How “Bismillah” Got Into BD’s Official Lexicon and Speeches: A Personal Tale

Hakikat ve Hikmet

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Nov 14, 2015
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1971 was no ordinary war, it was to eradicate ’47 by taking out all the Islamic phrases that might remind the BD Muslims of their original issues. No official communique contained “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” till Gen Ziaur Rahman used it for the first time following the “Sipahi-Janata (soldiers-pubic)” revolution in 1975. And, a personal story of mine has got a connection to it….

A Merhum uncle of mine was commissioned into the Baloch regiment [was with an infantry battalion on the BRB canal during '65 war and a GSO2 at a corps HQ during '71 war], and was posted at the AHQ in Dhaka during the tumultuous days of 1975. When Gen Khalid Musharraf conducted a counter coup by arresting Gen Zia and got subsequently killed, a sepoy mutiny started to rage at the instigation of Col Taher, who wanted to do a communist-style revolution. They released the house-arrested Gen Zia and declared him as their leader. “Soldiers are brothers of one another, we want the blood of the officers” was their slogan, and they started killing the officers. My uncle was forcibly taken out of his official quarter, which was next to that of Gen Khalid Musharraf, by an angry group of rebellious soldiers. He was about to be killed, but a JCO from that group could recognize him from his days in the Pak Army. He could convince others not to kill him, and they decided to take him to Gen Zia. My uncle was bare footed and was on his pajamas….

When they reached the AHQ Gen Zia had almost finished writing his speech to be delivered to the nation as he was taking over the command of the army and about to impose a martial law. Gen Zia asked my uncle to review his speech. My uncle said it was OK, and he suggested to add “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” at the beginning. Gen Zia introduced “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” in the official communiques and speeches, and also put it at the beginning of the revised constitution of BD. All leaders have been using it since then, including Prof Yunus in his recent speech at the UN….

*Strangely, my uncle was deputed to arrange the Namaz-i Jananza and subsequent burial of President Zia in Dhaka following his killing in 1981.
**Prof Yunus and my Merhum father were batchmates at the Dhaka University.
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It would be better to look at it like "Bismillah was removed from Bangladesh's lexicon for mere 4 years".

In the grand scheme of things, a blink of an eye.

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