Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Keep all this non-sense to yourself.

Nasarallah, challenged the will of God and got killed on a Friday while hiding in an inpenetrable bunker under a 20 floor building. You find this normal ?.

You cannot win against God's will. Nobody can.
Sounded like the voice from past when Genghis pillages ya villages on horse back yet you are blabbering from ya basements ya dig!!
What arrogance from the Kabul Farce! When will the Hazara relatives have to accept the supreme will and the will of the ruler of the Khorasan states ISIS to ask for forgiveness? It would be better if they were puppets who killed the Syrian people for the Iranians. And when should we stop the double standards?
It's not arrogance. It was just a message, those who were destined to understand, understood it.

Will of God is supreme.
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In guerrilla warfare, you are told to grab the enemy's belt and fight.
It means that against a powerful opponent, you have to bring him into close combat.
Both Hamas and Hezbollah made a big mistake in this regard.
They pulled up to Gaza early in the IDF's chaotic early days and allowed it to bomb freely.
Hezbollah also missed the opportunity to take the fight to the ground and chose to shoot from a distance.
In this regard, Ukraine in recent days has resolutely invaded Russian-held Kursk with ground forces, occupying Russian housing and fighting on enemy territory to discourage the use of air power and close combat, forcing the Russians to report at least 2,000 casualties.
This is a level of blood loss that Israel cannot withstand.
Both Hezbollah and Iran had to realize that the effectiveness of their rockets had been severely reduced by the Iron Dome and that they could not win in a firefight.
It's now or never time for people of Lebanon to rise and break the shackles of slavery.

They must reclaim their country from the clutches of Hezbollah.

This is NOT their war. This was never their war. Let Iran-Israel sort it out.

That is why we are slaves and they rule us. They are a united front the West and the Zionist. They support each other. Whereas we are divided and think of our own self interests.

An attack on one Western partner is an attack on all of them. We are like sheep.
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That is why we are slaves and they rule us. They are a united front the West and the Zionist. They support each other. Whereas we are divided and think of our own self interests.
When US invaded Afghanistan or Azerbaijan fought with Armenia, it was not Christians Vs Muslims war right ?

Now also, Muslims and Jews are not fighting. It's Iran-Israel that are fighting.

No need to get emotional about everything and see everything under lense of religion.
No, no and no. The way to understand it is in the correct chronological order. The abandonment of Medina and Mecca is supposed to happen at a time when almost no Muslims remain. A hadith even predicts that the Kaaba will be torn down brick by brick by an Ethiopian and there will be no one to stop him. All that is far in the future, not now. The mullahs that say this is going to happen in the current events are miscalculating the timeline.

I think your correct, just right end of times the Muslims will disappear and people will start idol worship, Kaba will be destroyed by then but this will happen after Hazrat Isa Alaisaam. At the moment we have the dajjali state trying to expand its territory, to increase its power so their messiah comes. Once their messiah comes then it will be the start of their downfall.
I am not sure about the expansion of Israel although as @PakSword shared, its highly likely, noone from those nations can defend themselves. Israel will become more brutal than it is now,
I've seen that YouTube video with this interpretation. However, there's another hadith with the excat opposite chain of events. The way the sentences are worded makes the meaning opposite. 5 will happen when 4 has happened, 4 will happen when 3 has happened etc.

Narrated Mu’adh son of Jabal: “The Prophet said: The flourishing
state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined
state of Yathrib will be when the Great War comes, the outbreak
of the Great War will be at the conquest of Constantinople, and
the conquest of Constantinople when the Antichrist comes
forth.” He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder (a
gesture of exclamation) with his hand and said: “This is as true
as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh son
of Jabal).” Sunan Abu-Dawud, Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim), Book 37, Number 4281

The above hadith suggests the following sequence of events:
1) The appearance of the Antichrist
2) The reconquest of Constantinople
3) The Great War (A war before the final Armageddon)
4) The destruction of Yathrib
5) The flourishing of the state of Jerusalem

Yathrib refers to the City of Medina, but it also referred to the State of Medina, the first Islamic state. Could it mean Saudi Arabia? I would be most careful with this stuff. A wrong interpretation can cause a lot of confusion and trouble.

Not sure about destruction of Madina as when Imam Mahdi Alaisalaam arrives, he will be doing tawaf of kaba when people will recognise him and plead him to lead the Muslims. Soon after Hazrat Isa Alaisaam will arrive to kill dajaal and rule from Jerusalem. So when number one happens, after a short time Hazrat Isa alaisalaam will arrive and kill him, dajaal will be untouchable otherwise. Maybe Jerusalem flourishing means after dajaal dies and Hazrat Isa Alaisalaam rules from there.

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