Historic: India opens IIT in UAE

Truly is historic - students take all their experience which goes beyond education and includes goodwill for the instructors, administration and facilities along with the country that sponsors the university back with it.

So this can either provide India with long term goodwill and sponsors that will go a long way... or if they end up giving a poor experience really ruin the reputation.

It will also enforce IIT's brand into competition with the Caltech's and Georgia state with their foreign campuses and open the door for education tourism into India going beyond the current crop mostly dominated by third world allies.
You've made really good points. I did not even consider the last part you mentioned - about India positioning IIT brand alongside US foreign campuses as well as it being a spearhead to increase education tourism in India.

India gets its fair share of foreign students from Africa, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. Most of these students want to use Indian schools/India as a springboard into the west where their credentials will be better acknowledged than from their native countries.

India does not get meaningful numbers of students from countries with higher hdi/developed other than exchange students.

However i believe that unless india itself reaches around $6000 per capita gdp levels, students from more developed countries would not prefer to live in India regardless of the brand of IIT/IIMs.

And India will likely l reach $6000 per capita between 2035-2040. So this is a while away. Around 10 years minimum.
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