Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories


It is becoming evident that Israel is going to strike Iran. They seem to have decided that they will settle 'all questions' permanently.
1) They hit Hamas because Hams said they're sissies and won't do anything
2)They hit Hizbolla because the hizbs have been talking trash
3) Now they'll hit Iran and show Iran is no real threat to them.

I think they will extensively bomb all the nuclear labs. I think they've probably given a heads - up to Saudi they'll do this.
I also think that the Israeli leadership has concluded this. But I think that the attack is still a long way off, at least as long as Hezbollah still has some response capabilities.
Intelligence is the key here. The fact that they were able to target pretty much every top commanders within the hezbollah is alarming.hezbollah will not be the same after this.

I agree the fact that Israel was able to target Hasbulla commander after commander week after week day after day shows a serious intelligence and security breach the communications of Hezbollah is compromised they should’ve known this, and this is what led to the downfall

Israel is carried out targeted killings of Hasbulla commanders for the last 12 months and the fact that they announced the death of Nasrallah before Hasbulla just shows you how much they know
They have not confirmed yet but most likely is true. While it is certainly a loss and a cause for temporary de-motivation, their organization is not designed around an individual. The fight against Zionism will go on.

1) If the lebanon esclation had been 'half clutch' Israel's intention would be a contained war
b) Lebanon attack is not 'half clutch' so Israel has decided that all out war is the solution and better it starts from them

ergo Israel will attack Iran.

The only country that can stop Israel is the US. Iran cannot provoke the US militarily but, in a US election year, anything that tanks the US economy will wake up the White House.

Iran knows how.
The only country that can stop Israel is the US. Iran cannot provoke the US militarily but, in a US election year, anything that tanks the US economy will wake up the White House.

Iran knows how.

If per Trump, Iran has possibly attempted to kill Trump twice

They may not damage US economy now.
Trump says the first assassin had a foreign app on his phone to call overseas and that FBI was unable to hack the app and was likely related to Iran.
Isreal is targeting high value targets allied with iran again n again for a couple of years.....as their is no serious cincequences in form of retaliation from iran n uts proxies.....
So the result is isreal is taking them apart brick by brick n as things stand now.....hamas has been neutralised.
Huzbaullah will be neutralizes with a couple of months if things continue as they are right now.
Things from a security stand point are so bad that the grand leader of iran has to be sent to some secret location to secure him.
If that does not tell u the ingress of isreal into iran n its proxies then nothing will
If iran wants to keep some semblance of importance in the eyes of Iranians n the arab world.
It needs to retaliate now in a coordination with its proxies.
Otherwise iran should continue to twiddle with its thumbs n wait for the attack by isreal n its allies
Isreal is repeatedly targeting high value iranian targets n targets allied with iran, again n again for a couple of years now.....
For the simple reason n they know it that their is no serious cincequences for isreal in the form of retaliation from iran or its proxies..... so it hits with impunity.
So the result is isreal is taking them apart brick by brick n as things stand now.....hamas has been neutralised.
Huzbaullah will be neutralizes with a couple of months if things continue as they are right now.
Things from a security stand point are so bad for iran that the grand leader of iran has to be sent to some secret location to secure him.
If that does not tell u the ingress of isreal into iran n its proxies then nothing will.

So iran has to hit back right now n Hezbollah needs to launch a ground offensive into isreal n force isreal into a ground war where it attacks Lebanon, so hizbollah stands some chance of giving isreal a bloody nose....
Otherwise Hezbollah is history
If iran wants to keep some semblance of importance in the eyes of Iranians n the arab world.
It needs to retaliate now in a coordination with its proxies.
Otherwise iran should continue to twiddle with its thumbs n wait for the attack by isreal n its allies

If Iran doesn't, at least Hezbollah should on its behalf.

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