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Houthi-Israel War: Around Yemen and Beyond - News, Updates and Discussion


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Apr 27, 2024
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China mind even more the genocidal lebrensraum Zionist Nazis now conducting, even if some folks are cheering the Zionist to continue their killing of Palestinian kids.

I presume to catch up with Albright

Screenshot 2024-02-22 192559.png

What kind of nonsence America and NATO doing to pretend to stop the Houthis.
When the answer can be so simple and easily done


Or must China truly step in and supply the Houthis with state of art Chinese AShCMs to be used.
And put Chinese boots on ground alongside of Houthis and Palestinians
And use Red Sea as testing and demonstrations of Chinese AShCMs

A hit from Chinese AShCM will be sufficient for it to be over for any USA carrier.


China must send a thousand Fire Dragons to Hesbollah and Hamas


and YJs to Houthis



A Pittance compared to what America and Germany sending to Zionist Nazis all out to genocide their lebrensraum

🇺🇸🇩🇪🇮🇱 99% of Israeli arms imports come from the US and Germany

According to the SIPRI report, almost all of Israel's arms imports are from companies in the US and Germany. In 2023, 69% of Israel's arms imports were from the US, 30% from Germany, and 0.9% from Italy.

"By the end of 2023, the US rapidly supplied Israel with thousands of guided bombs and missiles. Expected deliveries of major weapons to Israel included 61 fighter jets from the US and 4 submarines from Germany," the report said.

✈ All existing fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force are of American origin.
The guided bombs refer to JDAM systems, which turn simple bombs into precision weapons. Israel does not produce such systems independently.

Other countries such as the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands also supply Israel with essential components for aircraft.

Delivered by Chinese ships to Yemen

Then we will see if America and NATO willing and ready to stop the Zionist Nazis in their horrors they inflicting on Palestinians.

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500 kg semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.

If Yemen has super weaponry, no one would want to mess with Yemenis. From the whole arab world i would say they are the warriors of the warriors i know. Yemenis have a lot of dignity, rest of arabs must learn from them on my opinion.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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If Yemen has super weaponry, no one would want to mess with Yemenis. From the whole arab world i would say they are the warriors of the warriors i know. Yemenis have a lot of dignity, rest of arabs must learn from them on my opinion.
rest of Arabs are too busy fighting them


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Apr 1, 2024
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If Yemen has super weaponry, no one would want to mess with Yemenis. From the whole arab world i would say they are the warriors of the warriors i know. Yemenis have a lot of dignity, rest of arabs must learn from them on my opinion.
Yemen has always been hardcore. South Lebanon is a factory of brave men and women.


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Apr 27, 2024
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Yemen has always been hardcore. South Lebanon is a factory of brave men and women.

I think Yemenis are more warrior that even south lebanese. Look at the map, if south lebanon were that distance,very likely we won t see any action. Yemenis simply does not hesitate. Not comparation at all, sincerely.

On my opinion lebanese are not that tough as before i think new generation is more pro russian and soft, sorry but it s what i feel.


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Apr 1, 2024
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I think Yemenis are more warrior that even south lebanese. Look at the map, if south lebanon were that distance,very likely we won t see any action. Yemenis simply does not hesitate. Not comparation at all, sincerely.

On my opinion lebanese are not that tough as before i think new generation is more pro russian and soft, sorry but it s what i feel.
sorry but you're somewhat ignorant on this... south Lebanese Shia pop is no more than 1.3 million people compared to 33 million Yemenis. That's hardly a fair comparison you're making. South Lebanon is TINY.

Most of Yemen is doing jack shit, many of them are collaborators and sell outs just just like in Lebanon. It's Hezbollah and Ansarullah and their supporters who are the resistance.

You might not realise but over 90% of the attacks on Israel by the "axis of resistance"(excluding Hamas) is carried out by Hezbollah, there is tangible data you can find on this. They've dished out the most damage and received the most back.

In the end respect for all of the members of the AoR wether Iranians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Iraqis. I've no intentions downplaying one for the other, they're united, all play a role, all are crucial. Kudos to all.


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Nov 21, 2018
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always remember America been telling lies after lies after lies.
Such as genocide and slavery in Xinjiang and giving of Diaoyu Dao to Japan
and that Russia started the war in Ukraine instead of USA
and USA did not blow up Nord Stream pipeline
and that Zionist Nazis are not genocidal manaics
and deserved their fucking promised land as lebensrauming playground for jews

Hassan Al-Somal

Elite Member
Jan 18, 2015

Israeli Army Radio, citing security sources: The Houthis fired a surface-to-surface missile from the Red Sea region towards Eilat


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Feb 9, 2022
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Is the Eisenhower aircraft carrier safe or not? The Yemenis said that a ballistic missile had hit it and that the ship's movements had been strange for these days


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Dec 23, 2023
Is the Eisenhower aircraft carrier safe or not? The Yemenis said that a ballistic missile had hit it and that the ship's movements had been strange for these days
No, no, it is fully operative. But entered hyperspace leap... they are aheading to Taiwan, where the new Red Dog is awaiting!


