Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Same terror tactics they employed in Gaza. Knocking down towers to make as many Lebanese homeless as possible. To put domestic pressure on Hezbollah. Hezbollah has to respond. Iranian leadership is creating a dangerous situation for Hezbollah if they're ordering them to stand down. First time Israel did this, Hamas fired 130 rockets at Tel Aviv in response.

Not due to strength but due to negotiations with Pakistan and the US. Al-Qaeda Network was the target, everything else was on the negotiation table. There is always a behind-the-doors story.

No, this is the Anglo-American Zionist official version; believe in this is the same as believing in 40 beheading babies. 9-11 was a false flag done to invade the Islamic world; for this there is no black box of airplanes, flight list, or body of accused. "Bin Laden" was a CIA black ops operation in Afghanistan in the 80's to expel Russians from there; alqaeda and isis are CIA black ops operations.

What is a black ops/black operation ? it is very easy to know :

" A black operation or black ops is a covert or clandestine operation by a government agency, a military unit or a paramilitary organization; it can include activities by private companies or groups. Key features of a black operation are that it is secret and it is not attributable to the organization carrying it out.
The main difference between a black operation and one that is merely secret is that a black operation involves a significant degree of deception, to conceal who is behind it or to make it appear that some other entity is responsible (e.g. false flag operations)"
[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_operation ]
The real objective of the Afeganistan war was to control the Islamic world; see, the US already invaded Afeganistan in 1978 and Iraq in 1991. This is a long plan to destroy Islam and Muslims.
Think I saw a anti-aircraft missile fired on Al Jazeera stream

Iran will be targeted again soon. Unfortunately, the Iranians haven’t been able to restore deterrence, you could argue it was never there in the first place. Israel will likely attack Iranian assets in parallel with Hezbollah assets.

Netanyahu’s speech at the UN made it clear that they will expand their scope to include Iran as a part of their offensive. What’s not clear is when, but judging by recent events it’ll be soon.

I think the new Iranian president showed a sign of weakness suggesting he doesn’t want a war with Israel. Why the hell would you publicly say that? Nobody cares whether Iran appears as the aggressor at this point.

The fact Iran has failed to retaliate and revenge the Haniyeh assassination is a huge sign of weakness. All this “time of our choosing” is bs theater to create smokescreen but it’s not fooling Israel.

Iran is somewhat paralyzed. Their best option is to attack Israeli assets and conduct their own targeted strikes against Israelis. There will be repercussions, but it’s better than waiting to be severely attacked. At least join Hezbollah and put joint pressure on Israel now while you can.

The other pathetic Muslim countries should grow a spine and join Iran in a NATO style defense against Israel to restore deterrence.
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Iran will be targeted again soon. Unfortunately, the Iranians haven’t been able to restore deterrence, you could argue it was never there in the first place. Israel will likely attack Iranian assets in parallel with Hezbollah assets.

Netanyahu’s speech at the UN made it clear that they will expand their scope to include Iran as a part of their offensive. What’s not clear is when, but judging by recent events it’ll be soon.

I think the new Iranian president showed a sign of weakness suggesting he doesn’t want a war with Israel. Why the hell would you publicly say that? Nobody cares whether Iran appears as the aggressor at this point.

The fact Iran has failed to retaliate and revenge the Haniyeh assassination is a huge sign of weakness. All this “time of our choosing” is bs theater to create smokescreen but it’s not fooling Israel.

Iran is somewhat paralyzed. Their best option is to attack Israeli assets and conduct their own targeted strikes against Israelis. There will be repercussions, but it’s better than waiting to be severely attacked. At least join Hezbollah and put joint pressure on Israel now while you can.

The other pathetic Muslim countries should grow a spine and join Iran in a NATO style defense against Israel to restore deterrence.

Possible escalations coming:

Bombing Qalamun, Syria, Tartus, Damascus

Bombing Yemen again

Bombing Iraq

Killing Iranian and Yemeni leaders

Sabotage or attack on Iranian infrastructures and oil plant

Attacks on Persian Gulf oil structures by Iran, Abudabi, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatari gas lines, KSA

Attack on Mediterranean gas pipelines

Deeper attacks on ships

Attacks on Cyprus, Europe, centcom

Mini nuke attacks, attacks on nuclear plants

Netanyahu wants a "total war" because this window is closing... Because of this, he killed the Iranian president, a Hamas guy in Iran, exploded the Iranian embassy in Syria, and killed hundreds of civilians in Palestine and Lebanon. What he wants is that Iran, the hezb, or anyone destroys Israel with capable arms, so zionist media will say it is a "new holocaust" and that Netanyahu is a good guy who fights against "nazis," and that the US and Europe must create a military coalition to confront Iran, etc. That's the plan of Zionism; alone they cannot win; they can kill one, two, or one million, but always will show up a new leadership to confront them and increasingly with more military capacity. See that in the 70's there was no IRGC, Hezbollah, Houthi nothing, but today there is and more capable than weak Arab countries from the 60's and 70's. What will we have in 2050, for example? Do you understand what I mean? For Zionism, the only way to win this war is killing everyone over there (and destroying Islamic religion), and to achieve this goal, they need a total war and US and Europe.
troops. For this reason, the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 created Isis and Alqaeda to sell Muslims as terrorists and create wars to kill Muslim civilians, destroying Islamic countries: oil is a spoil of war. All lies are being told only for that final goal...So Iran should not go to a total war now, only in the future.
And don't be surprised if the Statue of Liberty or Empire State is destroyed and the media says it was Iran, Hezb, Palestine, Houthis... CIA and Mossad are masters of false flag operations.

You forget that already happened, back in 2012. EU introduced sanctions against Iran, and USA+UK+France warships harassed Iran in Hormuz.

So you should make upside down to your ideas to understand real situation.

It's not Israel dragging USA to Iran war.
It's USA dragging Israel to Iran war, since the first fcking day.
Funny graph, it started in 1973 crisis, when USA PEAK OIL was reached and USA stop gold standard.

USA only interest in Israel is use them like hitmen in the richest oil zone in the planet, that's all.

And Biden can't do more complex thing than buy ice cream. Poor Americans talking about Biden doing this or doing that, they dont have a clue about who the hell rules their country.

Crude oil crude oil crude oil, that's the base of USA current behavior and their only interest.
The rest are just lies and excuse for dumbfucks who believe in endless nonsenses.

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