Houthi-Israel War: Around Yemen and Beyond - News, Updates and Discussion

Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and diplomat, has expressed the kingdom’s disappointment at the way Iran has been helping the Houthis. Speaking at Chatham House in London on Friday, he called for more international action to block such assistance and said the “pinprick bombings” mounted on Houthi positions by US and UK naval forces in the Red Sea needed to be more effective.

“We have seen the deployment of European and US fleets along the Red Sea coast and more can be done there to interdict the supply of weaponry that comes to the Houthis from Iran,” he said. “Putting pressure on Iran by the world community can have a positive impact on what the Houthis can do in launching these missiles and drones to hit international commerce.”

Faisal claimed that by continuing to interfere in Arab states such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, as well as in Palestine, Tehran had not fulfilled its side of the diplomatic bargain struck between Iran and Saudi Arabia in China two years ago.

“The Houthis now hold the world as hostage in the Bab al-Mandab entrance to the Red Sea, and yet Iran is not showing that it can do something there if it wanted to, and the kingdom would have expected Iran to be more forthcoming in showing not just to us but to others that it can be a positive factor in securing stability and removing differences not just with Saudi Arabia but the rest of us.”https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/15/saudi-arabia-iran-houthi-threat-yemen-israel-red-sea

When arab states behave this way, what else can you expect but a genocide in Gaza. Look how the zionist supporters across Europe and the US rally around Israel especially repeating lies of what happened on October 7. You can see the stark differences.
I don't think they would dare. Yemen showed them its iron fist. This one attack was just demonstration of their capabilities.

Now they know how to fish thanks to Iran. They will attack Israel at will. Without being repelled.

Israel is now scared shitless.

I think this was the Houthi response to the bombing of their oil depots.

They demonstrated that a single one of these advanced missiles can penetrate the Zio-US shield by dodging 20-22 interceptors.

If the entity dares another repeat of their attack on Yemen then this time the Houthis are ready to rain many of these missiles on the occupiers and send millions of settlets into shelters.
Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and diplomat, has expressed the kingdom’s disappointment at the way Iran has been helping the Houthis. Speaking at Chatham House in London on Friday, he called for more international action to block such assistance and said the “pinprick bombings” mounted on Houthi positions by US and UK naval forces in the Red Sea needed to be more effective.

“We have seen the deployment of European and US fleets along the Red Sea coast and more can be done there to interdict the supply of weaponry that comes to the Houthis from Iran,” he said. “Putting pressure on Iran by the world community can have a positive impact on what the Houthis can do in launching these missiles and drones to hit international commerce.”

Faisal claimed that by continuing to interfere in Arab states such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, as well as in Palestine, Tehran had not fulfilled its side of the diplomatic bargain struck between Iran and Saudi Arabia in China two years ago.

“The Houthis now hold the world as hostage in the Bab al-Mandab entrance to the Red Sea, and yet Iran is not showing that it can do something there if it wanted to, and the kingdom would have expected Iran to be more forthcoming in showing not just to us but to others that it can be a positive factor in securing stability and removing differences not just with Saudi Arabia but the rest of us.”https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/15/saudi-arabia-iran-houthi-threat-yemen-israel-red-sea

When arab states behave this way, what else can you expect but a genocide in Gaza. Look how the zionist supporters across Europe and the US rally around Israel especially repeating lies of what happened on October 7. You can see the stark differences.

I have said it before but these people are complete are utter scum.

Traitors to both their Palestinian Arab brethen but also Muslim world in general.
I have said it before but these people are complete are utter scum.

Traitors to both their Palestinian Arab brethen but also Muslim world in general.
They got no choice bro. They'd get strung up to a pole and jabbed with a stake up their ass, just like Qazzaffi or hung like Saddam, protesting all the way to the gallows. Most of these Arabs are good people, but their countries wouldn't last a week without Zionist support.

Shia kaafir, Iran evil, Barelvi murtad, Hambali khyanatkar, Hanafi misguided, Turdogan Erthaghrool ghazi, Assad Kaafir, Talibunny mhy Lhuvv, Daesh not CIA but rheel muzlim.......blah blah blah. These guys who say such things know exactly where they stand, but won't admit it. Even if their lives depended upon it.

Everybody knows.

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