empire in 1898. The US also created a coalition of Western powers to defeat Germany in World War Two. The British Empire lost its military strength and ability to hold foreign lands in World War Two and the US took its place to unite and rebuild the West.

The US made it possible for the Soviet Union to overwhelm Third Reich from the East in World War Two but the two became rivals in subsequent years and were locked in a struggle to create a suitable World Order in Cold War that latest 43 years with following outcomes: (1) US-led forces preserved South Korea in the Korean War (1950 - 1953); (2) The Soviet Union abandoned Cuba in 1962; (3) The US abandoned South Vietnam in 1972; (4) The Soviet Union abandoned Afghanistan in 1988; (5) US-led forces preserved Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War (1991); and the US managed to split the Soviet Union via Color Revolution in a remarkable American strategic victory in 1991.

The US became the sole superpower of the world in 1991 but 9/11 in 2001 disclosed a new reality - the rise of powerful non-state actors (NSA) in Islamic countries that sought to challenge the US and its allies in the Pan-Islamic World. Enter War On Terror.

The US deemed Al-Qaeda Network responsible for 9/11 and struck its networks in a number of countries such as Afghanistan [related information in here, here, here, here, here and here], Iraq [related information in here], Somalia [related information in here], Pakistan [related information in here and here], Yemen [related information in here and here], and Libya [related information in here] in a prolonged conflict [see photo below]. Interestingly, Trump accepted Taliban's deal to conclude the war in Afghanistan in Doha Accords in 2020 in line with Pakistan's regional interests [related information in here, here, here, here, here, and here]. Taliban recovered and returned to power in Afghanistan consequently.

But US-led forces dismantled Saddam regime to reshape political landscape of Iraq in the (2003 - 2011) period [related information in here and here] followed by Qaddafi regime to reshape political landscape of Libya in 2011 [related information in here, here, and here]. US-led forces also fought to dismantle the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) across Iraq and Syria in recent years [related information in here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here].

War On Terror casualties.png

The US can use advanced technology to conduct operations with surgical precision and defeat opposing forces in different regions but these outcomes do not necessarily lead to stability in volatile regions. This is apparent in Iraq, Libya, and Syria as Iran found a way to create a powerful Axis of Resistance comprising Houthi in Yemen, Special Groups in Iraq, Hezbollah in Syria, Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This shows how much religio-political sway Iran has in the region.

Houthi toppled Saleh adminstration of Yemen in 2014 and prevented a Saudi-led coalition from restoring Saleh administration to power in Yemen in recent years [related information in here, here, here, here, and here].

Hamas and Hezbollah are locked in a prolonged conflict with Israel since 2006. This conflict has left Gaza in ruins [related information in here, here, and here], and Israel is also attacking Hezbollah positions in Syria [related information in here, here, here, here, and here] and also in Lebanon. Houthi in Yemen and Special Groups in Iraq are also taking their chances with Israel but have limited reach in this matter.

Biden is old and have no energy. He is not interested in degrading the Axis of Resistance in the Middle East. He allow proportional responses to attacks on American troops and ships in the Middle East at most. This is what you see in the present.

Netanyahu's refusal to accept Two-state solution has undermined Israel's reputation in recent years. The US might be holding back due to this factor.

There is another angle to these developments. The US does not want any country to rule the Middle East. The US has War Profiteering considerations in fact. The statusquo continues.

These developments also show that an NSA can be well-funded, well-equipped, and well-prepared for war and can influence regional geopolitics in profound ways. Proliferation of sophisticated weapons and parts and focus on studying the art of war can make things possible.

However, I wonder about the future of the Middle East. The Euphrates River is drying up as foretold in hadith. This development might set the stage of a devastating war in the region. The intensity of this war will be such that 99 out of 100 participants will die in it.

"Ninety-nine out of one hundred will die (in the fighting) and every man amongst them will say: 'Perhaps I may be the only one to remain alive."

I see over-confidence and arrogance in regional powers and relevant discussions. Every side assumes that it will prevail. There is gross underestimation of capabilities of the other side and less focus on how to settle problems in sensible ways. Tragedy awaits as Allah Almighty dislike corruption and arrogance.

Now what is the future of the US? Some claim that the US is in decline but this is not a new claim but a frequently repeated claim. Subjective judgement is a common theme, my friend. The US is a land of immigrants and can adjust and reshape its policies in view of global developments, this is apparent in American history. I don't think that the US has lost its military strength and ability to hold foreign lands but it does not apply its power in a big way in every conflict, there is no need to. American leaders have not considered the Pacific War template in regional conflicts around the world. It will be interesting to see how the US will fight a well-armed country, if necessary.
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Jake Tapper and Dana are part of the club
Israel's ABM inventory, which receives unlimited supplies from the US and EU, is unlimited and will never be depleted.
Expensive ballistic missiles have little effect and must be overwhelmed by launching as many rockets and drones as possible from bordering Lebanon into populated areas.

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