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Apr 27, 2024
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sorry but you're somewhat ignorant on this... south Lebanese Shia pop is no more than 1.3 million people compared to 33 million Yemenis. That's hardly a fair comparison you're making. South Lebanon is TINY.

Most of Yemen is doing jack shit, many of them are collaborators and sell outs just just like in Lebanon. It's Hezbollah and Ansarullah and their supporters who are the resistance.

You might not realise but over 90% of the attacks on Israel by the "axis of resistance"(excluding Hamas) is carried out by Hezbollah, there is tangible data you can find on this. They've dished out the most damage and received the most back.

In the end respect for all of the members of the AoR wether Iranians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Iraqis. I've no intentions downplaying one for the other, they're united, all play a role, all are crucial. Kudos to all.

In no way i am downgrading efforts of south lebanese, in no way, so don t call me ignorant. I say again yemenites are the warriors among arabs, and all arabs must learn from them.

I am not lebanese, nor yemeni, just an interested observer of MENA, specially south western asia, including Egypt. I am military entusiastic, studyng the relation of forces between people.

My resolution is yemenis are incredible, and they are even understimated by the rest of arab world just because they are poor, but they are rich in dignity, that events from today has shwo us that s the most important thing at the end. Money goes and comes but you value what you are.

Hezbollah is being more tough recently.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2022
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Attack with "Palestine" ballistic missile on occupied Palestine territory

This missile was recently fired by Ansarullah towards the port of Eilat, the images of that, have recently been published.




It seems that this missile is from the Fateh family, which has a high range.

The minimum distance between Yemen and Israel is 1700 km, so this missile should have a longer range.
Last edited:
Dec 29, 2023
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Yemeni Army Setting Up Underground Missile Bases


The analysis of satellite images by a Western think tank shows that the Yemeni army is setting up several underground missile bases in the provinces of Sanaa and Saada.

The satellite images analyzed by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) show that the Yemeni army is taking steps to expand its underground military facilities by creating several bases in the provinces of Sanaa and Saada.

In the past, the Ansar Allah movement had used natural caves and simple small tunnels to protect its fighters from air strikes by the forces of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, and even to deploy its own armed forces. But in recent years, this method has evolved, and completely new underground missile facilities are under construction. These underground facilities were formed before the Ansar Allah movement’s confrontation with the US-UK coalition, indicating that Yemenis had been preparing themselves for future confrontations with the US and other Western powers for years.

According to the satellite images of this report, the Ansar Allah movement is constructing and developing underground military bases in the Al-Hafa area in southeastern Sanaa, the Attan area in southwestern Sanaa, and the eastern heights of Saada.

Comparing of the latest satellite images with pictures from years and months ago shows that the debris from the tunnel entrances has been cleared and new routes have been created for the passage of new and heavy vehicles leading into the tunnels. The images of the Al-Hafa area in early 2018 and March 2022 indicate the development of one of the underground infrastructures of the Yemeni army.



Ansar Allah underground facility in al-Hafa area, southeast of Sana’a city

In the Jabal Attan area of Sanaa city, the Ansar Allah movement has in fact expanded the previous Scud missile base of the Yemeni army (during the tenure of Ali Abdullah Saleh), and in the first half of 2023 has started constructing a large tunnel, indicating work on a major underground facility.


Ansar Allah underground base in Attan area, southwest of Sana’a city

In late 2022, the Ansar Allah movement began work on new facilities in a valley east of the city of Saada. Satellite images from February 2024 show three wide tunnel entrances with large amounts of excavated soil piled next to them, indicating heavy vehicle activities. Two other sites near Saada have similar characteristics in relation to the construction of underground military facilities, though they cannot be definitively identified.



Ansar Allah underground base in the east of Saada city

After the initial agreement and ceasefire establishment between the Ansar Allah movement and Saudi Arabia in April 2022, the Yemenis have launched extensive efforts to renovate and expand their military facilities, particularly missile and air bases. The Ansar Allah movement’s missile and drone arsenal, as well as the fighter jets and helicopters left over from Ali Abdullah Saleh’s era, require more secure deployment locations, and Yemen’s military bases are being further developed to this end.

The air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in the early years of the Yemen war and the destruction of a large portion of Yemen’s air force assets showed that the country’s army urgently needs secure bases to maintain its equipment, and the idea of creating underground bases is the best solution in this regard. The scale of these underground bases, the size of the entrances, and the volume of the excavations indicate that the Ansar Allah movement is not concerned about the disclosure of the locations of these facilities and has taken the necessary security precautions in this regard.

They should keep nukes in underground weaponry bases 👍

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